The Watchmen Figure Thread.

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On a slightly different note I've come to understand over the years from Hasbro to DC Direct to Mattel, DC isn't the most exciting company to deal with. Let's say the HT announcement of TDK figures might just have torpedoed the sales of DC Direct's 13 inch figures (in their eyes), therefore they want enough of their Watchmen stuff out and sold before HT releases anything concerning there's.

I know that might sound petty but it's happened before some years ago with DC and Hasbro and then later with DC and Mattel. For a long time DC Direct would not produce anything Superman or Batman related, as far as figures go. There was a sort of gentlemen's agreement with them and Hasbro so that DCD would not take any of Hasbro's steam. A couple years later when Mattel got the liscense they were only allowed to make Batman/Superman characters in their 6 inch line so that they would not be competing with DC Direct, who by that point was making the big two in just about every wave. The liscensing rights to the other DCU characters were eventually given to Mattel and now you have DCUC.

That said I'm sure DC is pulling the strings here once again, even though HT isn't neccessarily considered a US liscensee DCD will most likely carry their products and have to compete with them in a sense. Also, keep in mind that Watchmen itself is tangled mess of rights and royalties and whatnot so there could very well be variables of redtape that we might not even know about.

We'll see them when DC is ready for us too, and with Hot Toys being at SDCC this year they may just be waiting for a bigger ta-da.
It's not necessarily a bunch of ugly red tape, but there is definitely a bit of a gauntlet to run through before getting complete approvals: DC, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Legendary Pictures, and the actors.
Personally I think they will continue and release the three that they have in the works - the license would surely have been too expensive to completely abandon without attempting to recoup at least some costs. Still, I think it a pretty big fail on their part that they didn't manage the production process (including managing the relationship with the licensors) better so as to capitalise on the initial movie hype. I don't buy the argument that only die-hard fans would buy into this line - HT figures are just cheap enough that they are picked up by more casual fans caught up in the hype. The delay has only ensured that they lose the more casual purchasers, which in turn probably guarantees only a 3 figure release, which will again cause loss of slightly-less casual buyers who don't want a half-incomplete collection.

That's the way I'm seeing it. And while the movie may have not have resonated with the main stream audience, it certainly did in the certain circles that follow Hot Toys, and the collecting markets in general. I know Hot Toys doesn't like to explore lines much, but one look at the Terminator Salvation line that has 4 (5 if you count the signature endo figure) and that's pretty close to 6 figures. And the movie isn't even out yet. Hot Toys doing 6 characters from a property may have been a pipe dream a couple years ago, but it's only a matter of time before they start to really explore their licenses.
That's apples and oranges. HT has already proven that Endos will sell, in fact a majority of anything Terminator does well. Of the 5 characters being done (T-600, T-700, Marcus and Signature Endo) all are guaranteed sellers because they take the original Endo formula and only apply variations. The only real newer "chance" character is John Connor and that being the main character is a seller in itself.

If the movie does well or not isn't what is important to HT, its whether or not they can sell figures.
If they are going two then you know it'd be THE COMEDIAN and RORSCHACH. The Comedian has been in every trailer is the catalyst for the story. Rorschach is the main character of the whole series. The Nite Owl II figure just seems like its one that HT would have a blast doing because its right up the TDK alley. Not to devalue the character's importance but that's how I call it.

Either way I guarantee you we'll get all three, patience is a virtue.

HOw do you know that we will get all three? Or any?
Bingo. A good friend knows and has never steered me wrong so why should I doubt him now? In fact, they know that one of the sculpts were finished a few months back....
If someone trusted me with that kind of information to a product that isn't even officially announced or previewed why would I risk that trust by posting it on the net? If you get a gift horse you don't shoot it in the face. That being said I don't. I just trust my source.
Thanks to IrishJedi's pixs & description, he pushed me over the edge to getting the Comedian's guns-n-tags set.

Very pleased with it indeed! :joy

That looks awful. Clearly 1 piece and looks almost plastic. Horrible detailing, too. I also read that the two guns are actually two halves... Yuck.
They're not that bad. Everything's washed out in that pic. Even the bust looks kinda wonky.

I haven't had the guts to break open the seal of my display yet, but I can tell that the guns are definitely NOT just two halves. Now, whether or not there is any detail at all on the backsides is another story. I'd think not.
Not necessarily. I could have translated the email incorrectly. My Chinese is rusty. :lol

Well it depends on where the person is emailing from or originates from. Chinese isn't really Chinese, its usually Mandarin but could be Cantonese or Hokkien or a mix of all three depending on how traveled the person is. :lol
That looks awful. Clearly 1 piece and looks almost plastic. Horrible detailing, too. I also read that the two guns are actually two halves... Yuck.
Yeah, it's fine to blame it on my photo-taking skills, or lack of, for that matter. It's a new camera and this was literally the first pixs I practiced with. Didn't spend a lot of time setting up the shots either, hence the blurry nature of the mini-bust, which was acquired for less than $20, btw. And for that price it suffices for my display needs & what I would expect for DC Direct quality. Remember, the eye of the camera was only about 6 inches from it & the flash just wiped the whole image.

Also, I'm pretty sure it looks better from 6 inches away than you do, "Joker".

Like IrishJedi, I won't open up the shadowbox case either to check the guns, but I'd say from appearances, the polystone gun mock-ups are probably about 3/5 complete as to opposed to merely 1/2. I was worried about this too, but in-person from at least 2 feet away--they look real enough.

Oh, and let's see some of your collectible stuff, "Joker", so the rest of us can rip it apart as well.....
Although this discusion has been really drawn out I still say the HT Watchmen figures will be unforgettable in every way.