The Wolverine

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I can think of one way right now that Wolverine wins hands down.

In Iron Man 3 Pepper gets all Extremissy and then like 15 minutes later she's back to normal

In this

Wolverine loses his Adamantium Claws but doesn't get them back

And in Thor 2

in Thor 2, Thor loses a hand. I can almost guarentee right now he'll get it back via magic or it being a dream or something
Really liked this Wolverine, thought there were some missed opportunities, but there were some really memorable scenes. The credit scene was a huge surprise. The Jean stuff was really old by the end and toning them down would be about the only thing I could think of off the top of my head as a huge improvement.

I really like the chick who played Mariko, hope she can fit in somewhere down the road even if just a cameo if for nothing else just to show that the romance is still there.
Also, I don't know if they sharpened up the graphics somehow, but the bullet train fight didn't look bad compared to what I was expecting from the preview.
The preview really editted things badly. Even the superman fly looks much better in the movie, the way his legs were angled was more like freefalling horizonatally
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I just saw it, I loved everything about Logan/Wolverine and Jackman's performance. I loved the prisoner/WWII and immortality story. I thought it was great how they touched on the idea of him being immortal and how someone would feel with that pain (just wish they'd explore it entirely). The first part of the film where he's wandering around the wilderness grizzly adams style was great. I loved how the character was alone and tormented by his past and was now living up in the mountains with a bear. The fight in the bar was also a nice little homage to X1 at the bar, I thought that was great too.

There wasn't anything I didn't like about the character. Great lines, great personality and another great use of the F-Bomb. He has this whole dirty harry/anti-hero vibe to him that they nailed yet again. I think my favorite part was the "10 words" thing, then he throws the guy off the balcony.

The action was also top notch, especially those fight scenes. All of them were great, especially the one on the bullet train and the funeral fight. Not too much CGI and it had the right look to it where the fighting looked real.

BUT . . . (wouldn't be a comic book movie review without criticisms)

Weird plot and story bro. The whole tone of the movie seems to change when he's asked to go to Tokyo. The third act had me scratching my head like most/all third acts do in a superhero movie.

Poison Ivy lady . . . uhhh, why is she in there?

Jean Grey PTSD. LAME. It's not enough to want to die after living for centuries, oh no, let's throw in that crap from X3. Why does every hero have to start out with some sort of depression/stress disorder now? Bruce moped around doing nothing for 8 years . . . then quit being Batman and throwing him away permanently. Stark suffered from PTSD after the Avengers . . . and threw his arc reactor away. Now Old Man Logan is having visions of Famke Janssen (Cyclops' woman) and . . . LOST HIS WEAPONS.

Silver Samurai, the old guy, inheriting the family company, I dunno. It guess I just didn't get it or would have liked the character to have experienced some thing else in a different environment.

Pretty much everyone's motivation but Wolverine's.

Also, WWII happened before Stryker put the Admantium in Logan's skeleton right? The whole Weapon X project that made Logan lose his memory? How then, does Logan remember fighting in WWII, let alone the character he saved? He lost his memory remember? He was wandering around, bar to bar, fighting, not knowing what his name tags meant. How could he remember WWII? How he could he remember a time where he had bone claws? Or Japan? Or any of that? Stupid.

So yeah, I didn't like the story of The Wolverine, but I LOVED the WOLVERINE, the character. That's my assessment. Not bad, not great, but good.

And Iron Man 3 has been the best comic book superhero this year/summer for me.
Pretty much agreed with your entire review DiFab...until your last sentence anyways. :lol
I'd say there was a few too many Jean scenes. But Logan wasn't weakened by them like Stark and Bruce were, imo.

DiFabio said:
Also, WWII happened before Stryker put the Admantium in Logan's skeleton right? The whole Weapon X project that made Logan lose his memory? How then, does Logan remember fighting in WWII, let alone the character he saved? He lost his memory remember? He was wandering around, bar to bar, fighting, not knowing what his name tags meant. How could he remember WWII? How he could he remember a time where he had bone claws? Or Japan? Or any of that? Stupid.

Well in X1 it was established he had nightmare memory flashes of Weapon X. So it's just as possible to have nightmare flashes of Nagasaki.

It was just more detailed for our benefit, i guess.
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Well in X1 it was established he had nightmare memory flashes of Weapon X. So it's just as possible to have nightmare flashes of Nagasaki.

It was just more detailed for our benefit, i guess.

He only has brief flashbacks later on, but this takes place after X3, his memory blockage trauma was lifted at the end of X2, no?
Well in X1 it was established he had nightmare memory flashes of Weapon X. So it's just as possible to have nightmare flashes of Nagasaki.

It was just more detailed for our benefit, i guess.

To the point where he'd remember the sword and the Yashida's name? Where he vividly remembers that he had bone claws instead of metal ones? I love the scenes, but I have trouble buying that one. He didn't remember Stryker's name and that was a much more recent memory.

I liked the idea that Logan doesn't remember his old life at all. That's part of the charm.

Again, that's just a nitpick, I still love Logan/Wolverine in this. It's just he shouldn't remember the WWII stuff or even the fact that he's as old as he is. He's the guy without a past, that's the character. The only relevant thing was Stryker and Weapon X, all from X2 . . .

It's kinda alluded to though Stryker says to him at the end of X2 to go with him and he'll clear everything up

Yeah, and he refuses and moves on, leaving his past behind. So he doesn't know and doesn't care to know. All he knows is that he was once a pretty "bad guy", he was part of an experiment that gave fused/grafted metal to his body and gave him lethal metal claws (never knew about the bones) and was wondering the world for years searching for who he was.