The WWE Thread

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I just hope WWE runs with this all the way through.
Even Colt Cabana is playing along saying that Punk is just really burned out & doesn't really care what WWE management does to him regarding the "outburst".
Just watched this on WWE Classics.

Ricky Steamboat > Ninjas

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Ricky the Dragon Steamboat in "Becoming the Dragon...The Three Moments of Truth"‬‏[/ame]
Speaking of classics I was just watching Macho Man vs Steamboat WM3 yesterday just for the heck of it. Even though the Dragon was good the Macho Man was something else. That's why he's my personal favorite of all time. Had the look, charisma, originality and athleticism. I was never bored watching him.
Another reason to be a fan of CM Punk. I was watching one of his matches with Samoa Joe earlier, and heard him saying this at the beginning of his match. Didn't realize that was what he was always yelling :D

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪It's Clobbering Time !‬‏[/ame]

Here's the latest one from CM Punk that's going around. GLAAD is an uproar now.

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Punk's hilarious!

Been a damn long while since I've anticapted watching RAW, just hope WWE doesn't screw up such a tremendous momentum.
Yeah, and didn't McMahon basically give him the championship because of it? :lol

I dunno. I guess there are lines of good and bad taste, etc., but as someone posted here recently, that all went out the window with the "Attitude" era, anyway. A woman giving birth to a hand, guy having sex with a corpse, HBK rubbing his crotch on and humping the Canadian flag, porn star wrestler gimmick, guy gets dong cut off storyline, Islamic terrorists coming into murder Undertaker by cutting his head off, etc. Where do you go from there?
So. . .tonight's events weren't much of a shock, but pretty well executed. McMahon and Cena were both on. I'll be very curious to see where this all goes. The way McMahon was talking about Punk (wanting a limo, etc.) made me think the whole thing about him leaving is a work. WWE is completely screwed if he actually leaves. With Edge and Jericho now also gone, they're incredibly thin in terms of legit bad guys who can challenge Cena and Orton. Who's left? Miz? Del Rio? Freakin' Seamus? Jack Swagger and Wade Barrett are jokes at this point (though Barrett could be a contender if pushed, and Swagger could be a contender if they would revisit the old method of giving a good wrestler a good manager to speak for him). Kane has only ever been a "transitional" bad guy champ. They didn't even let Christian keep the title for a week. Mark Henry won't ever be pushed too long or too hard. Same for Big Show. HHH is basically done. Orton has to be a good guy because there isn't enough other legit good guy champ material around.

They can't afford to lose a guy like Punk IMO.
Punk's rant last week was a worked shoot, a result sheet was already released the same week.

Wow. Just ____in' wow. WWE had something & they ____in' piss it all over.
And the really sad thing is--Orton is their number 2, and he's a very distant second to Cena IMO. They've tried to turn him into Austin 2.0 (snake gimmick, "does what he wants to who he wants," challenges authority, etc.), but he's a far freakin' cry from Stone Cold Steve Austin. Mysterio is essentially a novelty act for kids, Undertaker only shows up once a year, Big Show, again, is a novelty who comes and goes and no one pays much attention. Edge is gone. Christian is 2nd rate as either a good or bad guy.

For their sake, I hope WWE can inject some real talent into their ranks soon (maybe pushing Ziggler, or Cody Rhodes, or Barrett, or signing over guys like Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuinness from TNA, or the Kings of Wrestling from ROH). Even if Punk stays it won't be enough, honestly, but without him. . .if McMahon would just get over his damn fetish for 'roided-up freaks.
And the really sad thing is--Orton is their number 2, and he's a very distant second to Cena IMO. They've tried to turn him into Austin 2.0 (snake gimmick, "does what he wants to who he wants," challenges authority, etc.), but he's a far freakin' cry from Stone Cold Steve Austin. Mysterio is essentially a novelty act for kids, Undertaker only shows up once a year, Big Show, again, is a novelty who comes and goes and no one pays much attention. Edge is gone. Christian is 2nd rate as either a good or bad guy.

For their sake, I hope WWE can inject some real talent into their ranks soon (maybe pushing Ziggler, or Cody Rhodes, or Barrett, or signing over guys like Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuinness from TNA, or the Kings of Wrestling from ROH). Even if Punk stays it won't be enough, honestly, but without him. . .if McMahon would just get over his damn fetish for 'roided-up freaks.

I gotta disagree with you Karamazov. WWE is filled to the brim with the talent (Punk, Danielson, Rhodes, Dibiase & Barrett to name a few), I gotta say the blame lays on management & the writting staff.
I'm not disagreeing that they have talent. My suggestion is that WWE needs to find the talent in their ranks and put them over as well as bringing in genuinely good, main event-type talent from elsewhere. I don't see Dibiase, Jr. moving above mid-card status anytime soon. He lacks the "it" factor. I can see that Rhodes has mysteriously grown big muscles over the last few months, which is a good move (sadly) for his career. He's got the in-ring ability, mike skills, and charisma to be a main eventer IMO. Barrett has the look and mike skills, which is really enough in the WWE. Who else? Ziggler I can see going far, but they have done a ____ job of prepping guys to step up to the main event. They had freakin' R-Truth feuding with Cena for the title recently. WTF?? There are guys out there who are ready to go in the main event (Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuinness, Chris Hero, Takeshi Morishima, etc.), but for the last 20 years or so, McMahon's hated letting guys he didn't develop himself come in and take over like that. So, probably not gonna happen, but at least those guys could be made into legit foils for Cena or Orton.
Hey, I think Truth can be a main eventer. He's got the mic & wrestling skills, plus he's been around for awhile. Not to mention when was the last time a black man held the world title?

WWE is just plain stupid most of the time, look at Swagger. They gave him a good push & now where is he? A lackey to Cole & jobs every week. & whose ____in' genius idea was it to give Cole a storyline & let a feud with Lawler last that ____in' long!
For their sake, I hope WWE can inject some real talent into their ranks soon (maybe pushing Ziggler, or Cody Rhodes, or Barrett, or signing over guys like Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuinness from TNA, or the Kings of Wrestling from ROH). Even if Punk stays it won't be enough, honestly, but without him. . .if McMahon would just get over his damn fetish for 'roided-up freaks.

As far as signing guys, Samoa Joe is locked in with TNA for awhile. He's not going anywhere. Nigel McGuiness supposedly has Hepatitis C (according to various wrestling dirtsheets) and would be a legitimate health risk in that ring. It's why WWE originally passed on the opportunity to sign him (just before he signed with TNA as Desmond Wolfe). The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio & Hero) had a tryout at a Smackdown Taping in Providence, RI last month. WWE officials liked what they saw and are mapping out a way to officially sign them. Claudio has gone on record saying that if he signs with WWE again, he would like to be a package deal alongside Chris Hero.

Keep in mind that the WWE already has a few guys from ROH in developmental in Tyler Black and Jon Moxley. I'd say the future is pretty's WWE's creative department that refuses to break the same mold that they've had for years. They need to find another way to develop new stars. While I hated the ECW name being used from 2007-2010, I really think the WWE needs something other than NXT to showcase fresh and upcoming talent. ECW at least did that part well. We saw guys like CM Punk & Kofi Kingston start making their marks on that programming.