Played for about 2 hours.
Feels a lot like Red Dead.
3 hours in last night.. really really like it.. the sides quests are fantastic ..Did not saw much of the game yet but I agree feels a lot like Red Dead.. whats a good thing !
What I do not like that much is.. Gerald voice.. .. way to monoton ...
I dont like the icons and text.. way to small..even on my 60"...'
I loved skyrim myself... and as for now.. I believe this is better.. those sides quests are really exciting !! More story all over and seams to be more deeper then skyrim.
I would say - go for it. Its a great mix of Red Dead, Skyrim and Assassins creed somehow
I haven't played this as yet, but I know from Witcher 1, that you have to wait until Geralt completes his sword swing before attempting another one. You can also initiate executions this way. The mechanics are probably completely different in Witcher 3, though... so I'm not sure.
man, I picked up Dragon Age over the weekend and I'll be playing that hopefully until Arkham Knight comes out, than I have Arkham Knight to play, I probably won't get to this until the fall lol
Game looks awesome though.