The Watchmen Figure Thread.

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Packed means a lot of stuff. Always has, and always will.

When you say "Theres stuff packed in." That means just that.

When you say "It's PACKED with goodies." This means a lot.

Fact. Period. Done.
That shelf looks great Mando!

All of my stuff is still boxed/stored in my closets because I'm repainting and carpeting the house before I can set up my (hopefully) better collectibles display.

I have both the soundtrack and the score and love both.
That's an awesome display you got there! :rock

And I see you got the score! Do you have the soundtrack too? I only have the soundtrack, really great music on that one too :rock

By the way, where did you get that blood stained smiley button? I thought they wouldn't make that because the smileyface could only be used if it wasn't the main focus of a collectible, because of the rights or something like that?

Thanks! I got both the score and the sndtrk even though I had moist of songs already. Both are really good, imo. The score case sits with Rorschach and the sndtrk one sits next to my DCD Watchmen. The smiley button is from ebay. :)
That shelf looks great Mando!

All of my stuff is still boxed/stored in my closets because I'm repainting and carpeting the house before I can set up my (hopefully) better collectibles display.

I have both the soundtrack and the score and love both.

score? What is a score? Music?
does anyone know if DCD are bringing out 1/6 figures of any of the other Watchmen characters?

Nothing solid. One of the reps from DC Direct mentioned that he'd love to have a Minutemen version of The Comedian from the film which could lead to a Sally Jupiter maybe but that was before even Rorschach was released. They even hinted that comic versions could be far down the road one day. If we are going to see anything new from DCD I'm sure it'll announce in July around the DVD release but the further away from the film the less of a chance we'll get DCD anything from the film itself. I wouldn't mind though Comic version mirrors of the three we have already especially The Comedian.
Nothing solid. One of the reps from DC Direct mentioned that he'd love to have a Minutemen version of The Comedian from the film which could lead to a Sally Jupiter maybe but that was before even Rorschach was released. They even hinted that comic versions could be far down the road one day. If we are going to see anything new from DCD I'm sure it'll announce in July around the DVD release but the further away from the film the less of a chance we'll get DCD anything from the film itself. I wouldn't mind though Comic version mirrors of the three we have already especially The Comedian.

I think Nite Owl modern, Nite Owl Classic, and Comedian classic would be way cool. Could tide us over until hot toys.
Nice icon by the way the 2009 Trek Film turned me into a Trekkie it was amazing and was a 5 out of 5 in my book.
I'm curious to see if we get any Watchmen announcements from DCD or otherwise during SDCC. Especially with the DVD coming out around that time. Timing seems to mean very little to DCD, V for Vendetta anyone? Could be interesting.
I just wish they'd hurry up and announce that they're even doing them, i don't care about seeing pics just yet, at least that way we'd all know one way or the other, i've been tempted several times to get at the very least the dcd rorshach and have a go at cannibalising it to make a decent custom, it's not a bad figure but all i see is a great set of parts with the potential to be a greater figure. Ditto for the comedian, i'd love to see the comedian on a true type body similar to the one they're using on dutch as we speak. Come on hot toys put us out of our misery and announce it already
Well, the dvd release (and Comic Con) is just a little over two months away.

This waiting is driving me crazy, and it will be worse if it's for nothing.
Remember TwoFace?

Bwahaha...oh yeeeaaah! So negative all the time, walking up to people saying "There WILL BE no Hawt Toyz!" happend to him?

He tried that on Rorschach...and Rorschach dropped him down an elevator shaft....

PFFBWAHAHAHAHAH Thats not funny.......wait..yes it is....BWHAHAHAH!.
Don't you people have memories still or have your bongs ripped them all away.

Predator, remember that line? Remember how long it took for us to finally get offical word of them.

If you can't wait 6 months or whatever, why buy the figures at all, if your fandom is that time sensitive, you shouldn't spend money on it, it would just be a waste..

Anyway I hear they may release the movie on this new thing they call a DVD, so apparently the movie will exist forever and not just go away?
Don't you people have memories still or have your bongs ripped them all away.

Predator, remember that line? Remember how long it took for us to finally get offical word of them.

If you can't wait 6 months or whatever, why buy the figures at all, if your fandom is that time sensitive, you shouldn't spend money on it, it would just be a waste..

Anyway I hear they may release the movie on this new thing they call a DVD, so apparently the movie will exist forever and not just go away?


That actually made me laugh. :lol
I still have hope. :rock