The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I've just rewatched episode 1 of series 1 and the zombies/walkers feel like much more of a threat than they do now. They pick things up (girl and teddy bear), they attempt to open doors by turning the handle (Morgan's wife) and they bang on the tank with their fists to get at Rick. The first time Rick uses a baseball bat to hit one in the head, it takes around five very heavy blows for it to even fall down. I know it will simply be a lack of consistency in the film making but I thought I'd point it out.

Because the Gov is so dangerous by the end of series three, the walkers seem to have lost any kind of fear factor; they currently seem to be an inconvenience, something to be simply 'moved aside'.

When Rick is in the house with Morgan in ep 1, the terror and thought of the walkers outside is really quite something; how quiet Morgan tells Rick to be as even the slightest noise can attract them really puts you on edge. He even says they are more dangerous at night because of the 'cooler air'.

Not sure sure what others think but for me, the walkers have lost their threat and if the Gov had been killed at the end of series three, you get the idea that there wouldn't be any threat left at all.
I'm not - I said there has to be a bad guy, but i don't need to play this story out any more. I get it - he's crazy. Time to move on, or I'm going to get pretty bored with the story. As it was, everyone in the group at my house watching it (we had about a dozen) kept yelling out through the episode 'why don't you just kill him now?" The only thing more unbelievable than zombies is a guy like him still being alive.

And yes - they've overdone the gov and made the zombies less of a threat - that has to change, or this turns into the Rick vs Gov show, and I suspect most viewers aren't really interested in that.
I've just rewatched episode 1 of series 1 and the zombies/walkers feel like much more of a threat than they do now. They pick things up (girl and teddy bear), they attempt to open doors by turning the handle (Morgan's wife) and they bang on the tank with their fists to get at Rick. The first time Rick uses a baseball bat to hit one in the head, it takes around five very heavy blows for it to even fall down. I know it will simply be a lack of consistency in the film making but I thought I'd point it out.

Because the Gov is so dangerous by the end of series three, the walkers seem to have lost any kind of fear factor; they currently seem to be an inconvenience, something to be simply 'moved aside'.

When Rick is in the house with Morgan in ep 1, the terror and thought of the walkers outside is really quite something; how quiet Morgan tells Rick to be as even the slightest noise can attract them really puts you on edge. He even says they are more dangerous at night because of the 'cooler air'.

Not sure sure what others think but for me, the walkers have lost their threat and if the Gov had been killed at the end of series three, you get the idea that there wouldn't be any threat left at all.

I must do the same. I definitely agree, theres really not much to killing a walker anymore. They haven't been all that frightening with possible exception of the episode where Lori and T-Dog were killed.
I'd love to see the zombies be more aggressive like they used to and be the main threat, however, I'd also like to see the Gov remain the big bad crazy antagonist who pops in throughout the season unexpectedly to creat havoc.
I have read every comic and am fully caught up. I never felt the show was too predictable because I felt they deviated enough from the comics already to have you guessing, which was cool but also maintained some form of accuracy to the books. Who cares about the people from Woodbury joining the group, this show doesn't need anymore underdeveloped characters, I wanted Tyreese to show up for a while, now that he's been on the show its like who the hell cares, such a pointless character that was waste like Andrea, unless they are trying to introduce some new young hollywood actress that will probably be a love interest for Rick or Daryl later on, which i totally see them doing because its TV, which is another reason I think they killed Andrea was to just open the spot for some other new girl. If they wanted to get edgy and have a real WTF moment they should have killed Beth, Judith, Carol, Tyreese and the Governor and have the group split up during all the chaos when the battle that occurred, but instead it was just a boring underwhelming finale.
I've just rewatched episode 1 of series 1 and the zombies/walkers feel like much more of a threat than they do now. They pick things up (girl and teddy bear), they attempt to open doors by turning the handle (Morgan's wife) and they bang on the tank with their fists to get at Rick. The first time Rick uses a baseball bat to hit one in the head, it takes around five very heavy blows for it to even fall down. I know it will simply be a lack of consistency in the film making but I thought I'd point it out.

Not sure sure what others think but for me, the walkers have lost their threat and if the Gov had been killed at the end of series three, you get the idea that there wouldn't be any threat left at all.

Walkers decay. They're easier to kill now than at the beginning because they're more weathered ... less muscle, less flesh, bones are more brittle.

As for them not being a threat ... it would be odd, and off-putting, if the survivors didn't get used to them. It'd be ridiculous for battle-hardened survivors to shriek in terror when they've been killing the things with their bare hands for over a year. Hell ... in the intro to Tyrese's group, I was wondering how they'd survived in the wild this long, and still screamed like little girls at a couple of walkers.

The ones that panicked longer than they should've are already dead.

the only thing i haven't figured out is why in season 1 it took the dead hours to turn instead of minutes. i mean, andrea sat with amy overnight waiting for her to turn
Did we really get a clear time like for how long Milton had been dead? I didn't get any sense of one and the in show explanation is the more violent a person was in life the quicker they turn after death.
Did we really get a clear time like for how long Milton had been dead? I didn't get any sense of one and the in show explanation is the more violent a person was in life the quicker they turn after death.

He should've taken awhile because he seemed like a wuss to me. :lol
the only thing i haven't figured out is why in season 1 it took the dead hours to turn instead of minutes. i mean, andrea sat with amy overnight waiting for her to turn

Didn't the CDC guy say that the transformation could take minutes or hours?

Also, we're not sure how long the disease takes to infect the living. Amy may not have been infected yet, so the infection might take longer to get throughout her body from the bite location.

It seems people turn faster when they turn because of the infection than when they turn because of a bite. Merle, Milton and Shane were all carriers killed by other means, and all turned quite a bit faster than Amy ... possibly because they didn't need to wait on a bite to get through the bloodstream. The bloodstream was already carrying the disease.

That's what I am saying; there was no clear indication of how long it took from his death to his reanimation. So I can over look whether he turned too soon or not pretty easily.
That's what I am saying; there was no clear indication of how long it took from his death to his reanimation. So I can over look whether he turned too soon or not pretty easily.

your right, there is no real sense of time in this show. We don't even know what season it is, fall, winter, spring, summer?
Milton turned in minutes - obviously you had a sense of time. Did you think Andrea was trying to pick up the pliers for hours?

I think Snake is on the right track, sort of. People who die from a bite seem to take longer to turn - those that die of other causes tend to turn quickly. Perhaps it's due to how the zombie bite virus kills - perhaps the process of actual death is much slower physically than it appears on the surface, unlike getting shot or stabbed. Therefore the body isn't yet at the point where the zombie making virus can take over quite as soon, unlike 'natural' causes.
Didn't the CDC guy say that the transformation could take minutes or hours?

Also, we're not sure how long the disease takes to infect the living. Amy may not have been infected yet, so the infection might take longer to get throughout her body from the bite location.

It seems people turn faster when they turn because of the infection than when they turn because of a bite. Merle, Milton and Shane were all carriers killed by other means, and all turned quite a bit faster than Amy ... possibly because they didn't need to wait on a bite to get through the bloodstream. The bloodstream was already carrying the disease.


Yep the CDC guy said that they had scene people turn within a few minutes and others into the hours so they covered themselves already there.