The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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As far as Andrea goes:

I wonder if what happened to Michonne in the comics is going to happen to Andrea in the show... beaten, raped, etc. That would be an effective reversal to me... have her suffer for her ignorance, and maybe ultimately be absolved by her retribution...maybe.

I WOULD LOVE THAT! Uh... You know what I mean... That would be a fantastic course for the show to take. If anyone should kill the Governor it should be her. Of course, the perfect opportunity to set that into motion wouldve been the end of the last episode. The governor should have suddenly sat up and gripped Andrea's hand holdin the knife as she went to kill him. Then he couldve subdued her. Ending the episode on the cliffhanger.
I was fine with the episode. Most of them are like this. It's the exception when there is an "action" scene.

I'm more frustrated by the fact that no one is up front about all the information they have. At this point, everyone needs to talk about every single person they come across out in the world. Even just so everyone is informed in case it could become an issue later. People are in the minority in that world. I would want to at least be aware of anyone else out there, just to keep a running tab. Andrea should have said, "I came across a group of people (and describe them) and sent them to Woodbury". Andrea pointed out that Merle was the "one holding the gun". Merle should have shot back that it was all under the Gov's orders. He should have also given the same speech about how ruthless the Gov is to Andrea and everyone in the room. Rick should have gone more into detail about how the Gov's been terrorizing them without provocation. Maggie should have told Andrea what the Gov did to her.

Makes more sense for people -- particularly characters like Rick, Michonne, etc. -- to keep information to themselves. Need-to-know, only. It wouldn't make sense for those characters to all-of-a-sudden become chatterboxes.

That brings me back to last week's episode that Glenn finally found out the truth about what the Governor did to Maggie. That whole time he thought the Gov physically raped her. It was days (?) before she finally told him the truth. Ridiculous.

She told him right away she wasn't raped. When she was first brought back to his cell with no top on ... Glenn said "Did he?" She said "no". That's what they were taking about.

She didn't go into full detail until a few days later, but she told him right away that she wasn't raped.

Makes more sense for people -- particularly characters like Rick, Michonne, etc. -- to keep information to themselves. Need-to-know, only. It wouldn't make sense for those characters to all-of-a-sudden become chatterboxes.

But at this point they've seen what bad consequences not divulging information has caused. A big reason they got into this situation of Woodbury vs Jail is because the characters are not talking.

She told him right away she wasn't raped. When she was first brought back to his cell with no top on ... Glenn said "Did he?" She said "no". That's what they were taking about.

She didn't go into full detail until a few days later, but she told him right away that she wasn't raped.

It seemed like he thought she was raped the whole time before they spoke more in-depth. He was behaving very irrationally about the whole situation, wanting the Gov's blood, which made me think, "wait, so did she NOT tell him what happened?" Or did he just not believe her? Because obviously he was acting like she was raped and only calmed down after their talk in the cell.
So when are the dead finally going to realize they're dead and stop walking? Or say, I am parched! I need a night cap! All this walking around, moaning and groaning, and eating brains is getting a bit tiresome. There needs to be substance to one's life, errr undead nature...
Eli is terarded.

CelticP won't be happy until Michael Bay is running TWD.

I expected to be let down by this episode but I really liked it. The end scene with the Tom Waits song was powerful.
i am surprise no one mentioned michael jackson triller walking dead. licensing aside, maybe we should see some parody or a walker with his signature jacket/glove.

Picture from this weeks episode:


Picture from this weeks episode:


nope. not even close
I thought she was eaten after Carl shot her in the head. She was wearing different clothes then too.