The Watchmen Figure Thread.

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Soon, very soon. I doubt HT would be referencing Watchmen so much on their Facebook page if they didn't have pics to show soon.
I'm still waiting for Cop Joker! I'm fine with waiting for an offical Watchmen announcement if it includes figure pics and not just a teaser image.
i remember seeing prototypes of figures from the comics like a bajillion years ago. does dc direct have any plans to make comic figures?
No, not at this time. If they do, I hope they don't use those awful sculpts. They look like crap compaired to the stuff DC is currently cranking out, which isn't always the best, but certailny better than those.
No, not at this time. If they do, I hope they don't use those awful sculpts. They look like crap compaired to the stuff DC is currently cranking out, which isn't always the best, but certailny better than those.

Direct from the horses mouth: No plans for comic-based figures, but if/when they do make them they WILL be starting from scratch with all new sculpts.
found 'em!

they don't look that bad to me. especially for when they were made.
Jon's base is awesome.
I'd buy them even now. I think DCD can't help themselves now that they have the rights to do Watchmen stuff but I think it wasn't in the plans for this year and probably next....
I'd buy them even now. I think DCD can't help themselves now that they have the rights to do Watchmen stuff but I think it wasn't in the plans for this year and probably next....

There's never been a time when DC Direct didn't have the rights.

Alan Moore was writing for Wildstorm at the time those figures were planned and he didn't approve of the figures so they opted to keep him happy and cancel the figures rather than release a product that might make him bail on his Wildstorm stuff. They didn't need his approval, they just didn't need the headaches that go with pissing Alan Moore off either.

That's no longer an issue, hence the mountain of "Watchmen" merchandise.
I like that Comedian a lot, and that he comes with two heads. I think those figures look good.

He's actually got three heads, if you look just above the name card all the way on the right you can see his dominatrix mask. :rock I remember seeing these in Toyfare and thinking they were pretty well done. They still looked like they jumped off the pages. This line would've been really cool!
Now that prototype/never released/based off the comics version of the Comedian w/ the 3 interchangable heads woulda been the ticket!
Got the Rorschach Mask and Gun set today. I like it, very light amazingly so and looks great displayed..








The mask is wearable although you can't see through the mask, it doesn't even fit on my massive head but my wife was more than happy to model it. :lol


Worth every penny of the $150 I paid for it. Although not exactly worth the original MSRP IMHO
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