The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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So-So episode. The battle at the prison was lame. You blinked and it was over.

Now we wait for 6 months... :impatient:
Six months until we get more of the Governor plotting to attack the prison!
anyone else wonder why the group at the prison just didn't herd the gov's group down into the core of the prison and chain doors behind them? they could have had them busy fighting walkers and shot the **** out of them from sniping points. ruined a perfect opportunity for a good old fashioned slaughter..:lecture
Am I the the only wondering why Maggie & Glenn or anyone else from the group didn't shoot the governor down when him and his group starting fleeing the prison? Why was it only those two shooting? Why weren't they killing anyone? Were they purposely shooting the ground just to scare them off? I guess I could see that, but why not at least kill the governor? That whole scene made zero ****ing sense. Let's all hide and set a trap for the governor and the group, only to do nothing and let them all escape. Retarded! They knew all along the governor was out for blood so why let them escape? Why entertain the possibility of them trying a second time?

Like other's have said, Andrea talked way too much during her attempt to escape the chair. Me and a couple of friends were watching it together and I said out loud, "What, she can't talk and use the pliers at the same time? Such a lackluster ending for Andrea. Seems the writers just wanted to kill her off. Besides, she was free when zombie Milton started to attack. Andrea can hold her own with more than one zombie. You're telling me she couldn't take out Milton unscathed? This whole episode was bull*****.

Exactly how I feel. Very disappointed. I can't believe how even the finale felt a like filler. They made Carl seem like a little governor.:monkey1 I think I'm out for next season.
The mishandling of Andrea reminds me of wrestling when the promotion doesn't know what to do with the talent. Aways back it was written that the only way to make andrea more compelling was to have her go full throttle bad guy. Her, Martinez, and the gov vs. Rick , Daryl, and Michonne. I think it would have made for more intersting tv.
I can't even force myself to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy this show anymore. There is not a single believable character now.
It seems like a show has to be nothing less than AWESOME IN EVERY WAY ALL THE TIME to get some people to stick with it.

Ya, I must just be a fanboy like some of you are with some of your favorite franchises. Now that I have had time to sleep on it, I enjoyed the finale. It definitely could have been better and if it would have been a standard episode it would have been great but I was not disappointed.
It seems like a show has to be nothing less than AWESOME IN EVERY WAY ALL THE TIME to get some people to stick with it.

They kind of have made a bed that they have to lay in now. People can't have such high expectations they can't be met but I think for the most part people have been easy on this show.

The [second half of Season 3] was a bit of a free-for-all. It had an organic fluidity to it and it just naturally unfolded day-by-day, week-by-week, moment-to-moment.

I read this before I left for work and was thinking about it a bit on the way (what else are you going to do when sitting in traffic :lol). If that's how they did the second half of season 3 then that explains why IMO it was so up and down. It almost sounds as if they decided after each episode how things would go. If they have story arcs for the season stick to it unless you have some really great idea pop up.
They kind of have made a bed that they have to lay in now. People can't have such high expectations they can't be met but I think for the most part people have been easy on this show.

We clearly have not been reading the same forums or reviews of this show. I read more people *****ing about this show than liking it, yet people still seem to watch it.
We clearly have not been reading the same forums or reviews of this show. I read more people *****ing about this show than liking it, yet people still seem to watch it.

I'm sure. Honestly, this is the only place I read about the show. I wouldn't go into a walking dead specific forum as I know what I'd see there for the most part.
It seems like a show has to be nothing less than AWESOME IN EVERY WAY ALL THE TIME to get some people to stick with it.

In some ways yes. I expect a show to be entertaining for me to watch it. Entertainment is all highly subjective. In my case I'm not sticking with it because I pretty much disliked this whole season. It was all build up and filler with no reward. A whole season of this was a bit much for me.
Don't get me wrong I can be disappointed with the show but I don't think the standards have dropped so far as to be unrecoverable and therefore make me decide that I won't be watching next season - something I've seen more than one person say.
love love love the show but last night made me feel so empty...not the direction i was hoping for. it feels like we've spent months leading up to this "war" only to have it blow past like a popcorn fart in the wind
Damn, have to admit that this not only was a lame episode but an even lamer season finale. If they would have changed one simple thing it would have been great. If they only made the prison battle longer with more of the governors people getting killed it would have killed 2 birds with one stone. The battle would have been a lot better and it would have been a lot more believable for the governor to gun down a handful of his own people instead of the amount he did.

I have no problem with the way they handled Carl. Reminds me of Terminator. Carl is going to lead the resistance and save humanity.:wink1: He actually shamed his dad into doing what must be done. I myself didn't trust the way the guy Carl shot was handing over his gun. When someone says drop your gun you do it, not tell them to reach for it.

This whole season Andrea was a let down. She went out like a *****. Hate to say it but good riddance.