The Watchmen Figure Thread.

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Don't you people have memories still or have your bongs ripped them all away.

Predator, remember that line? Remember how long it took for us to finally get offical word of them.

If you can't wait 6 months or whatever, why buy the figures at all, if your fandom is that time sensitive, you shouldn't spend money on it, it would just be a waste..

Anyway I hear they may release the movie on this new thing they call a DVD, so apparently the movie will exist forever and not just go away?

Difference is that Predator is a movie that has been out forever. Compare that to Watchmen figures which would have benefited greatly if announced closer to the movie's release. Not trying to be a downer but it is entirely possible that Hot Toys decided not to go through with it.
Difference is that Predator is a movie that has been out forever. Compare that to Watchmen figures which would have benefited greatly if announced closer to the movie's release. Not trying to be a downer but it is entirely possible that Hot Toys decided not to go through with it.

If they have been developing them since before the movie then they will go through with it. Even after The Spirit bombed they still announced a third figure because they had already spent the time developing it. However at this point I doubt they'll make more than three Watchmen figures.
Difference is that Predator is a movie that has been out forever. Compare that to Watchmen figures which would have benefited greatly if announced closer to the movie's release. Not trying to be a downer but it is entirely possible that Hot Toys decided not to go through with it.

Or since Watchmen got less a reception then most expected at the box office, they could be waiting for the millions of people who like to "wait for the dvd". I guarentee you, by the time the dvd comes out, they'll have gained thousands of true fans who will buy a figure or two. Even more if they wait til it comes on Hbo or whatever.

Of course they could have announced it already and cashed in, but as you can see from reading this thread, so many of the "die hard fans" have already stated that "they waited too long boohoo" and now they "lost interest". Fact is these are those people who probably wouldn't have got it anyway, or would have placed a preorder, only to not be able to stick out the wait from preorder to production and cancel anyway.

They didn't want Hot Toys figures of Watchmen, they just felt the hype of something and wanted to be part of something popular. The fact is the true fans which is the market for these $150 toys, are gonna buy them whenever they are announced, so why not wait for that market to expand with DVD or TV viewings.
Thanks to IrishJedi's pixs & description, he pushed me over the edge to getting the Comedian's guns-n-tags set.

Very pleased with it indeed! :joy

Difference is that Predator is a movie that has been out forever. Compare that to Watchmen figures which would have benefited greatly if announced closer to the movie's release. Not trying to be a downer but it is entirely possible that Hot Toys decided not to go through with it.
It would be possible, except for that's not the case.

Oh, and for some of us WATCHMEN as a property is actually older than PREDATOR by over a year. :lecture

They didn't want Hot Toys figures of Watchmen, they just felt the hype of something and wanted to be part of something popular. The fact is the true fans which is the market for these $150 toys, are gonna buy them whenever they are announced, so why not wait for that market to expand with DVD or TV viewings.
Despite appearances, the "delay" in the announcement of the figures is not due to market factors or the box office of the film. Thing is, even though they were moving to make WATCHMEN figures Hot Toys didn't actually dot all the I's and cross all the T's in order to get officially started until later in the game than normal. As I mentioned before, one of the sculpts wasn't even finished until sometime in March or so. And everything has to be approved by Warner Brothers, DC Comics, Legendary Pictures and each actor before it can be announced and officially solicited. Pretty easy to guess what stage we're at in the process now.

Thanks to IrishJedi's pixs & description, he pushed me over the edge to getting the Comedian's guns-n-tags set.

Very pleased with it indeed! :joy

:rock It is quite a nice display set, isn't it?
Don't you people have memories still or have your bongs ripped them all away.

Predator, remember that line? Remember how long it took for us to finally get offical word of them.

If you can't wait 6 months or whatever, why buy the figures at all, if your fandom is that time sensitive, you shouldn't spend money on it, it would just be a waste..

Anyway I hear they may release the movie on this new thing they call a DVD, so apparently the movie will exist forever and not just go away?

I'm in tears right now waiting for HT Watchmen...
so many of the "die hard fans" have already stated that "they waited too long boohoo" and now they "lost interest".

They did wait too long. Hype had so much to do with the possibility of getting all 6 characters (hype = more sales = line goes on further), and for me it was always either just my favorite - Rorschach - or all 6. It would be a misrepresentation on my shelves to just an awkward 3 out of the 6 when everyone in that plot line is just as important as the next. My OCD can be kept at bay when it's just a single favorite from the property.
They did wait too long. Hype had so much to do with the possibility of getting all 6 characters (hype = more sales = line goes on further), and for me it was always either just my favorite - Rorschach - or all 6. It would be a misrepresentation on my shelves to just an awkward 3 out of the 6 when everyone in that plot line is just as important as the next. My OCD can be kept at bay when it's just a single favorite from the property.

Nite Owl and Rorschach are fine with me
We heard Rorschach, the Comedian, and Nite Owl II were in the works, but with the lack of announcements I'm betting those will be the only three we see now. Maybe not even all three. Rorschach is a given, but I would think the Comedian would sell better than Nite Owl. So maybe we'll just get two?

I think they did wait too long. Hype gets people that aren't die-hard Watchmen fans to buy into the line since its the newest and best thing. Now Watchmen has passed and will be out on DVD in a few months. Thats the very last chance for any hype value to bring in more customers.

RIP Watchmen Hot Toys line :(
If they'e approved all three and bother releasing two -then we would see the third. They wouldn't just release two out of the three if all three likenesses were approved.

But I honestly would rather have Nite Owl than the Comedian. Rorschach and Nite Owl go better together.

I'll take all three even if we never get the others. I love Watchmen, so I'll take what I can get. I could buy the DC Direct Manhattan and maybe get a custom Laurie made at some point. Ozymandias would be hard to have made.

Can anyone in the know give us a little hint if these are going to happen?
If they'e approved all three and bother releasing two -then we would see the third. They wouldn't just release two out of the three if all three likenesses were approved.

But I honestly would rather have Nite Owl than the Comedian. Rorschach and Nite Owl go better together.

I'll take all three even if we never get the others. I love Watchmen, so I'll take what I can get. I could buy the DC Direct Manhattan and maybe get a custom Laurie made at some point. Ozymandias would be hard to have made.

Can anyone in the know give us a little hint if these are going to happen?

Yeah I'd take Nite Owl over comedian too. They look awesome together and they have a videogame about their being partners.
If they are going two then you know it'd be THE COMEDIAN and RORSCHACH. The Comedian has been in every trailer is the catalyst for the story. Rorschach is the main character of the whole series. The Nite Owl II figure just seems like its one that HT would have a blast doing because its right up the TDK alley. Not to devalue the character's importance but that's how I call it.

Either way I guarantee you we'll get all three, patience is a virtue.
They will definitely release all three. If they announced a third Spirit figure after that bombed then they'll certainly release the third Watchmen figure. Besides Watchmen has a pretty large fan base behind it.
Why do people assume that they would make all 6 core characters (or more) had they been announced earlier and the film made a quadrillion dollars? This is Hot Toys we're talking about. TDK made more than $500 in the U.S. alone and there is still nary a sign of Nurse Joker, Gordon, Scarecrow, etc from them, despite all of their numerous Bats and Joker figs being huge sellers.

We'll get the three WATCHMEN we know about. Maybe more, maybe not. But I don't think timing or box office has as much to do with that as some of you think. The movie could have made more money than TDK and we still might never see a Silk Spectre or Ozymandias from Hot Toys.
Just to play devil's advocate, they could have been a lot further into production on the 3rd Spirit figure and so had to continue. Or they may have learnt their lessons from being burnt by Spirit and decided to cut their losses.

Personally I think they will continue and release the three that they have in the works - the license would surely have been too expensive to completely abandon without attempting to recoup at least some costs. Still, I think it a pretty big fail on their part that they didn't manage the production process (including managing the relationship with the licensors) better so as to capitalise on the initial movie hype. I don't buy the argument that only die-hard fans would buy into this line - HT figures are just cheap enough that they are picked up by more casual fans caught up in the hype. The delay has only ensured that they lose the more casual purchasers, which in turn probably guarantees only a 3 figure release, which will again cause loss of slightly-less casual buyers who don't want a half-incomplete collection.