The Wolverine

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This isn't like most Superhero movies these dats, the emphasis was on character more so than spectacle.

Logan starts as a man crippled by his having to kill Jean grey in X3. He has dreams of her and is haunted by his loss and inability to forgive himself.

He has taken a vow not to kill anymore, much like in Old Man Logan. Of course it doesn't last long and he reluctantly ends up in Tokyo meeting a man who offers him mortality to end his suffering and re-join Jean.

Events take hold and soon things become a chase across Japan with Logan having taken up the role as protector.

His character takes the forefront and he develops and transitions well to where he ends up at the end. Mariko and Logans relationship is pretty good, it's the basic princess becomes simtten with her white knight protector, it's a dynamic that plays well if not predictable.

There was a fair bit of humour, but didn't contrast with the tone which was was rather personal and bleak.

Action was great, this isn't the big huge destruction of Man of Steel or the sci-fi spectacle of Iron Man 3 but personal engagements of swordplay and fisiticuffs. Even at the end the scale grows but the core fight remains the same. It is different than the released clips, it's longer and editted right.

The supporting characters are pretty good.

Mariko plays the angelic and naive love interest well.
Yukio was great, best sidekick in any movie i've seen and her action was awesome.
Harada was cool as the loyal bodyguard to the Yashida clan but not too explored.
Shingen and Yashida played their roles well but didn't stand out much.
Viper wasn't bad for the most part, her presence was in small doses and this was for the best as toward the end her character stepped to the front and she became the typcial venemous female with no soul.

Enjoyed it very much. Not quite as good as X2 or XFC but much much better than X3 and Origins

Make sure you stay for a mid-credit scene.

Wolverine himself is badass and probably the best Jackman has played him
The healing factor plot makes sense in th film and is done well
Actions was great
Logan and Yukio make a great team

The pace slowed down and become a bit lullsome in the middle
The villains were decent but didn't stand out that much
Disjointed rating, at times ther'es blood and impalment and swearwords other times it restrains these things.

Some Spoile stuff you shouldn't read unless you've seen it...

The way the healing factor was done i thought was well thought out.
Having viper poison him and supress his healing factor rather than remove it was ideal to keep him as Wolverine.

I don't know the Silver Samurais story so i don't know if they butchered his character, but while things are obviously different i don't see and things done for jokes so i can't imagine it's as bad as Mandarin

The Silver Samurai robot with Yashida i thought was a great design, but could've done with being outside the generic science facility.

The part where Mariko is stroking Logans claws had bad editting it switches view and hand on his claws is in different positions.

Pretty shocked they got rid of his adamantium claws. i thought they'd find a convenient way to grow them back but no and Logan leaving Mariko at the end made better sense that the conventional happily ever after ending, they weren't really in love more like enamoured with each other, The ending where he kindof accepts that he's a mutant killer who can help people is a good sign that hopefully he'll no longe be trying to fight against who he is.

If they make an X-FORCE movie i really hope Yukio is on the team she was awesome.

The rating was weird they kept things like blood and visible stabbings out for the most part but then showed Logan cutting into himself with blood and being impaled with swords and swearing like a trucker. They coud've eaily gone whole hog and had him stabbing people visible even if you don't see the blood.

The Ninjas in the snow battle was much shorted than the trailers, he basically runs while getting shot and sucumbs. Him cutting the wires and slicing and killing a few of them and then finally succumbing to the amount of arrowas and poison dart would've been better.

Was dissapointed that he didn't use a Sword other than the last battle though
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Nova, do you think Biel would have been good as Viper? Better than the girl who plays her?
I dunno, while viper wasn't brillaint the actress played her well and she was appropriatley hot, powerful and evil.

She had a kindof sexy elegance to her so i don't see Biel being any better, but possibly worse. I can't really picture Biel as a villaness personally