The WWE Thread

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Looks like Ziggler might retire in 2 years. He probably isn't going to get another major title run...:gah:

Cesaro out 6 Months, Orton out 6 Months - a year, Seth Rollins out 6-9 Months, Sting out 4 Months, Daniel Bryan may never compete again, Tyson Kidd out 1 Year - Life, Cena on Vacation.

WWE has serious problems...

Bring up the Demon! They also only have 2-3 average at best heels so Im not sure why Roman keeps stomping on everyone. Let him get ganged up on every time so we have "sympathy" and win at the PPVs. Didnt Rocky lose once in the movies to build him up?
Looks like Ziggler might retire in 2 years. He probably isn't going to get another major title run...:gah:

Cesaro out 6 Months, Orton out 6 Months - a year, Seth Rollins out 6-9 Months, Sting out 4 Months, Daniel Bryan may never compete again, Tyson Kidd out 1 Year - Life, Cena on Vacation.

WWE has serious problems...

Haven't even really been watching because of everything. New Day is the lone highlight for programming. They scrapped Mania plans because all the matches planned fell through one way or another. They want 100,000 in Dallas and they won't get half that with the current roster now.

Best case scenario is Austin returns and has a match.
Was flipping back and forth between Raw and football but WWE was unwatchable tonight. Felt like every time i turned it on New Day was there so it was an immediate flip back to football. As much as i loved ECW in my youth, seeing Tommy Dreamer was not very exciting. They need to let it go and not bastardize ECW any more than they already have.
Looks like Ziggler might retire in 2 years. He probably isn't going to get another major title run...:gah:

Cesaro out 6 Months, Orton out 6 Months - a year, Seth Rollins out 6-9 Months, Sting out 4 Months, Daniel Bryan may never compete again, Tyson Kidd out 1 Year - Life, Cena on Vacation.

WWE has serious problems...
Man, every wrestler I care anything about from WWE is out. But, that's the price they pay for working their ***** off day in and day out. WWE should have capitalized on guys like Bryan, Cesaro, and Rollins years before they did.
Was flipping back and forth between Raw and football but WWE was unwatchable tonight. Felt like every time i turned it on New Day was there so it was an immediate flip back to football. As much as i loved ECW in my youth, seeing Tommy Dreamer was not very exciting. They need to let it go and not bastardize ECW any more than they already have.

Yup... that is saying something to when the MNF game is Browns and Ravens with no Flacco, Smith, Johnny...
That's a crazy run of serious injuries. I don't remember anything like that from when I was a kid watching in the '80s. It'd be like if Hogan, Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior, Honky Tonk Man and Andre the Giant were all out injured at the same time. Hope they can all bounce back. I hate seeing the old guys barely able to walk anymore.
Yeah, but to my earlier point, none of those guys worked in the same way that Bryan, Cesaro, or Rollins do. There were major workers of course, like Macho Man, Flair, and Steamboat, but their matches still can't compare in terms of the damage those guys did to their bodies day in and out. But it's also true that back in those days, guys would work through injuries, particularly head-related injuries, and they paid for it when their careers were over.
This is very true, wrestlers have been doing crazier spots for a long time now. Once you raise the bar, people expect more and more. I guess one of the downsides of kayfabe being dead is the mentality of "it's not a real fight, so they better do some insane spots to keep my interest". I just hate seeing guys getting seriously hurt trying to keep us entertained. It's a strange thing. When I was a kid, I was ok with the idea that wrestlers were trying to kill each other because I thought it was "real". Now that I'm old, I hate seeing them get hurt because when they do, I know that it's "really real". Life is weird.
Haven't even really been watching because of everything. New Day is the lone highlight for programming. They scrapped Mania plans because all the matches planned fell through one way or another. They want 100,000 in Dallas and they won't get half that with the current roster now.

Best case scenario is Austin returns and has a match.

Even then, it probably wouldn't make it to 100,000. But WWE are known to exaggerate, so they may stretch the number quite a bit.

Man, every wrestler I care anything about from WWE is out. But, that's the price they pay for working their ***** off day in and day out. WWE should have capitalized on guys like Bryan, Cesaro, and Rollins years before they did.
Well, Bryan's chances of being given the okay by WWE medical are slim to none. Shame too, Bryan was truly amazing. I was always a Punk guy myself, but Bryan was definetly in my top favs in his heyday. We've probably seen the last of him, but who knows. Miracles can happen.

Yeah, but to my earlier point, none of those guys worked in the same way that Bryan, Cesaro, or Rollins do. There were major workers of course, like Macho Man, Flair, and Steamboat, but their matches still can't compare in terms of the damage those guys did to their bodies day in and out. But it's also true that back in those days, guys would work through injuries, particularly head-related injuries, and they paid for it when their careers were over.
True, and all those guys damaged their bodies significantly for the entertainment. And they aren't even pushed until they've been with the company for a few years. Typical WWE.

Honestly, I'm more shocked about Randy orton than Rollins or Cesaro. All he had was a dislocated shoulder, he was set to come back before Mania, now he'll be out until at least Summerslam 2016. That's if he's lucky. If not, he'll be out another year and might even retire.

Also, the way creative handled Sheamus was terrible. He should have defeated Ryback's team at SS single handedly. That would have made him look like an unstoppable machine. Instead he loses to jobbers just an hour before he becomes WWE champion. I wish Vince would hire me to write the scripts. A monkey could do better than the morons they have writing the stories now.
Nobody is getting over at all. Rollins had/has the best chance. The remaining "New" guys just don't have it. They may be good at wrestling but their character sucks or they can't talk. Cena could be the last true big star Vince created. Why isn't Brock around? I'd think it would be the perfect time for him with WWE needed star power. I guess it's hunting season and with his contract he is shooting deer or something. This is the worst era of wrestling I think there's ever been. Nothing will ever compare to the Monday Night Wars/Attitude era. It was wrestling at its zenith.

UFC is about the same...while the overall fighters are much better all around, they have very few that draw attention. Outside of Rousey and Conner there isn't anyone else.
The lack of competition is one thing that's hurting WWE. Sure, they have to compete with other shows, but those shows have a specific audience and so does the WWE. Back in the 90's, WCW made WWE a better company by forcing them to evolve and get better, but now...there's nothing pushing them.
Nobody is getting over at all. Rollins had/has the best chance. The remaining "New" guys just don't have it. They may be good at wrestling but their character sucks or they can't talk. Cena could be the last true big star Vince created. Why isn't Brock around? I'd think it would be the perfect time for him with WWE needed star power. I guess it's hunting season and with his contract he is shooting deer or something. This is the worst era of wrestling I think there's ever been. Nothing will ever compare to the Monday Night Wars/Attitude era. It was wrestling at its zenith.

UFC is about the same...while the overall fighters are much better all around, they have very few that draw attention. Outside of Rousey and Conner there isn't anyone else.

WWE has used up all of Brock's appearance dates for the year. He won't be back until 2016.

The problem is WWE is not allowing its talent to evolve naturally with the fans. They're trying to TELL us who to like as opposed to letting the fans decide who to cheer for. This is why Roman Reigns has been a bomb. They shoved this guy down fans' throats because he has a "main event look" but doesn't have the talent to back it up. That is what the mid-card is for, giving those guys the chance to PROVE they're over with the fans before getting 'promoted' to the main event scene. ALL the big stars flourished in the mid-card around the Intercontinental (and later, the United States) title...Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock and most recently John Cena.

The WWE is massively strapped for talent and CONSTANTLY is relying on past stars from the Attitude era and the OVW "Class of 2002" (Cena, Lesnar, Orton, Batista) to try and push ratings. WWE Creative is also rumored to be filled with failed soap opera & Hollywood writers as opposed to former wrestlers and bookers who "know" the business so there's a failure on that part. I actually hear high praises for NXT because it's more like the "old" WWE and focuses on wrestling and solid storytelling, while the current WWE product is in a sad state of affairs...
WWE has used up all of Brock's appearance dates for the year. He won't be back until 2016.

The problem is WWE is not allowing its talent to evolve naturally with the fans. They're trying to TELL us who to like as opposed to letting the fans decide who to cheer for. This is why Roman Reigns has been a bomb. They shoved this guy down fans' throats because he has a "main event look" but doesn't have the talent to back it up. That is what the mid-card is for, giving those guys the chance to PROVE they're over with the fans before getting 'promoted' to the main event scene. ALL the big stars flourished in the mid-card around the Intercontinental (and later, the United States) title...Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock and most recently John Cena.

The WWE is massively strapped for talent and CONSTANTLY is relying on past stars from the Attitude era and the OVW "Class of 2002" (Cena, Lesnar, Orton, Batista) to try and push ratings. WWE Creative is also rumored to be filled with failed soap opera & Hollywood writers as opposed to former wrestlers and bookers who "know" the business so there's a failure on that part. I actually hear high praises for NXT because it's more like the "old" WWE and focuses on wrestling and solid storytelling, while the current WWE product is in a sad state of affairs...
Indeed you are correct. Honestly this is the worst Era. Even the Modern Era which lasted from around 2008- 2013 was better than now. The Authority Era is really just a washed up and cheesy version of the Attitude Era/Ruthless Aggression Era. They are copying storylines, which isn't good in itself, but on top of that they utilize them with the likes of Roman Reigns and Sheamus. For the record, I am a Sheamus fan, but this new look and gimmick along with the booking sucks.
Nothing will ever touch the Attitude Era. The style will never come back. As someone mentioned early, the crowd seemed to dictate who was popular. Now it feels overly forced and scripted. They should let the guys have some more freedom. They should also stop catering to kids. Add some more adult elements again and it would be a lot better. Lets get some blood too.
93-96 was probably worst.
While WWE television sucked then by and large, they had some great talent, and some great PPVs, often with Bret Hart or HBK in the main event. King of the Ring 93, Wrestlemania 10, Royal Rumble 95, King of the Ring 96, etc. That was actually the era that got me sucked back into wrestling.