The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Crap final. All that build up for a battle that really only lasted a couple minutes, with the governor running like a ***** as soon as an actual battle started. All talk and no walk in the end.

The battle should of lasted half the episode. Start in the afternoon and through the night with the governor chilling in the woods for the night planning another morning attack and make it a war style ending.

All that build up just for nothing. Will the governor be back? l want to see him get killed. Also glad Andrea is finally gone.

That's kind of what I wanted to see. Maybe not complete carnage, but the "Battle" should have taken a little bit longer. Glenn and Maggie could have taken out a couple of the Gov's people.
They could have closed the gate or something.
But, what you posted is what I would have liked to see.

anyone else wonder why the group at the prison just didn't herd the gov's group down into the core of the prison and chain doors behind them? they could have had them busy fighting walkers and shot the **** out of them from sniping points. ruined a perfect opportunity for a good old fashioned slaughter..:lecture

I was really expecting the prison with zombies and the Governor and his people to waste bullets on them.
If they didn't want Rick's group to kill all of them they could have made the scene in the prison a little more tense with a lot of walkers going at them.

The bloodlust of some people is kind of scary. I think the whole point of the battle was to show the Governor's people that the prison group were not the evil monsters the Governor was making them out to be. And it worked. The Woodbury red shirts realized that Rick's group COULD have easily killed them, and they wanted no part of any further confrontation. It propelled the Governor further down his spiral when out of frustration he mowed down his own "soldiers". That is good compitent storytelling. Many posters in this thread seem to want this show to play out like a video game where this is an endless supply of carnage. Rick's group still has thier humanity. The Governor tried to make his people more like him. The whole walker arena fight thing bore that out. I really thought Andrea was going to make it out of this episode alive. I hope this doesn't set a precident for bowing to fan demand. I am not a horror fan. When I first heard about this show I was going to pass on it. I'm glad I didn't. The characters and the storytelling make it an interesting commentary on the human condition. I'm guessing that a majority of the hate and disappointment is from people who spend a lot of time playing video games.

I don't even think is bloodlust. They could have just made it more tense and last a little bit longer, is not even about Rick's group just shooting everyone, they could have just add some more tension or have the Governor go deeper into the prison.
the way the Governor and his people ran away reminded me of this:

I imagine the bacteria that makes people the undead would be much like any bacteria. Some people get the flu, some don't. A simple cold will knock certain people out for a day or 2 when others it is a mild inconveniance. If I remember correctly we all carry MRSA. Some get it, some don't.
The only negative to that or potential negative is that if many walked away going that was a waste of an hour. Almost nothing happened other than Andrea died and it was confirmed the Govenor is totally nucking futs.

My guess is the season 4 premier will just as much if not more.
They should have played the Benny Hill theme song during the ending of the "battle"

something like this:

My guess is the season 4 premier will just as much if not more.

Probably true. I'll be watching for sure. I didn't have to camp out at comic-con to see their panel I'd go just because I want to see where things are going. Maybe, I'll get lucky and it will be the same day as The Desolation of Smaug panel.
"Oh the fans are not liking Maggie? Well ****. Kill her off!"

"People aren't loving Daryl so much? Good bye sweet prince...."
Why are people saying nothing really happened??

Grenade lauchers, and 50 cal machines guns blasting through the prison and tons of walkers.

The Governor going terminator on 20 or so people

Carl also going terminator on a kid

Milton beaten, killed and then bites Andrea but Michonne finishes her off.

Tyrese switching sides.

....yeah, that was some boring stuff.