The Watchmen Figure Thread.

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Correct on both counts. The thing is whether or not HT knew that he would have taken just the cape, gloves and cowl with him so they could have included it with the Nite Owl II figure.
It'd be cool, but if Hot Toys did it, it would be a catastrophe. They aren't all popular enough or in the movie enough for a whole line in 1/6 IMO.

Maybe DC Direct will finish the 7" scale line out with them tho, I bought the original Silk Spectre and I'd pick up a Silhouette.
Agreed, thus why I said "customs".

I do bet HT could sell Silhouette and Silk Spectre I pretty well.

Then again, I'm a Watchmen nut. I've wanted killer Watchmen toys for almost twenty years now... the only thing that would be better than a complete HT roster would be a set of The Invisibles or all seven of the Endless from Sandman.
I so thought this was a thread about the 7 inch Watchmen figures. Hot Toys is doing these guys?? This is exciting news!
Agreed, thus why I said "customs".

I do bet HT could sell Silhouette and Silk Spectre I pretty well.

Then again, I'm a Watchmen nut. I've wanted killer Watchmen toys for almost twenty years now... the only thing that would be better than a complete HT roster would be a set of The Invisibles or all seven of the Endless from Sandman.<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

*Homer drool* graahhl... The Invisibles... graahl...
Should/Will the Hot Toys Watchmen figures be MMS DX figures or the regular MMS?

Personally I wouldn't mind if they are going to be MMS. Those figures are really good too!
We have no idea whether they'll be MMS or MMSDX but I would wager that they'd be more along the lines of standard figures.
I could see the Comedian being MMSDX. Give us everything he used, multiple heads, and a bathrobe and we'd have a perfect Comedian.

Rorschach could be MMSDX just for faces, but outside of his prison outfit he didn't wear anything different.

Nit Owl should be standard. He is light on accessories and should come with the Snow mask, cape, and gloves without being extra.
I hope Rorcschach comes with at least 3 heads. They could give us a regular face version. And then 2 sculpted versions with the mask on. The sculpt can be exactly the same, just change the paint on the ink blots to give us more options. Also the Journal, Hairspray/lighter, and Grappling Hook.

Comedian I could see being deluxe if they include a young and old head and a removable flamethrower.
Just thought of something funny

How cool would it be if Hot Toys oficially announced the first figures on April 1st with a tagline saying : It's a joke. It's all a joke (you know, for all the jokes that go with april fools day) and then some (teaser) photos of The Comedian and maybe Nite Owl II and Rorschach :D

Probably wishful thinking though...:)

But seriously, I do hope they announce something soon, because I passed on all the Watchmen figures and collectibles so far. Can't... repress... the urge... any... longer :google

Well, April 1st ends in approx. 1,5 hours in this part of the world so... I guess I was wrong...:(