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I'm going to pick up the MITB PPV when it hits Blu Ray. I really think it was a better PPV than this years Wrestlemania. The crowd was white hot and the whole show had this energy getting behind Chicago's own CM Punk.

I can't wait to grab the Blu-Ray when it comes out. The only bad thing is that it's going to be a Best Buy exclusive.

Oh well, I guess that's better than cancelling the Blu release like they did for Capitol Punishment.
Kind of a lackluster beginning to Raw tonight. I was hoping for a bit more from McMahon. I guess we'll see how the night progresses, but it seems like the same old ____ right now.

I thought it was back to being boring last night. The only eventful thing was Vince's character Mr Mcmahon leaving the show thanks to Triple H turning up. Cena is back in the spotlight, and everything is back to the same old PG Bullcrap, including the childish belt keeping it's same design. Somebody let me know when CM Punk comes back
I missed RAW on Monday. I'll try and catch it on Saturday. Reading that isn't wasn't the best, but I want to see the McMahon portion of it.
Man, the end of an era. Sad to see Vince go.

I heard that the tears were legit. It was McMahon's way of passing the torch to HHH and ending his on-camera role of the evil owner Mr.McMahon character. He'll still be the CEO but his on-air role is over and HHH will fill in.
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i think HHH as an on air baddie will kind of rejuvenate was boring without him.....there's no one who can be an a$$hole like HHH
I missed RAW on Monday. I'll try and catch it on Saturday. Reading that isn't wasn't the best, but I want to see the McMahon portion of it.

The problem with RAW was that it was basically a tournament with the same 8 guys competing (and a divas match sprinkled in). Tournaments don't do well for PPV buyrates and can be rather boring if you have to watch the same guys compete throughout the night. Anybody that turned in was looking forward to the fallout from the Punk angle.
[ame=""]‪Cm Punk invades Comic Con & calls out triple h [HQ]‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I just caught that. Awesome.

CM Punk is amazing!!! _____* off HHH!

I'm going to miss him. I wasn't his biggest fan, but his last few months in the WWE have been nothing sort of amazing, IMO. I'm definitely sad to see him go, and I hope he does come back. How likely that is I don't know. He's EXACTLY what I think the WWE needs right now, and instead, they appear to let him walk away. :dunno
I'm going to miss him. I wasn't his biggest fan, but his last few months in the WWE have been nothing sort of amazing, IMO. I'm definitely sad to see him go, and I hope he does come back. How likely that is I don't know. He's EXACTLY what I think the WWE needs right now, and instead, they appear to let him walk away. :dunno

Le sigh.

Work (verb)
to specifically and methodically attack, especially a single body part. To "work" on a body part (i.e. an arm) would be to repeatedly use force on that part, until it is damaged enough to be used in the finish of the match. Also, the act of deceiving or manipulating a person or persons, which may or may not be done to preserve kayfabe.
I don't want to ruin things for you, but Nash and Hall weren't attacking the WCW while under contract with the WWE... It was (dramatic pause) a work.
Le sigh.

Work (verb)
to specifically and methodically attack, especially a single body part. To "work" on a body part (i.e. an arm) would be to repeatedly use force on that part, until it is damaged enough to be used in the finish of the match. Also, the act of deceiving or manipulating a person or persons, which may or may not be done to preserve kayfabe.
I don't want to ruin things for you, but Nash and Hall weren't attacking the WCW while under contract with the WWE... It was (dramatic pause) a work.

To be fair even smarks are marks for CM Punk but still those were definitely a marks comments.
Le sigh.

Work (verb)
to specifically and methodically attack, especially a single body part. To "work" on a body part (i.e. an arm) would be to repeatedly use force on that part, until it is damaged enough to be used in the finish of the match. Also, the act of deceiving or manipulating a person or persons, which may or may not be done to preserve kayfabe.
I don't want to ruin things for you, but Nash and Hall weren't attacking the WCW while under contract with the WWE... It was (dramatic pause) a work.

To be fair even smarks are marks for CM Punk but still those were definitely a marks comments.

I hope I'm not being misunderstood. I have no doubt that work was involved these past few weeks and at the blow off, but that doesn't say anything about the rumored off-screen burn-out and resentment Punk has, which, yes, does exist. No fan can say how much kayfabe is involved off-screen because the booker can't even account for that. Sure, it's no coincidence that Punk becomes the new face in his 'last' few weeks with the WWE or that he makes a convenient appearance at SDCC. His name and face will 'pop up' for a while, no doubt. My discontent comes from Vince letting the Punk/Cena angle climax when it did and not let it carry out for at least another PPV because it had a lot more steam in it, or so I thought...but then again, Vince has a reason for everything. He's proved me wrong many of times.

Punk's situation is little different than most, I feel. It's not as predictable as some claim it to be, which is why my opinion is reserved for now. Odds are he's coming back. Sure. It's not my first rodeo. He's a great asset and money-maker to the WWE. Vince knows that, which is why he's doing everything he can to keep him happy. But the fact that Vince is going out of his way to make him happy, says something. Beth Phoenix's return to RAW? Punk 'leaving' as title holder?....Not a coincidence.

Truth is no one knows at this point, which is why the 'mark' comment (if aimed at me) is a little insulting. If you think Punk's return is a guarantee, knowing his current situation, that's a little naive, IMO. I remember a lot of the so-called smarks who thought the Montreal Screwjob was a bunch of kayfabe and swore Bret's return was a month or so away....instead, they waited...and waited...and waited...for 12 years.

I definitely understand both 'sides of the coin' though. Don't get me wrong. Anything is possible. We'll see how everything unfolds on RAW. I just hope, from a fan's perspective, we don't get more of this lack-luster showing (reminiscent of last week) because I'm more interested in the Punk controversy at this point than anything else.
I hope I'm not being misunderstood. I have no doubt that work was involved these past few weeks and at the blow off, but that doesn't say anything about the rumored off-screen burn-out and resentment Punk has, which, yes, does exist. No fan can say how much kayfabe is involved off-screen because the booker can't even account for that. Sure, it's no coincidence that Punk becomes the new face in his 'last' few weeks with the WWE or that he makes a convenient appearance at SDCC. His name and face will 'pop up' for a while, no doubt. My discontent comes from Vince letting the Punk/Cena angle climax when it did and not let it carry out for at least another PPV because it had a lot more steam in it, or so I thought...but then again, Vince has a reason for everything. He's proved me wrong many of times.

Punk's situation is little different than most, I feel. It's not as predictable as some claim it to be, which is why my opinion is reserved for now. Odds are he's coming back. Sure. It's not my first rodeo. He's a great asset and money-maker to the WWE. Vince knows that, which is why he's doing everything he can to keep him happy. But the fact that Vince is going out of his way to make him happy, says something. Beth Phoenix's return to RAW? Punk 'leaving' as title holder?....Not a coincidence.

Truth is no one knows at this point, which is why the 'mark' comment (if aimed at me) is a little insulting. If you think Punk's return is a guarantee, knowing his current situation, that's a little naive, IMO. I remember a lot of the so-called smarks who thought the Montreal Screwjob was a bunch of kayfabe and swore Bret's return was a month or so away....instead, they waited...and waited...and waited...for 12 years.

I definitely understand both 'sides of the coin' though. Don't get me wrong. Anything is possible. We'll see how everything unfolds on RAW. I just hope, from a fan's perspective, we don't get more of this lack-luster showing (reminiscent of last week) because I'm more interested in the Punk controversy at this point than anything else.

No offense was intended with the mark comment. When the bookers gravitate towards real life possibilities the in-ring (and on-screen) performance holds much more gravitas. It's been many years since I followed this stuff with any vigor-- when my good friend passed away at far too young an age I was no longer interested as it was something that he had pulled me into and pay-per-views and post Monday Raw/Nitro chats were a shared experience. Good observations-- I hope that this goes where it can and not where other "real life moments" (WCW invading WWE with Buff Bagwell at the forefront or the complete misuse of Goldberg, for comedy, in the WWE) have failed.

By the way, I watched Raw last week for the first time in a long time, and while TNA does have its share of geriatrics at least they were all recognizable. The guys on Raw, for the most part, look like they all stepped out of cloning chambers... that's not a good thing. Vanilla to say the least.
No offense was intended with the mark comment. When the bookers gravitate towards real life possibilities the in-ring (and on-screen) performance holds much more gravitas. It's been many years since I followed this stuff with any vigor-- when my good friend passed away at far too young an age I was no longer interested as it was something that he had pulled me into and pay-per-views and post Monday Raw/Nitro chats were a shared experience. Good observations-- I hope that this goes where it can and not where other "real life moments" (WCW invading WWE with Buff Bagwell at the forefront or the complete misuse of Goldberg, for comedy, in the WWE) have failed.

By the way, I watched Raw last week for the first time in a long time, and while TNA does have its share of geriatrics at least they were all recognizable. The guys on Raw, for the most part, look like they all stepped out of cloning chambers... that's not a good thing. Vanilla to say the least.

And again, I definitely understand where you guys are coming from. Personally, I think he'll be gone from the WWE ring for awhile. I just think there's more to Punk's departure than we know. And to be honest, if Punk comes back in the next few weeks, I'll be the first to say 'Damn, what a performance.' :lol I'm still fooled at times, even after watching it for all these years, almost 20 now. And that's part of the reason why I keep watching. It's one heck of a script and I can't help but enjoy it (most days....)

As for tonight's RAW, I'm really enjoying it so far (MUCH better than last week's, IMO.) I'm happy to see JR's return. I got a good chuckle at Cole's reaction. I also thought HHH/Truth's in-ring conversation was pretty humorous. :lol

The Mysterio/Cena match was a great one, but can't BELIEVE they let Cena take it again.