The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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The problem is if the writers want to make him the "inside man" for the governor in the prison. If somehow they make it so that Merle was safe from the beginning because the Gov wanted him inside the prison or some stupid crap like that.

I don't think so.

At the very start of the second half of this season, Merle and the Governor are at odds. The Governor even tries to kill him.

Merle knows that he can never go back and let's not forget, in the last episode, the Governor is planting the seed in Rick's head that the reason they're even at odds is because Merle captured Glenn and Maggie. The Governor even included Merle in the people (not just Michonne) that he hopes to kill when he was discussing his plans with Milton.

And besides. Merle never killed Michonne and went back to the Governor and lied to him saying that he did what he wanted and killed her. What happened? Michonne killed (sorta) the Governor's walker daughter Penny. That's Merle's fault as the Governor's concerned. That's one of the reasons Merle is so damn sure that the Governor want's Michonne and Merle's blood the most.
Can't they just drop a zombies bomb on woodbury? they're not so secured as they think. they can also starved them within. the show probably build up a climax and then have both side drawdown, like the way they did it with twilight. or they can wait for the gov to drop a bomb(nuclear?), like maybe he got one from the military people he killed.
Hadn't thought about a reverse zombie bomb. They still even have the delivery truck in the yard and plenty of zombies in that yard to fill it up again with :lol Don't think that plan would work as well since they've got armed guards at the gate of Woodbury 24/7. Plus its hard to use the same tactic on the people that used it first.
But Merle just tried to convince Michonne to go with him and kill the Governor.

He was right too, Michonne even knew it. Yeah, Merle was worried about his brother, but the Governor wants all of them dead, starting with Michonne. Had they listened to Merle, they would have all been good. There's going to be a shootout regardless, Merle knows this. Afterall, he worked with the Governor and lived in Woodbury, didn't he?

I don't think Merle is a bad guy, maybe in season 1 with all those drugs and racism, but he's definitely evolved. You guys didn't see him reach out and apologize to Michonne? You guys didn't see him suited up and
ready to take out the Governor? Or how about the all knowing Herschel? Herschel seems to "get" and respect Merle. He goes in the cell, has his little chat with him. They're both well versed in the bible.

Yeah, Merle isn't as good as Rick, or Herschel or most of the others but you can tell as soon as Merle saw those marks on Daryl's back and learned that his father had beat the both of them, he sort of reached an epiphany. True, prior to this, he beat the hell out of Glenn, but as far as Merle is considered, it just made Glenn a stronger person. Merle has said
multiple times that he's impressed with how far Glenn has come. Remember, when they first met, Glenn was just this pizza delivery boy. And besides his brother was far too important to just simply let Glenn go. He needed to get the information out of him. Had he let Glenn go at that store, he might not have seen his brother again.

Now maybe I'll be wrong, and in the next few episodes Merle will do something terrible and unlikable, butI really think they're setting him up as one of the unlikely heroes of the show. Perhaps even a martyr that will sacrifice himself for the group. He is after all, a survivor, in it for himself. Maybe to complete his arc, the writers will have him think about someone else for a change.

I think it would be cool and unexpected if he helps to save Michonne if she somehow gets caught.
I have to say, I would be way more sad to see Merle go (Again) than to see Andrea die. I think I might even cry a little if Merle dies now.
I wasn't disinterested, last nights episode was uninteresting, big difference. I find it very hard to believe that Rick wouldn't just shoot the Governor in the face the moment they meant, especially after all the **** that Rick has been through. If you don't think they've been dragging out the whole Gov. plot line then your lying to yourself. I guess that's why I consider these past couple of episodes "fillers.''

You're not interested. If you think other people aren't, whether it's being dragged out or not, then you're lying to yourself. :dunno

The reason they didn't need to lock him up is because he's all out of options. He can't go back to Woodbury and he doesn't want to be on his own. That's why for the most part he hasn't been disturbing the peace. It's Rick's group or nothing. And Merle has shown on 3 different occasions that he doesn't want to be alone.

And I don't think Rick is worried about Merle with Michonne there.
Why string Tyrese along this long, his character must have a purpose besides zombie fodder, my guess Andrea dies in the confrontation and Tyrese kills the gov. Woodbury stays as is sans Gov, Beth, LAK and Herschel stay behind. The rest head off for season 4

I don't know. I have a feeling that Woodbury may burn to the ground or something. I just can't imagine why Rick and the rest wouldn't stay there IF they win the war. It's safer and damn more comfortable than most places.
I don't know. I have a feeling that Woodbury may burn to the ground or something. I just can't imagine why Rick and the rest wouldn't stay there IF they win the war. It's safer and damn more comfortable than most places.

I don't even know if they stay in the Prison even. I don't know how the comics go but I have a feeling they are going to end up having to leave the prison as well.
I really liked this last episode, my second favorite (behind 'Clear') after the break. The Rick/Governor scenes featured some great dialogue, acting and tension. The Daryl/Martinez and Milton/Herschel scenes did a great job of humanizing the opposing sides for one another, and had some entertaining banter. I loved the scene in Woodbury where The Governor reveals to Milton his true plan, and after looking into the eyes of the so called "threat" and witnessing their willingness to consider the Governor's offer, he is genuinely horrified. I have a feeling that Milton is going to end up being a key player in the next few episodes. I would actually like to see him end up in Rick's group for season 4. Considering it's implied he's responsible for Woodbury's infrastructure, he would be a very valuable member. I liked Rick's speech at the end, cutting through the Governor's bull**** and telling the group what he knew to be true. His conversation with Herschel afterwards did tarnish that a bit, though.
...I liked Rick's speech at the end, cutting through the Governor's bull**** and telling the group what he knew to be true. His conversation with Herschel afterwards did tarnish that a bit, though.

Yeah. I was all :hi5: until that part then I was like :gah:. :lol
I'm really just curious of what will happen with the show after this Governor and Woodbury situation this season. I wonder if they'll ever go the "Rick is immune" route. I've been waiting for that to happen. He was "dead" at the hospital after all.

That'd be an interesting take. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen people that have an immunity to the bites and scratches.