The Watchmen Figure Thread.

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This is why I care about hype; it sells figures. More sales equals more figure releases equals bigger chance at all 6 being made. Without the entire group, its hard for me to just have 3. At that point I'd rather just have my favourite.

exactly the way i see it. that's why i mentioned the hype dying...
Rorschach's my favorite, so I'll have the fave. But Laurie/Silk Spectre is my second favorite so it bothers me that I might not get her.

But out of my four favorites, I would have 3 out of 4 if Rorschach, Nite Owl and The Comedian are announced, because Nite Owl and the Comedian are third and fourth after Laurie.
If HT doesn't announce these by the end of the month, they might as well not bother. I'm guessing the first group of figures announced will be it because the hype is gone. If that is the case, I may only get Rorschach and the Comedian and pass on Nite Owl. Only having 3 of the 6 would be sad, but very likely.
The lack of a complete line won't stop me from getting the three they release, if they release only them.

If I didn't collect figures because the line is incomplete, I wouldn't have much of a collection. I'm still angry that we didn't get a Barbossa and a Norrington in the Pirates line and got two Jacks and two Fengs instead.

I will want a custom made of Laurie for sure, though. I can just pick up DCD's Manhattan.
Has HT ever finished a line, though? I was never naive to believe we'd get a complete set of WATCHMEN figures.

I want as many as they'll make, but I'm happy with the 3 we're getting. This "hype" talk can kiss my ass.
why the sheep mentality? why does hype affect you? surely if you want something you will buy it regardless whenever it is released...

i understand from a mass market perspective, but id love to know the reason behind an individual who reflects this opinion...
I'm just glad we got some figures out of it, whatever format or make.

I was going through some files from my old computer and found a couple pics of the customs I did back when I was heavily into DC Direct figs. These are about 4-5 years old.






I had started Nite-Owl and Comedian too but ended up getting out of this scale before I got very far with either.
Damn it Dave. When you bumped this thread I was hoping for more leaked info. :(
why the sheep mentality? why does hype affect you? surely if you want something you will buy it regardless whenever it is released...

i understand from a mass market perspective, but id love to know the reason behind an individual who reflects this opinion...

I understand that. But for me, having a complete display of the 6 figures is worth the upwards of 900 scrillers it would cost to get. With just 3, I feel it's too incomplete. And I've been saying it from the start; Watchmen is a unique license in that all 6 of its main characters are equally important to the plot as the next. With that in mind, it's very disappointing when only half the team is made. It would make me feel like my shelves are misrepresenting my tastes if I just had 3 out of 6 sitting there. Almost as if I prefer those 3 which would not be true. So that's my zany reasoning :monkey1

But like I said I couldn't resist a Rorschach. I'll bite on a lone favorite.