The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Andrea survives an entire winter alone with Michonne.
Andrea can't take out a single walker on her own. :slap
Stupid way to end her character.

Wasn't he pretty much on her before she even got herself completely free? And her weapon was a set of pliers. What people were talking about earlier could apply too - about how the older the walker the more rotted and easier to kill it is - but Milton was brand new.
He is supposed to have said, "The hour is coming. The hour is coming. All who are in their graves can hear his voice.."
I was watching and it was hard to make out but my daughter looked it up later and that's what he said.
It was pretty freakin' creepy cos he had this deep, gravelly, scary kinda voice with this apocalyptic prophesy thing going on then he just hung up.
Wasn't he pretty much on her before she even got herself completely free? And her weapon was a set of pliers. What people were talking about earlier could apply too - about how the older the walker the more rotted and easier to kill it is - but Milton was brand new.
He was really close to her but I don't think her being bitten was inevitable at that point.

And even though he was a fresh walker, he still moved slow like the others. :dunno She should have had much more strength than him.

She didn't even have to use pliers. Gawd. She could have kicked him on the floor, put her boots on and stomped his head into the ground.
He is supposed to have said, "The hour is coming. The hour is coming. All who are in their graves can hear his voice.."
I was watching and it was hard to make out but my daughter looked it up later and that's what he said.
It was pretty freakin' creepy cos he had this deep, gravelly, scary kinda voice with this apocalyptic prophesy thing going on then he just hung up.

Yeah that's right. I forgot his exact words.
He is supposed to have said, "The hour is coming. The hour is coming. All who are in their graves can hear his voice.."
I was watching and it was hard to make out but my daughter looked it up later and that's what he said.
It was pretty freakin' creepy cos he had this deep, gravelly, scary kinda voice with this apocalyptic prophesy thing going on then he just hung up.


I think the caller was trying to complete that whole bible passage to which the governor had only read a small highlighted portion of during the prison assault.
Isn't the creator and writer of TWD comic a producer?

He is. But if AMC is letting him run the show, then they are idiots as well.

I'm sure Kirkman is a great guy, and i'm glad he's with the show...but he should not be the one who makes the big choices. He should be the idea guy, not the head honcho.
He is. But if AMC is letting him run the show, then they are idiots as well.

I'm sure Kirkman is a great guy, and i'm glad he's with the show...but he should not be the one who makes the big choices. He should be the idea guy, not the head honcho.

Well damn! It's his series. :lol
No. It's his comic series, but he doesn't own the TV show. AMC does.

But let's take that out of the equation.

What's the best Star Wars movie? Most would say Empire Strikes Back. (most. Not everyone, obviously. So calm-a-down! :lol) A film that was mostly a collaboration of everyone involved, making the film into the perfection it is today.
Think about the WORST Star Wars film. The Phantom Menace (Althogh I saw Attack of the Clones...but hey)...which had George Lucas making every decision every step of the way. It was not a creative process. Which made the film ****.

One person cannot run the show. Kirkman should not have this power. No one should. If something is wrong, it has to be decided amongst everyone that something IS wrong. Was that what really happened? Did Kirkman personally decide that Glenn sucked and therefor got him fired? I don't know.

But i'd like too. I think the behind the scenes drama in this show is far more interesting then the actual show itself. The I feel like the actors are caught in the middle of this creative clash between show runners, comic creators, and studio heads, and they are just lost in what to do. And what to say. Notice how no one know that Darabont got fired until the news broke. That's really ****ed up.

Which probably how we got such a ****ty character from Andrea. And why she is now dead. Because they wrote themselves into a corner and destroyed any possibility of trying to be creative and fix it.
He is. But if AMC is letting him run the show, then they are idiots as well.

I'm sure Kirkman is a great guy, and i'm glad he's with the show...but he should not be the one who makes the big choices. He should be the idea guy, not the head honcho.

Is this Opposite Day? :cuckoo:

TWD is his story. If writers like Mazzara and Darabont want to ruin his story, I say "hell yeah" to them being fired. The weakest stories this season where Mazzara's. I for one an excited to see what direction Kirkham and Gimple take the story in season four.
Yeah, that's not how it works at all. The show runner brings ALL these people to work together to find a good balance. You fans have said it a billion times...the show is NOT the comic book. They're taking things in new directions, and trying to make it work for the causal audience.

EVERYONE should be on the same page. Or at least be able to express the ability to make good, well thought out changes.

Why do you think Gimple is going to be that guy? You all cheered when Frank ****ing Darabont got fired, and that he was "horrible" and you're "glad he's gone" and now Glenn is in charge making the show better.....and now you're against him?

Gimple is going to get fired, or leave just like everyone else. I have the gut feeling that Kirkman is the one trying to be the every controlling watchful eye, and that's not going work in the end. He should be the consulent. Someone to spark creativity in the writers.

Now, you could flip it, because I'm guessing here...what if Glenn really didn't give a **** about the stories, and wrote what he wanted, and didn't allow for any creative input....that could've happened. But I don't see why they had to drive someone away mid season which resulted in a awfully inconsistent season. It easily go both ways. I'm just more inclined to believe the "creator" problem, because i've seen the result of that more then once.

I really want to know what the **** is going on with this show, because it just seems to be, from all the reports i've read, to be one of the biggest misguided things to hit television. It seems like no one has a good grasp on what's really going on behind the scenes. And unpopular characters getting killed off in silly, random ways kinda proves that.

That isn't the same as me saying the show sucks, so before you get your shotguns and want to scream "OMFG!!11 DIE!"...I mean misguided in terms of the different people working on the show, and not finding a careful balance.
He is supposed to have said, "The hour is coming. The hour is coming. All who are in their graves can hear his voice.."
I was watching and it was hard to make out but my daughter looked it up later and that's what he said.
It was pretty freakin' creepy cos he had this deep, gravelly, scary kinda voice with this apocalyptic prophesy thing going on then he just hung up.

I thought it was a cheesy attempt to start a viral marketing campaign for the next season. But they acted way too freaked out afterwards for it to have been planned. If it was planned, they weren't in on it. I cant imagine a nut got through their screenings. :dunno
I thought it was a very good episode... and I am glad the governor is still alive... I want to see him get more bat crap crazy next season.
Yea I liked it because I didn't expect any of it except Andrea's death and even that played out differantly but that was the only thing I didn't like. She should have been struggling more to get out while talking and we should have seen Milton necking with her. If that was indeed Gimples doing it was terrible.

The Governor didn't run from the prison, everyone else did, what was he going to stay behind and single handedly take on Rick's group. They all paniced and ran, he was screaming at them to hold their ground.

And some of his men do die in the prison, they just didn't show it, compare the group he slaughters on the road to the group entering the prison, theres a good 5-6 or more people missing. The black guy with the Ray Charles glasses, redneck looking guy in a cap etc are missing.

But saying everything was for nothing or built to nothing is silly, its clear he's going to be back and we may even get another bigger prison assault with a tank and ordinance this time. Rick had a small victory and took everyone by surprise but the wars not over.

And again beats the prison falling and leaving the same way s.2 ended so we end up with the same retarded formula every season of they find a place, its overrun, they leave.

But the people complaining that so and so didn't die are adorable, I hope you don't watch Game of Thrones or Deadwood, the bad guys not dying would drive you all mental.
The real villain ...

