The WWE Thread

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Well, we'll agree to disagree on the R-Truth issue then :D

Swagger has a funny, lispy voice. He needs a manager on the order of Bobby Heenan or Jim Cornette to succeed IMO.
As far as signing guys, Samoa Joe is locked in with TNA for awhile. He's not going anywhere. Nigel McGuiness supposedly has Hepatitis C (according to various wrestling dirtsheets) and would be a legitimate health risk in that ring. It's why WWE originally passed on the opportunity to sign him (just before he signed with TNA as Desmond Wolfe). The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio & Hero) had a tryout at a Smackdown Taping in Providence, RI last month. WWE officials liked what they saw and are mapping out a way to officially sign them. Claudio has gone on record saying that if he signs with WWE again, he would like to be a package deal alongside Chris Hero.

Keep in mind that the WWE already has a few guys from ROH in developmental in Tyler Black and Jon Moxley. I'd say the future is pretty's WWE's creative department that refuses to break the same mold that they've had for years. They need to find another way to develop new stars. While I hated the ECW name being used from 2007-2010, I really think the WWE needs something other than NXT to showcase fresh and upcoming talent.
Well even if it isn't those guys, there are others out there that WWE can find and exploit IMO. Like you say, WWE creative is as much at fault as anyone, but I don't see much on WWE's on-screen roster nowadays that fills me with much optimism for the future. Sure, they can give an R-Truth or Mark Henry or Big Show or Kane a title shot every now and again, but none of those guys are legit contenders IMO.
I agree with Nitro's statement.

Hell just bringing in a new title or division would help showcase some of WWE more talented performers. Bring back the Light Heavyweight title for guys like Sin Cara, Bourne & Danielson. Here's WWE promoting the biggest signing with Sin Cara & they'll just let him get him buried while talentless hacks like Otunga gets to be 1/2 of the tag team champions. & ____ the unification of any title!
Besides creative, I don't think newly created mid card titles will help the product. They don't deliver title matches like they should currently and we haven't got any meaningful feud in years for any of the respective belts. They've become more of a prop to get guys over than to showcase top guys & rising stars (on the cusp of a World title) like they used to.

The problem with WWE right now is that it seems like they aren't finding the right guys to step up to the main role in the company. Complain about guys like Cena all you want. It's guys like Cena that are carrying the company on their backs. WWE desperately needs another main eventer to draw an audience.

I fear the day that guys like Cena and Orton have to abruptly retire (in the same manner as Edge) or willingly walk away (Batista, Jericho) because they shoulder so much and their bodies can't take the workload any longer.
So I'm watching a bit of TNA tonight for some reason. They had a 4 corner survival match with RVD, Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels, and AJ Styles, and it was very good. Great talent at that company. Then, they showed Mr. Kennedy in the back, saying something hackneyed and being boring. He's apparently the champion. Then just a minute ago, Sting was acting like Ledger Joker and laughing at Hogan, who proceeded to punch Sting several times then beat him unconscious with a baseball bat, while Sting did nothing to defend himself (vintage Vince Russo). Apparently Abyss is the "X-Division" champion, a title that used to be contested between flyers and good technical wrestlers. . .now Kurt Angle is fighting Bubba Ray Dudley, Abyss, Scott Steiner, and some other guy I've never seen before, single handedly in a handicap match (apparently Sting was supposed to be his partner, but obviously, he can't since Hogan beat him unconscious a few minutes ago).

Just wanted to give an update on the "state of TNA" for those who might not have paid any attention in awhile. Lord knows I haven't.

--edit: and in a brilliantly typical Russo-esque move, Mr. Kennedy ran out in the Angle match, joined Angle's team, beat up all the other guys, then proceeded to turn on Angle. Then he jumped up on Abyss and guy I've never seen's shoulders. And Hogan ran out and applauded him. I guess that's Hogan's crew or something. I'm sure this is just another typical week at TNA.--

The problem with WWE right now is that it seems like they aren't finding the right guys to step up to the main role in the company. Complain about guys like Cena all you want. It's guys like Cena that are carrying the company on their backs. WWE desperately needs another main eventer to draw an audience.

I fear the day that guys like Cena and Orton have to abruptly retire (in the same manner as Edge) or willingly walk away (Batista, Jericho) because they shoulder so much and their bodies can't take the workload any longer.
I agree completely.
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The "other" guy is Gunner, former member of the "backstage security".
It's kinda funny how Impact Wrestling tag line is "Where Wrestling Matters" yet they got some long ass promos especially with Jeff Jarrett, who is so ____in' uninteresting.

They got a ____load of talented performers & yet they waste air time with useless turds like Hogan, Bischoff & Jarrett.

By the way, Gunner's finisher is the F5 & has a huge winning streak, having pinned the likes of Sting, Anderson & AJ Styles.
Is he at TNA? I remember he was on that short-lived MTV wrestling show a few years back (where Colt Cabana had a brilliant wrestling gimmick that I think would be successful in WWE). Jack Evans is pretty great.

He was on TNA yesterday and hit that extra clean 630 at the end. He'll be at the PPV Destination X competing against Low Ki, Austin Aries, and some other guy for a TNA contract. In my opinion, that's crazy, because all three of them deserved to be signed. The crappy thing is I don't think Evans will win because he is there due to a talent trade deal between TNA and AAA.
Ugh. TNA. I just can't get into their product anymore. Every broadcast is a complete cluster____ and I blame things on creative (Russo) & ownership (The Carters and Panda Energy). They have the talent and "names", but don't know how to use their resources properly.

Honestly, the whole company needs a reboot. I'd actually dump most of the veterans and re-evaluate creative. They aren't drawing a dime and numbers are the same. Bischoff can call it the way he see's it and piss off "the 10 percenters" all he wants...but unfortunately, even Stevie Wonder see's that TNA is a sinking ship right now and they seem to be sinking deeper.

I like the X division guys that they are bringing in. Jack Evans, Low Ki, Austin Aries, and a guy like Jerry Lynn work wonders. TNA should stop trying to emulate WWE's formula and create something of their own in the wrestling industry. Fans are looking for an alternative to WWE. Right now, TNA isn't that company. I have more faith in ROH at this point.
Ugh. TNA. I just can't get into their product anymore. Every broadcast is a complete cluster____ and I blame things on creative (Russo) & ownership (The Carters and Panda Energy). They have the talent and "names", but don't know how to use their resources properly.

Honestly, the whole company needs a reboot. I'd actually dump most of the veterans and re-evaluate creative. They aren't drawing a dime and numbers are the same. Bischoff can call it the way he see's it and piss off "the 10 percenters" all he wants...but unfortunately, even Stevie Wonder see's that TNA is a sinking ship right now and they seem to be sinking deeper.

I like the X division guys that they are bringing in. Jack Evans, Low Ki, Austin Aries, and a guy like Jerry Lynn work wonders. TNA should stop trying to emulate WWE's formula and create something of their own in the wrestling industry. Fans are looking for an alternative to WWE. Right now, TNA isn't that company. I have more faith in ROH at this point.

My God, you actually think WWE is the gold standard? Only profit wise. The only good thing they've had was CM Punk's Promo. Their wrestling is still average to low grade at best night in and night out. Their women almost always have terrible matches, and John Cena/Randy Orton are the champions 2/3 out of every year. WHAT draws everyone to WWE still? Tell me!! Let me know what makes everyone love it so much, that they block out TNA, ROH, AAA, NJPW, and everything else. Whatever it is, I don't see it.
Plus how can WWE's alternative be ROH when they're not on T.V anymore? Personally, I think people still watch WWE because they're not used to change, and they'll keep looking at what they've been sxposed to many years. The same could be said about superheroes. Everyone knows Batman, Spiderman, and Superman, but there are many other great ones that will always be overlooked due to biased fanboys.
My God, you actually think WWE is the gold standard? Only profit wise. The only good thing they've had was CM Punk's Promo. Their wrestling is still average to low grade at best night in and night out. Their women almost always have terrible matches, and John Cena/Randy Orton are the champions 2/3 out of every year. WHAT draws everyone to WWE still? Tell me!! Let me know what makes everyone love it so much, that they block out TNA, ROH, AAA, NJPW, and everything else. Whatever it is, I don't see it.

the WWE is the only thing on tv anymore. it's not like back in the day when there was competition with WCW or ECW
Plus how can WWE's alternative be ROH when they're not on T.V anymore? Personally, I think people still watch WWE because they're not used to change, and they'll keep looking at what they've been sxposed to many years. The same could be said about superheroes. Everyone knows Batman, Spiderman, and Superman, but there are many other great ones that will always be overlooked due to biased fanboys.

ROH was bought by Sinclair Broadcasting and is back on TV in September and will also show their shows on their website so people that don't have Sinclair run stations in their areas will still have access to them.
Their women almost always have terrible matches, and John Cena/Randy Orton are the champions 2/3 out of every year. WHAT draws everyone to WWE still? Tell me!! Let me know what makes everyone love it so much, that they block out TNA, ROH, AAA, NJPW, and everything else. Whatever it is, I don't see it.

Dude, you answered your own question right here. John Cena/Randy Orton draws the fans. WWE is making money hand over fist on Cena & Orton merchandise. If you ever go to an event, try counting all the kids that are wearing the latest Cena shirts. The PG rating is certainly helping their product.

As far as the WWE being the gold standard...Do they have the best matches? Probably not...but they connect to their audience better than anybody else and have been perfecting it for years. The fanboys that you speak of will complain over the product no matter what the circumstances are. Even when the WWE was at the top of the game, you still had people complaining over the product. Nothing can change anybody's opinion and perception to make the product better.
I just watched the end promo contract signing. Wow Cena totally ruined it, and not only that, his home town was not even behind him. I think even his loyal fans are finally getting sick of him
I just watched the end promo contract signing. Wow Cena totally ruined it, and not only that, his home town was not even behind him. I think even his loyal fans are finally getting sick of him

Yeah, I didn't care for Cena's 'stunt' either. He definitely ruined the moment for me.
Nothing to do with me, but I saw it doing the rounds on Twitter
And you can wash that down with an ice cold refreshing Pepsi.

CM Punk has been awesome as usual the last few weeks. I dont watch the show because it is a shell of its former self, but I do like to look on youtube to see what Punk is up to. He is my favorite current wrestler. The promos that he has done in the past few weeks have been the best stuff I have seen this millennium in WWE. They should just let Punk do whatever he wants to say and do. This is similar to how the Austin Vince feud started in a lot of ways.

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