The WWE Thread

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As soon as I hit 'Reply' with the previous's comes Punk.

And as I promised....

Damn, what a performance. I was WRONG! :lol

This is EXACTLY why I love this stuff.
Loved "Cult of Personality" being played...surely that isn't his new entrance theme. Awesome if so, always loved that song.

I was walking into the other room, heard the music, and said 'Son of.....He's back." Didn't even have to look at the TV. :rotfl
Good stuff. Gotta say, I went from being an average fan of his to a huge fan over the past month. Helps that I'm fairly close to Chicago.
Good stuff. Gotta say, I went from being an average fan of his to a huge fan over the past month. Helps that I'm fairly close to Chicago.

I was the same way. I went from thinking 'meh' to 'where has this guy been." :lol He definitely puts on a good show.
When it's uploaded onto YouTube, you all have to check out the skit CM Punk did on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight. It just aired now and I'm sure some of you will get a good laugh out of it. I'll try to remember and post it when it becomes available.
Haven't seen Raw this week yet as I recorded it because it's on at about 1am here.

Glad to read Punk is back though just hope they keep up a good feud with Cena.

Also REALLY glad Mysterio didn't win...can't stand him.
As a wrestler he's ok & good to watch but his 6-1-9 finisher winds me up more than any move ever should's just plain stupid.
It's this that proves to me just how staged wrestling can be...I mean no opponent in the real world would just lounge on the ropes like they do waiting for him to do his move.
I mean it's not as if they fall onto the ropes following a knock-out blow or anything it's normally just a little trip or lacklustre slam that has them dangling there for ages, anyone in their right mind would just move straight away not wait to be kicked in the head.

His Moonsault from the top is fantastic to watch but it's all so let down by the 6-1-9 that preceeds it.

Anyway rant over I'll look forward to the rest of the show & just skip that match ;)

Thing is there will be a Champ Vs Champ match, and the WWE will ____ it all up by having John ____ing Cena win it

As per usual.

Just seems the only wrestler on the cards they care about these days is Cena.

There is a pretty good roster of talent there if only they'd give them the chance to shine.

Kofi & Truth both need proper runs.
In fact they need to look at TNA's X-Division to see how middle weights should be handled & forget the big hitters all the time.

Plus I'd like a return to a proper Tag division...That's become a total mockery.

Glad Punk is "back" but they are going to ruin this angle by rushing it this quickly. It could have had a great build up to something like the old days but sadly it is going to be rushed and ruined by Cena winning.
As soon as I hit 'Reply' with the previous's comes Punk.

And as I promised....

Damn, what a performance. I was WRONG! :lol

This is EXACTLY why I love this stuff.

Too predictable. What should have happened is Cena celebrating with his music playing and belt held high when he suddenly stops and stares into the crowd. Cena's music still plays as the cameras (with announcers voice-over trying to figure out what's got his attention) scan the crowd to where he's transfixed. Punk sits in the crowd-- His belt raised as a "CM Punk" chant starts in competition with Cena's music. Cena's arms lower but Punk's keep his belt high. Cue logo-- fade to black.

They had something-- They're rushing it.
Too predictable. What should have happened is Cena celebrating with his music playing and belt held high when he suddenly stops and stares into the crowd. Cena's music still plays as the cameras (with announcers voice-over trying to figure out what's got his attention) scan the crowd to where he's transfixed. Punk sits in the crowd-- His belt raised as a "CM Punk" chant starts in competition with Cena's music. Cena's arms lower but Punk's keep his belt high. Cue logo-- fade to black.

They had something-- They're rushing it.

Agreed and agreed.
Too predictable. What should have happened is Cena celebrating with his music playing and belt held high when he suddenly stops and stares into the crowd. Cena's music still plays as the cameras (with announcers voice-over trying to figure out what's got his attention) scan the crowd to where he's transfixed. Punk sits in the crowd-- His belt raised as a "CM Punk" chant starts in competition with Cena's music. Cena's arms lower but Punk's keep his belt high. Cue logo-- fade to black.

They had something-- They're rushing it.
I agree. And Punk could show up in the crowd in subsequent weeks with some of his buddies from the indie scene that got "hosed" by WWE including Cabana and Castagnioli. And I know it is the wishful thinking of a fan to hope that Danielson will cash in his money in the bank at WM against CM Punk, but damn I hope that happens. I think I already posted this, but the dual main event of Rock vs. Cena for the kids and women, and Danielson vs. Punk for the hardcore wrestling geeks would be perfect!

I saw the first Joe/Punk match last night, and it was pretty damn great. Samoa Joe is a great missed opportunity for WWE IMO.
Wow...this is the most interested I've been in the WWE in a LONG time.

I feel that ever since The Rock, Stone Cold, and other guys like the Undertaker and Triple H stopped being the "main event good guys and bad guys" that the WWE has struggled to keep people up on that tier. They have not had a lay-out of characters that have been able to maintain that superstardom.

John Cena is the modern-day perennial "good guy". Is he Rock or SCSA caliber? No. But he's what they got. As for a perennial villain, that's CM Punk OR what he CAN be if the WWE doesn't jack it up. Triple H was the last long-standing malicious, bad guy I can recall...and I think bringing CM Punk has this unpredictable, anti-establishment, "smark" bad guy is somewhat in the vein of characters like Stone Cold, DX and the whole "Attitude" era before him.

It is exactly what the WWE needs. Open up the whole "behind the scenes" a little and see where it goes! Let CM Punk be the bad guy, the dominant guy both on the mic and in the ring!
Opening tonight felt a little flat to me. As great as he is on the mike, it wasn't quite what it could have been, and I think part of it was bringing him back so soon. And now the "controversial, off the reservation" rants appear much more predictable and less impactful. Insulting HHH and his wife again? *snore* Honestly, I thought the most effective part was where HHH got pissed and told Punk he was gonna slap the ratty looking tattoos off of him or whatever.
Well they had John Laryngitis on the side of Punk. Eh? Oh I know, to make Cena look better. All the Cena fans facing the camera, and why? To make Cena look better. Trust me CM Punk is going to lose at Summerslam and it will go back to business as usual, with super Cena the Champ. I am already preparing myself to not watch Wrestling for at least another 7 years
But Cena's already champ :D

I don't think Laurinaitis was taking Punk's side, he was just anti-Cena. Punk was calling him out, as he's been vilified in fan circles for awhile for his decisions on whom WWE decided to hire and fire. Cena confuses me though, as I don't know how anyone could be angry at this guy:


I think this whole storyline just feels like old hat at this point. They rushed it, Punk's heat is gone, and it just doesn't feel special anymore. Bummer, but that's alright. Punk's still a great performer, and WWE's much better when he's there than when he's not there.