The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I really don't like the idea of thinking zombies. Not more than being able to figure out the most basic stuff they already can like a doorknob or step. I don't like the idea of them being able to climb ladders etc.

Irish climbed up the side of the tank already so a ladder shouldn't be that much different. And wouldn't they have to know how to climb fences if they could get Hershel's livestock on his farm?
Didn't it happen more than once though?

Maybe they'll show a difference between someone who turns by being bit and someone who turns after a natural death. ?

The second time it happened, it was a heard who broke down the fence by sheer numbers. As for someone dying natural vs. getting bit, Shane comes to mind. :wink1:
He didn't live long enough to know how much of his smarts he kept.

I dunno, I'm just not getting behind the whole, "zombies are doing math now" bandwagon. People were so sure they saw some recognition in Merle's eyes when he went after Daryl, and Kirkman flat out said there was none. Apart from pulling on stuff like door handles and nobs or sliding open partially opened windows to gain access, I really don't see the walkers performing higher tasks other than what we've already seen. Basically, I don't think we'll be seeing a Bub or a Big Daddy anytime soon.
Irish climbed up the side of the tank already so a ladder shouldn't be that much different. And wouldn't they have to know how to climb fences if they could get Hershel's livestock on his farm?

In addition, in season one, I think a zombie used a rock to smash the door down of the shop that the survivors were hiding in.
In addition, in season one, I think a zombie used a rock to smash the door down of the shop that the survivors were hiding in.

From TWD wiki:

There is anecdotal evidence that*some Walkers*retained vestigial elements of memory and personality such as clinging to possessions. A Walker was also once observed to use a brick as a*tool, but there has been only one observation and that was in the field.



Though zombies retain a physical resemblance to the living, cognitive similarities are almost non-existent beyond low-level functions, though there are examples of behavior that suggest zombies may retain small fragments of memory of their past lives. Zombies have enough intelligence to walk upright, to use their bodies to break objects, and to climb around or over somewhat small obstacles such as chain-link fences. In the first season, they are also capable of climbing ladders, using door knobs and display very limited problem solving capability and understanding of simple tools, such as using a rock to break a pane of glass. In "Made to Suffer", Walker is seen putting its hands up to block an attack by Sasha,*indicating that some are capable of defending themselves to a degree.*Mostly, zombies are void of any emotional expression and thought, showing animalistic traits of anger and hunger when stimulated. This anger seems to dominate hunger, leading them to yell and grunt at their prey when chasing them or when obstructed from them with no concern for alerting their prey. Zombies seem to be drawn to noise, presumably because they attribute the source of the noise to be caused by possible prey. Zombies also tend to form groups and stick together, and mimic the actions of other zombies, giving them a mob mentality. In "Guts", zombies retain a further animalistic trait within their "herds", appearing to "sniff out" or examine new-coming zombies before leaving them be, as they do to Rick and Glenn, which may indicate that zombies seem to be able to familiarize themselves with their own kind and be cautious of ones they do not recognize. As shown in "Seed",*Zombies are also shown to possibly have a predatory instinct of "playing dead", lying inanimate, even after being shot and knowing the living are nearby, only to attack them when they get close, biting Hershel's leg.

We know walkers are capable of minimal problem solving, using tools, playing dead (lol) turning doorknobs and recognizing their possessions.
Additional "evolution" would make the more LoD like, and making the walkers "more dangerous" which could also mean that a simple head shot would no longer work.