The Wolverine

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I don't think i am. I consider myself a fan more than a fanboy

I don't obsess over details like character height, costuming or expect 1:1 comic to screen adaption and complain if something is off.

I agknowledge faults, if i was a fanboy i'd be calling X3 excellent.

I just choose to be positive in general, at least until the movies play out on screen.
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I don't think i am. I consider myself a fan more than a fanboy

I don't obsess over details like character height, costuming or expect 1:1 comic to screen adaption and complain if something is off.

I agknowledge faults, if i was a fanboy i'd be calling X3 excellent.

I just choose to be positive in general, at least until the movies play out on screen.

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Oh...... okay. :wink1:
He was just on 60 minutes not long ago and they asked him and he flat out said No.

To me, that means no. I feel for his wife though. She takes a lot of ****. Gay rumors and otherwise. I think she's great myself and he loves her to death. I remember when he was Punked on that show. One of the best ones. When he discovers that he was punked, he pulls out his phone and calls his wife all excited.... "Baby...I got punked!" I went awwwwwww... :lol

What I find funny is, they never ask...... Are you straight? to anyone. :dunno


To get back on track, Wolverine in a wife beater....


You're welcome. :D

Do you really think if he was gay he would/Could say it?
Why do you think rock Hudson and many others have hidden it?
Because its not good for business simple as that.
You really think if he says yes i'm gay, he'll get another alpha male role. The point of every characters in nowadays hollywood movie is that the audience wants to indentify with the main character.
Everybody wants to be Wolverine, Tony Stark etc...
I doubt any of the fanboys, geeks, will want to identify with an actor overtly gay. Yep its stupid but thats the way the business works.
Again i don't give a crap if he is or not, its just that you're not free to do anything you want in this business, it has repercussions.
To me it's not that he is or isn't but that the general perception that could be holding people back. With RDJ, Tony Stark just seems like a second skin. Jackman doesn't quite have that same natural Wolvie vibe that could sell a movie all on its own. People are pretty tough on him.

To be fair, he's had a hard time bring audiences in to outside films up until Real Steel. His brand has suffered but I hope that this and DOFP gives him a well deserved shot in the arm.
Do you really think if he was gay he would/Could say it?
Why do you think rock Hudson and many others have hidden it?
Because its not good for business simple as that.
You really think if he says yes i'm gay, he'll get another alpha male role. The point of every characters in nowadays hollywood movie is that the audience wants to indentify with the main character.
Everybody wants to be Wolverine, Tony Stark etc...
I doubt any of the fanboys, geeks, will want to identify with an actor overtly gay. Yep its stupid but thats the way the business works.
Again i don't give a crap if he is or not, its just that you're not free to do anything you want in this business, it has repercussions.

I understand that completely. All I'm saying is that he says he isn't, and why people just can't accept that is beyond me.
Ok, IGN just gave it a very good review, Superhero movie surprise of the summer.

If I was Wolverine, I would never relinquish my healing ability, immortality, just saying.

Favourite parts:

creating a tale that is equal parts inspired by a classic storyline from the comics, a continuation of the X-Men film series, and a separate adventure all its own.

Sounds good

In this age when superhero movies are increasingly concerned with universe-building, it's refreshing to get a film like The Wolverine that mostly stands alone.

Fantastic, just like a story arc of Wolverine off in his own adventure, not needing to force connectivity to other events and characters for the sake of proving it takes place in the same canon.

But this story paints a deep and compelling portrait of Logan, a haunted character that Jackman still finds new ways to play all these years later. It turns out The Wolverine is the superhero movie surprise of the summer.

Sounding like a good character driven movie. can't wait.
Fantastic, just like a story arc of Wolverine off in his own adventure, not needing to force connectivity to other events and characters for the sake of proving it takes place in the same canon.

I'm guessing you hate the marvel studios movies?
^ :goodpost: :exactly:

I'm guessing you hate the marvel studios movies?

I like 4/7 of them.

Don't like how everything has to be conveniently connected for the sake of obviousness, like the Cosmic Cube being Odins, Howard Stark in TFA, The Ten Rings for the sake of it in IM3 and Blonksy becoming Abomination through Caps serum.

It's like six degrees of separation thing, but way less than six. Pretty much all of the heroes have a one or two step affiliation through relatives, friends, jobs or technology. I don't think any were simply two people with no past connections.
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So glad this is getting good reviews. My Blu-ray superhero collection will finally have a current gen Wolverine and Superman movie after this summer.
Apparent mid-credit scene:

Wolverine is walking through an airport two years after the events of the movie and all the metal detectors start going haywire with paperclips and **** flying everywhere. He turns around to find Ian McKellan's Magneto standing there. Magneto warns him of an enemy looking to destroy Mutants by building machines (this is directly following a Trask reference so it's probably Sentinels) and asks Wolverine to join him in defending his kind. Wolverine says no and asks why he should even consider it, when all the police and civilians gathered around them freeze and Patrick Stewart as Prof X wheels into frame and says something generic. Cue credits.