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Andrea's avatar in that Walking Dead social Facebook game...


She looks like a cracked out whore! :lol

Poor Andrea.
The only thing I think that would have pushed Rick to shoot immediately would be his son having been shot, or killed. That didn't happen so I felt Rick wouldn't kill immediately.

Rick had no idea if there were guns on him, or guns on Daryl and Hershel, or what was going to happen. We didn't know what was going to happen as well. They had one camera shot through a window up above that could easily been a place where someone had a gun on Rick. Also, the booze. Who knows if the Governor put something in it. No one knew. Also, Andrea set the whole thing up, so Rick wasn't going to go in there just to shoot the Gov.
I can't see them going to woodbury for the same reason I can't see them staying at the prison -they need to shake up the scenery to keep things interesting. They had to create a huge disaster to move them off the farm, and now they have TWO locations that are both viable that need to be turned into a bad choice. I'm very interested in seeing just how they do that.

where else are they gonna go? I think if they stay within the walls of the prison and not out in the open, there is no way the woodbury crew is gonna be able to over take them unless they have rocket launchers. After all, it's a prison. Rick's crew knows the prison, I can't imagine it would be very difficult to trap a lot of the woodbury crew in a room full of zombies or something.

well, That's the thing, Don't they have to leave the prison in the comics eventually?
Do they leave it right after the war with the Gov? I have no idea what happens in the comics but I remember someone (maybe Nam) mentioning this a long time ago.

the thing is, Hershel and Carol want to leave, Rick wants to stay and fight, but what happens after the fight with the Gov? just makes me wonder because if they have to leave anyways then what the hell was the point in fighting?

I think Beth is going to die soon. She is becoming the T-Dog of this season :lol:lol:lol
Why string Tyrese along this long, his character must have a purpose besides zombie fodder, my guess Andrea dies in the confrontation and Tyrese kills the gov. Woodbury stays as is sans Gov, Beth, LAK and Herschel stay behind. The rest head off for season 4
Well, consider the logic. There are 2 black men in the show, and 2 black women. That over filled the quota, so one of them has to die in order to keep with the order of things. :lol
Yeah, I read about that. It's pretty sad. I mean death threats? C'mon.

If people can't differentiate Laurie Holden from Andrea, they got a problem. I really don't understand the hate for the female characters. It's down right strange. :lol

Oh, that bottom story is just nuts.
They're the villains of the show. Andrea is unlikable, and stupid, and all this tension has been her fault this season. Lori was manipulating, and nasty, and was the reason for half the **** in Season 2. But I have nothing against the actresses. It's not their fault the writers really don't like women.

Maggie is getting closer to becoming a good character...she's almost there.
The reason they didn't need to lock him up is because he's all out of options. He can't go back to Woodbury and he doesn't want to be on his own. That's why for the most part he hasn't been disturbing the peace. It's Rick's group or nothing. And Merle has shown on 3 different occasions that he doesn't want to be alone.

Meryl could still be spying for the Governor, I still don't trust him.
Meryl could still be spying for the Governor, I still don't trust him.

I think hes totally untrustworthy, but I don't see him just straight up betraying Darryl, I think thats one of the few things he actually values.

If I saw Andrea on the street I would probably ask for her autograph and for a picture. And tell her she was cool in Silent Hill.

Either people love to troll celebrities but they are not serious, just trolling.
Or people are really that retarded and are sending dead threats.

I don't know which one because this country is full of both, is full of trolls and retards watching tv. so who knows....
I would never ask someone for an autograph on the street, or a picture.

I might, might say hello. Depending on who it is.
Merle is a loose canon, but he's not going to betray his brother or the prison. He's not going to go back to the Governor, he wants him dead.

If anything, he's starting to see the error of his ways and is opening up a bit more. He could have killed Glenn and Maggie if he wanted, especially with all those guns. He was right about the Governor too. Everything he's said so far has been dead on.
Merle won't betray Daryl but he would kill Rick or compromise the group if he thought it'd be better in the long run for the two of them. I think his thinking is he can kill Rick and Michionne and than concinve Daryl to go along with it after the fact just because it's already done and he's his blood so he'd have no other options. I'd actually be more concerned about Merle if he survives the Governor's onslaught since he'd have more options once the Governor is dead.
Merle won't betray Daryl but he would kill Rick or compromise the group if he thought it'd be better in the long run for the two of them. I think his thinking is he can kill Rick and Michionne and than concinve Daryl to go along with it after the fact just because it's already done and he's his blood so he'd have no other options. I'd actually be more concerned about Merle if he survives the Governor's onslaught since he'd have more options once the Governor is dead.

:exactly::goodpost:Could not have said it better myself.:hi5:
But Merle just tried to convince Michonne to go with him and kill the Governor.

He was right too, Michonne even knew it. Yeah, Merle was worried about his brother, but the Governor wants all of them dead, starting with Michonne. Had they listened to Merle, they would have all been good. There's going to be a shootout regardless, Merle knows this. Afterall, he worked with the Governor and lived in Woodbury, didn't he?

I don't think Merle is a bad guy, maybe in season 1 with all those drugs and racism, but he's definitely evolved. You guys didn't see him reach out and apologize to Michonne? You guys didn't see him suited up and ready to take out the Governor? Or how about the all knowing Herschel? Herschel seems to "get" and respect Merle. He goes in the cell, has his little chat with him. They're both well versed in the bible.

Yeah, Merle isn't as good as Rick, or Herschel or most of the others but you can tell as soon as Merle saw those marks on Daryl's back and learned that his father had beat the both of them, he sort of reached an epiphany. True, prior to this, he beat the hell out of Glenn, but as far as Merle is considered, it just made Glenn a stronger person. Merle has said multiple times that he's impressed with how far Glenn has come. Remember, when they first met, Glenn was just this pizza delivery boy. And besides his brother was far too important to just simply let Glenn go. He needed to get the information out of him. Had he let Glenn go at that store, he might not have seen his brother again.

Now maybe I'll be wrong, and in the next few episodes Merle will do something terrible and unlikable, but I really think they're setting him up as one of the unlikely heroes of the show. Perhaps even a martyr that will sacrifice himself for the group. He is after all, a survivor, in it for himself. Maybe to complete his arc, the writers will have him think about someone else for a change.
The problem is if the writers want to make him the "inside man" for the governor in the prison. If somehow they make it so that Merle was safe from the beginning because the Gov wanted him inside the prison or some stupid crap like that.