The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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She didn't know what? I'm not following you. He knew her sister would turn into a walker just as well as she new Milton would.
Wasn't that early on? I don't think she knew how long it would be until she turned. Hence why she waited.

She had no logical reason for waiting for Milton.
It's not like we haven't seen Andrea or other Atlanta survivors in worse situations either.

How about two episodes ago in episode 14. She practically beat down a bunch of walkers with her bare hands AND she was tired and beat.

Look how quick she got out of the walker situation in that building with the Governor, that was fast/smart thinking on her part with the door. Andrea was a better fighter than Glenn and ****ing Glenn was in a worse situation with the walker Merle throws at him.

I know, I know, it's the writers and it's just a tv show, don't over think it, but man they really gave Andrea the short end of the stick. She wasn't my favorite character by any means but she was sort of that regular that you knew you'd continue to see going on. There was ton of potential to be Ms. Badass after season 2 but nah, let's just keep making up scenarios where she looks dumb as hell. We never really got to see her Michonne team up either. Or the great insight she have been able to give since she lived in Woodbury. Not to mention all the character interactions with people she hasn't seen for about a year (I know they did had her meet up with them, but that was always during threat and tension). It seems like the time they start doing all the talks and delve into the characters more is the episode they kill the character off (like good old Merle). After she got over that whole Amy and CDC "I wanna kill myself Dale" crap it felt like she had potential, then BAM. I under stand what they were doing with her being in the middle of the prison group (her family) and Woodbury (the community she cares about) but they stretched it out as thin as it could go in my opinion.

Point is, she got out of the cuffs just in time as the turned Milton was coming after her. We've seen every character in crappier situations just about. This was just like "Merle on rooftop with hacksaw 2.0" or "Glenn tied to a chair" but the outcome was just odd, especially after Milton's encouraging words and the chance he gave her.

I dunno, it was the only episode that ever felt off to me. Usually I'm defending the hell out of this series but that crap with Andrea and a 5 second Woodsbury vs Prison shootout where even the strong grunts run away sort of pissed me off.

That was something I mentioned in here as soon as I finished watching the episode.

We already saw Andrea taking out zombies in worst situations than this. Besides even if she took 2 minutes to talk to Milton, that is two minutes too long.
The hard thing is nailing down a time line for how it all played out.

We know she was locked in that room with Milton from the time the Guv left all the way until Rick et al were guided to the room. So it was at least a few hours.
The Woodbury soldiers coming in firing grenades and mounted machine guns being scared off by 2 people had me scratching my head as well.

The episode was strong and emotional, but they failed to execute somethings on a common sense level.

They didn't have a grenade to shoot at Glenn? They unload more rounds at zombies than at people shooting at them? Come on.
The episode was strong and emotional, but they failed to execute somethings on a common sense level.

Agreed. That point I will lay squarely at Glen Mazzara's feet. I better be quick though, because his feet are walking out the TWD doors as I type this. :clap


:lol :lol :lol

With the way everything went down she should have killed him without a scratch (or bite).

Though I think it would have been better if she got out before Milton turned and put him out of his misery while he was still alive like he asked her to. That would have been even more emotional and given her some character development.

Instead they cheaped out. So ****ing dumb...

Milton even said, "when you get out, kill me with something in the head" didn't he?

I know this show is all about "survival" and "shockingly real deaths" but Andrea getting bit in the neck/shoulder? She was the last person that would get bit in my opinion, especially with all that experience she had.

Yeah, folks hated her but give the character a break. She didn't have a chance with those writers. These are the same dudes that let her cleverly trick the Governor with a roomful of Zombies, only for him to magically appear behind her when she was just feet away from the prison only to take her *** all the way back.

Wasn't that early on? I don't think she knew how long it would be until she turned. Hence why she waited.

She had no logical reason for waiting for Milton.

Yeah and lets face it, as cool as Milton ended up being, he was just some dude that was starting to get her respect a few episodes ago (which, given the timeline of the story, was just a few days or a week tops).

Lets not forget that Milton ratted her out when she went over to the prison.

Yeah, he redeemed himself and turned out to be a good guy and not a stupid Governor lackey but there really shouldn't be a comparison to your little sister that you take road trips with and the nerdy guy that's into stubs. Blowing your little sister's brains out, literally your first kill would make you hardened. In fact, it did. Look at the body count of walkers Andrea racked up. Let's not forget how she was left behind at the farm and fended off for herself.

Milton died a hero, he was smart leaving that tool there for her accidentally. But then to just kill her off? Pretty dumb.

Writers need to stop listening to the fans. As much as I wanted Andrea to die...I didn't want them to waste 16 episodes on how she's going to die. What kind of crap is that?

I wanted Lori to die too, and she did, but she went out in a way that was meaningful, and they didn't waste a whole season on it. And she was a BIGGER character then Andrea was.
Andrea didn't die in the original cut, they reshot the ending and killed her off! Tyreese was supposed to save her originally. That's why the scene with Sasha(you stay I'll take care of it, he was ment to snoop around and find her) was so outta place, sloppy editing and if you notice the length of Ricks beard is different in the ending then the beginning of the episode.

All in all it was a good episode for me, I do want to see the god get what he has coming!