The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

But script still stinks like crap.
And after playing the movie based game I can say that there's a miles better plot even tho it's not great.
Re: Wolverine 2

Watched some of Origins the other night. I think the main problem was them breezing past to much of the characters story.

Just like how Venom needed builing up of his character to work in SM3, Wolverine had his childhood, teen years, time at war, time with Weapon X all brushed past too quickly
Re: Wolverine 2

Remove Weapon XI from the equation and it's a pretty good origin flick. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:

I've been a big Wolverine fan for a long time. The 1st movie was one of my most anticipated since X1-X2 (X3 I pretend never happened). I know no movie is going to stick to canon or mythology perfectly (although I have to say "Watchmen" is one of the closest in that regard), but I just felt they changed too much. You basically should be able to watch it, THE the 3 X-Men movies. But they changed a lot.

-Why change the Wolverine/Sabertooth relationship? They are brothers instead of father and son or whatever they were in the comics? Also, the bone claw thing is a 21st century creation in the Origin series, if I'm not mistaken. I preferred the implication from X-1 and X-2 that the gov't inserted metal claws due to his healing ability.

-Why change the original origin, that is shown in flashbacks in X-2? It's not even the same base or location.

-Why change the character of Deadpool and make him the biggest mess of a character?

This new movie has the best story arc from the 1982 mini-series. Hopefully it will stay faithful and be like a foreign western like the series kinda was.
Re: Wolverine 2

I've been a big Wolverine fan for a long time. The 1st movie was one of my most anticipated since X1-X2 (X3 I pretend never happened). I know no movie is going to stick to canon or mythology perfectly (although I have to say "Watchmen" is one of the closest in that regard), but I just felt they changed too much. You basically should be able to watch it, THE the 3 X-Men movies. But they changed a lot.

-Why change the Wolverine/Sabertooth relationship? They are brothers instead of father and son or whatever they were in the comics? Also, the bone claw thing is a 21st century creation in the Origin series, if I'm not mistaken. I preferred the implication from X-1 and X-2 that the gov't inserted metal claws due to his healing ability.

-Why change the original origin, that is shown in flashbacks in X-2? It's not even the same base or location.

-Why change the character of Deadpool and make him the biggest mess of a character?

This new movie has the best story arc from the 1982 mini-series. Hopefully it will stay faithful and be like a foreign western like the series kinda was.

Their relationship in the comics isn't even consistent though. In the early years, one would've guessed they were siblings given the whole incident surrounding Silver Fox and it wasn't until Claremont came on board that they hinted at Creed being Logan's father. That said, I thought the relationship in the film was brilliant and played out nicely.
Re: Wolverine 2

Their relationship in the comics isn't even consistent though. In the early years, one would've guessed they were siblings given the whole incident surrounding Silver Fox and it wasn't until Claremont came on board that they hinted at Creed being Logan's father. That said, I thought the relationship in the film was brilliant and played out nicely.

I'll give you that; the relationship was ever changing, but the other changes weren't necessary. Also, no consistency with Emma Frost as a teen in that movie and Emma Frost as an adult in the 60's in First Class. Of course that whole movie has its own issues even though I am a fan of it. And bringing in a kid Cyclops... It was like no sense of time in Wolverine.
Re: Wolverine 2

I'll give you that; the relationship was ever changing, but the other changes weren't necessary. Also, no consistency with Emma Frost as a teen in that movie and Emma Frost as an adult in the 60's in First Class. Of course that whole movie has its own issues even though I am a fan of it. And bringing in a kid Cyclops... It was like no sense of time in Wolverine.

There're no inconsistencies. X-Men First Class doesn't recognize Origins or X-3. That was clearly stated from the early stages of preproduction. From what I understand this movie will not acknowledge them either as it's been titled "The Wolverine."
Re: Wolverine 2

Sabretooths movie appearances have been just as consistent as his comic life. :lol
Re: Wolverine 2

I've been a big Wolverine fan for a long time. The 1st movie was one of my most anticipated since X1-X2 (X3 I pretend never happened). I know no movie is going to stick to canon or mythology perfectly (although I have to say "Watchmen" is one of the closest in that regard), but I just felt they changed too much. You basically should be able to watch it, THE the 3 X-Men movies. But they changed a lot.

-Why change the Wolverine/Sabertooth relationship? They are brothers instead of father and son or whatever they were in the comics? Also, the bone claw thing is a 21st century creation in the Origin series, if I'm not mistaken. I preferred the implication from X-1 and X-2 that the gov't inserted metal claws due to his healing ability.

-Why change the original origin, that is shown in flashbacks in X-2? It's not even the same base or location.

-Why change the character of Deadpool and make him the biggest mess of a character?

This new movie has the best story arc from the 1982 mini-series. Hopefully it will stay faithful and be like a foreign western like the series kinda was.

He had bone claws before Origin though when Magneto ripped the adamantium from his bones and he still had claws

The rest you're good on.
Re: Wolverine 2

He had bone claws before Origin though when Magneto ripped the adamantium from his bones and he still had claws

The rest you're good on.

:nono Sabertooth's and Wolverine's relationship is safe too. Before Claremont came on board, they were thought to be brothers. That was changed by Claremont to a paternal relationship.
Re: Wolverine 2

That comic where Magneto rips the adamantium out and then the subsequent popping of the bone claws was monumental when I read it as a kid. Kind of one of those "Keyser Soze" moments that i'll never forget.
Re: Wolverine 2

That comic where Magneto rips the adamantium out and then the subsequent popping of the bone claws was monumental when I read it as a kid. Kind of one of those "Keyser Soze" moments that i'll never forget.

The issue where Sabertooth breaks them is just as epic, "You're no match for me now." SNAP!
Re: Wolverine 2

Wasn't it Cyber that was the first to break the bone claws?

Yeah, Marvel did a great job of tearing down one of the most popular characters ever, it really felt like just when things couldn't get worse for Wolvie, they did.

Unfortunately, they never really had a plan to get him back on top and it just dragged on for far too long.


Re: Wolverine 2

:nono Sabertooth's and Wolverine's relationship is safe too. Before Claremont came on board, they were thought to be brothers. That was changed by Claremont to a paternal relationship.

I don't know lots on the subject, but i remember the relationship being alluded to brothers again in 'Origin' with Sabertooth possibly being 'Dog'
Re: Wolverine 2

I don't know lots on the subject, but i remember the relationship being alluded to brothers again in 'Origin' with Sabertooth possibly being 'Dog'

That I know of no writer has ever thought Dog was Sabretooth. I remember an interview where the Origin writer was asked if they were the same characer and he said no, but he left it open for any other writers if they wanted to make it that he had been. No one else went that direction either.
Re: Wolverine 2

That I know of no writer has ever thought Dog was Sabretooth. I remember an interview where the Origin writer was asked if they were the same characer and he said no, but he left it open for any other writers if they wanted to make it that he had been. No one else went that direction either.

In the overall context though, it does fit with what I only saw as jealous sibling rivalry regarding Sabertooth's attitude toward Wolverine and Silverfox in the oldschool books. I would never have seen his actions as those of a jealous father.
Re: Wolverine 2

But dog Logan had three scars on his face from wolverine. Wouldn't he heal from that if he were sabertooth?