The WWE Thread

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Team Smackdown takes the victory!

First pick: JOHN CENA!!?!?!?!?

R-Truth is just as annoying now as before, to me. He's got no mike skills whatsoever, and his in-ring abilities are pedestrian.

Cena won't stay at Smackdown for long, if he goes at all. Randy Orton has really turned into a mid-tier guy on Raw, though, so he should do well at Smackdown as the major face/champion.
R-Truth is just as annoying now as before, to me. He's got no mike skills whatsoever, and his in-ring abilities are pedestrian.

Cena won't stay at Smackdown for long, if he goes at all. Randy Orton has really turned into a mid-tier guy on Raw, though, so he should do well at Smackdown as the major face/champion.

:lecture You had that one pegged.

Cena is now BACK ON RAW!!!
Smackdown has always been the 2nd rate show, particularly since they broke up the rosters. No possible way McMahon was going to send his only sure-fire superstar face over there.
Smackdown has always been the 2nd rate show, particularly since they broke up the rosters. No possible way McMahon was going to send his only sure-fire superstar face over there.

Good call. I'll admit that I definitely didn't see that coming.
I thought either Cena or Orton was going back to Raw with that last pick as well. I thought it was pretty obvious one of them would have to be "re-drafted".
I do wonder why Henry did what he did, I will like seeing how that plays out.
I doubt much will come for it. Henry gets minor pushes every couple of years, nothing comes of it and no one remembers, then he returns to his typical role of mid-card nobody.
Sucks to see Orton go, big time.
This is the best thing that could have happened to Orton, IMO, and if I were a fan, I would be happy. He'll be champ within a few months.

I only really watch RAW, not smackdown, so I was a bit peeved when I heard he got drafted, but imo he can take over Smackdown. It is good in a way because he would never be the top face over Cena on RAW. Looking forward to it anyway. It's cool to have a reason to watch Smackdown again!
Orton going to Smackdown makes sense. The move places a bankable superstar on each program in a way Triple H (RAW) and Undertaker (Smackdown) had to hold those roles in the past for their respective brands. With Taker and Triple H going part time, it makes perfect sense having Cena and Orton to lead their brands as cornerstones.