The Watchmen Figure Thread.

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Does anyone want me to post pics of my DC Direct 1/6 scale Rorscach? or is there already pics?
Does anyone want me to post pics of my DC Direct 1/6 scale Rorscach? or is there already pics?

Yes there are already pics.. check back a few pages but sure share your personal figure pics if you want to :)
Do we even know if hot toys is for sure doing watchmen?
seeing is believing, and i haven't seen so much as a prototype or head sculpt.
IF ht is making them, they'll be coming out pretty late in the game, which will definitely effect sales.
at this point, it's all insistent conjecture.
Conjecture suggests that some of us are merely speculating that Hot Toys figures are happening without really knowing anything.

Have faith and do not doubt so easily. ;)
Conjecture suggests that some of us are merely speculating that Hot Toys figures are happening without really knowing anything.

Have faith and do not doubt so easily. ;)

Oh believe me I WANT to believe it, its just we're speculating off of a picture that doesn't even say hot toys on it
Oh believe me I WANT to believe it, its just we're speculating off of a picture that doesn't even say hot toys on it

What picture? Unless I missed something, there hasn't even been a clandestine "spy" pic of any of the HT WATCHMEN stuff floated on the Net yet. We've only seen the pre-solicitation list of Rorschach, Nite Owl, and Comedian so far.
What picture? Unless I missed something, there hasn't even been a clandestine "spy" pic of any of the HT WATCHMEN stuff floated on the Net yet. We've only seen the pre-solicitation list of Rorschach, Nite Owl, and Comedian so far.

This ruddy picture, everyone thinks its hot toys, it isn't if you look at the bottom. the mask does look like a toy though.

Rorschach_1280x1024-1.jpg toys watchmen/blue1622/Rorschach_1280x1024-1.jpg
I don't care if the HT Watchmen figures come this year or five years from now, I'm dedicated to getting them and will definitely order them without thinking twice.
I don't care if the HT Watchmen figures come this year or five years from now, I'm dedicated to getting them and will definitely order them without thinking twice.

what if they have like Bupkis accessories or NO accessories? jw.....
what if they have like Bupkis accessories or NO accessories? jw.....

Don't care. I've loved Watchmen since I was 14, hell I tattooed Dr. Manhattan's symbol on my wrist so as long as we get the figures and they are usual HT Quality they are mine.

Since I'm getting a Red X from the attached pic here is it is reuploaded.
