The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Don't get me wrong I can be disappointed with the show but I don't think the standards have dropped so far as to be unrecoverable and therefore make me decide that I won't be watching next season - something I've seen more than one person say.

I think I'm probably an anomaly. I hardly watch any tv and the reason I started watching The Walking Dead was because it was a pretty high quality entertaining show. I was hooked from the first episode of season 1. In my opinion, the quality in regards to directing/writing has really slipped. All the actors are beyond great and the set/visuals looks great. The subject matter of this season could have been very thrilling.
I won't stop watching but that season finale was all kinds of FAIL.

They definitely need to redeem themselves. They took what is one of the strongest story arcs from the book and completely turned it into an anti climatic let down.

2 positives
-Carl is a G!
-Andrea is dead
I actually liked the season finale. Don't understand the hate that it gets...but whatever. Different strokes for different folks. Looking forward to Season 4...
The bloodlust of some people is kind of scary. I think the whole point of the battle was to show the Governor's people that the prison group were not the evil monsters the Governor was making them out to be. And it worked. The Woodbury red shirts realized that Rick's group COULD have easily killed them, and they wanted no part of any further confrontation. It propelled the Governor further down his spiral when out of frustration he mowed down his own "soldiers". That is good compitent storytelling. Many posters in this thread seem to want this show to play out like a video game where this is an endless supply of carnage. Rick's group still has thier humanity. The Governor tried to make his people more like him. The whole walker arena fight thing bore that out. I really thought Andrea was going to make it out of this episode alive. I hope this doesn't set a precident for bowing to fan demand. I am not a horror fan. When I first heard about this show I was going to pass on it. I'm glad I didn't. The characters and the storytelling make it an interesting commentary on the human condition. I'm guessing that a majority of the hate and disappointment is from people who spend a lot of time playing video games.
Didn't think Andrea was going to go out, but they handled it well. Except for after the shot you hear a shell hit the floor. Pretty sure Rick handed her his Python.

Glad to hear someone else caught that.

Did you notice the other "oops" in the episode?

The 2nd time Andrea picks up the pliers with her foot, the jaws are pointing out from her toes. But when she reaches up to her hand, the handles are pointing out of her toes, lol.
The 2nd time Andrea picks up the pliers with her foot, the jaws are pointing out from her toes. But when she reaches up to her hand, the handles are pointing out of her toes, lol.

i noticed that one, lol

and it's good to know that andrea is keeping up with her pedicures while the world is crumbling
The bloodlust of some people is kind of scary. I think the whole point of the battle was to show the Governor's people that the prison group were not the evil monsters the Governor was making them out to be. And it worked. The Woodbury red shirts realized that Rick's group COULD have easily killed them, and they wanted no part of any further confrontation. It propelled the Governor further down his spiral when out of frustration he mowed down his own "soldiers". That is good compitent storytelling. Many posters in this thread seem to want this show to play out like a video game where this is an endless supply of carnage. Rick's group still has thier humanity. The Governor tried to make his people more like him. The whole walker arena fight thing bore that out. I really thought Andrea was going to make it out of this episode alive. I hope this doesn't set a precident for bowing to fan demand. I am not a horror fan. When I first heard about this show I was going to pass on it. I'm glad I didn't. The characters and the storytelling make it an interesting commentary on the human condition. I'm guessing that a majority of the hate and disappointment is from people who spend a lot of time playing video games.
Has nothing to do with blood lust. When you are facing a numerically superior force that wants to kill you, you don't fire warning shots, you shoot to kill. A good portion of Ricks people have seen first hand what kind of nut case the governor is. He's not going to stop. He's going to regroup and come back even heavier the next time. I am far from a person that wants just carnage. I enjoy them taking time to tell a story. But when it comes time for violence they should have it. This was just piss poor story telling. I would even accept a little "I told you so" from CelticPredator.:)
My thoughts on some of the questions about the finale:

Why did they go back to prison instead of staying at Woodbury: The prison is known ground and would be easier to defend against another attack. The Gov knows the layout of Woodbury and how to get in undetected. Made sense to me.

Why didn't Rick's group kill the Woodbury attackers? Rick understands the threat is the Gov, not all of the people. If Rick's group could scare them and get them to leave, it was a win for them without shedding any blood. After Rick/Michonne/Daryl find the remains of the Woodbury group it's confirmation to him that he made the right call. The Gov is the enemy, not Woodbury.

Why did they kill off Andrea? Just my opinion, but I think it had to do with the venom spewed by "fans" towards Laurie Holden. During her appearance on The Talking Dead, you could tell that it really bothered her when people couldn't differentiate between the actress and a role she was playing. Of course, she'll never come out publicly and say she asked to leave the show for this reason, but that's my opinion.

What about Carl pulling a Han Solo? Yes, Carl shot first, lol. Under the circumstances and after hearing Carl's speech, I'm fine with it. Hershel pulled a Dale on Carl and attempted to be the moral compass. Dropping the badge when he got up was basically Carl telling Rick to sack up, lol.

The Gov running away: This showed the audience what the Gov was like pre-outbreak....a big puss. Him gunning down the Woodbury crew was the final straw in his break from reality. No idea where they went, but I imagine that was one weird roadtrip for Bowman and Martinez, lol.

The finale itself: While not nearly as emotional as last season with the barn burning and the farm being overrun, I did like it being a different ending. Every season can't end with the current "home" being destroyed. That would make every season too predictable.
The finale itself: While not nearly as emotional as last season with the barn burning and the farm being overrun, I did like it being a different ending. Every season can't end with the current "home" being destroyed. That would make every season too predictable.

Not only that, but to try to "out-spectacle" the previous season every year is a mistake a lot of great shows fall into.
Rick's Prison = The new Woodbury retirement home. Jeez way to take all the old folks back with them.

This was lame for a season finale. could have been more of a mid-season finale.
I have only one issue with the finale - the gov needed to die. I'm not interested in rehashing him again next season, nor am I interested in Rick having an arch enemy. They should have wrapped that story line up, instead if leaving for potential pop-ups in the future.

Otherwise, I'm good. As I said way back, they needed to come up with some pretty serious decimation for them to leave both woodbury and the prison - they didn't so it only makes sense that they'd stay. And staying at the prison, which is much more defensible, especially with a smaller number of people, makes far more sense.

Carl was the most interesting aspect of the episode. I think Carl did the right thing - Herschel was mis-reading the other kid's intentions. When you tell someone to lay down their gun and they try to hand it to you, especially to someone smaller like Carl, you have to assume their real intention is to grab that person, not surrender. They had the baby with them - it was Carl's job to insure their safety. Notice I said 'insure', not 'ensure'. He did that.

But Herschel is right in another way - it's not just about the act being the right decision, it's about Carl's mental state in doing it. If the line blurs too far for him, he'll start killing anyone and everyone that comes along, imagining threats there there are none and allowing paranoia to take over. It should make for an interesting story line next season.

Andrea dying I'm fine with, since she didn't have much to do going forward. She doesn't fit with the group anymore, and her particular dynamic has been supplanted by the others. She was a good choice for a main character to die, since her story was pretty much played out anyway. I also found it a nice circular loop of storytelling in that she was doing what Dale would have done had he still been there, even though she had scoffed at him for it last season.

They have taken a very drastic turn from the books at this point, more so than even in the past. It makes for an interesting situation - nobody wants to watch them sit around the prison next season, farming and scouting and waiting for something to happen. Without any clear threat, other than the zombies, it's hard for viewers to see where they're going, and I think that might have been another weakness with the finale. There was no set up for next year, leaving a lot of fans without any tease. I know that while I'll be tuning in once again come October, I don't have that same sense of anticipation as I did when they showed the prison in the background at the end of last year.
I kinda felt like Merle in this pic after watching the finale...

I was waiting for an epic battle, but it was pretty tame. I don't know why the Gov and his people weren't locked up in the prison by Rick's group. They had the perfect opportunity and KEYS!*
I anticipated Milton's outcome, and glad that Andrea went out with a "bang" but overall, this finale was weak, IMO. "This Sorrowful Life" was much better.*
ALSO...Too many damn commercials!
Has nothing to do with blood lust. When you are facing a numerically superior force that wants to kill you, you don't fire warning shots, you shoot to kill. A good portion of Ricks people have seen first hand what kind of nut case the governor is. He's not going to stop. He's going to regroup and come back even heavier the next time. I am far from a person that wants just carnage. I enjoy them taking time to tell a story. But when it comes time for violence they should have it. This was just piss poor story telling. I would even accept a little "I told you so" from CelticPredator.:)

Come back with who? As 316what also pointed out, there was no reason to kill all the red shirts. Yes they were coming to kill Ricks group, but you saw how that went down. The Governor killing them makes for better storytelling. It allows Rick's group to retain thier humanity (except for Carl) and makes the Governor even more evil and wacked out. Seeing how the whole seige played out made Merle's sacrifice even more significant. He knew the Gov. best men would be at the drop point for Michonne so the Gov. ended up going into the prison with a group who were mostly poossies. I'ld bet the next time we see Bowman and Martinez they will be the Gov. pets literally.
How does anyone watch commercials anymore? Can't wait 10 minutes before you start watching and then fast forward through them all?

Last night was even easier- I watched GoT at 9am, and then watched Walking Dead at 10, so no commercials.
How do you guys enjoy TV at all with all the ****ing ad breaks? Just hearing about it boils my blood.

I swear it was 30 minutes of TWD, and 30 minutes of commercials, not to mention the horrifying appearance of Hardwick at the :50 mark!
Totally annoying!!

I'ld bet the next time we see Bowman and Martinez they will be the Gov. pets literally.

LOL, I'd love to see that!
Since the show had already been renewed for season 4, it seemed apparent that the Gov. would still be around next season. There wasn't enough time to end him and set up the antagonist for next season. The prison group is going to have to make a lot more supply runs with all the extra people they have now. They will know that the Gov. is still out there, that will always be a looming threat. Who knows what other individuals or groups they will run into.
I'm looking forward to the Gov's return. I can see him lasting through the season 4. Like someone said earlier, there's gotta be a bad guy. Who wants to watch Rick's group garden and make crafts with all the geriatrics and kiddies that just arrived?