The WWE Thread

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The way I see it panning out, is for Triple H to screw CM Punk out of the title at Summerslam, thus turning Hunter heel. That way golden boy Cena can stay the Champ and can start some lame ass feud with Dolf Diggler who comes out with Vicky Guerrero. And Punk will then have a major feud with Preparation H

Oh and they will forget to give Rey a rematch too
Don't be so cynical. I'm sure that Rey will get a re-match. . .to open Raw one week, that he'll lose due to interference by whatever other mid-card villain he's supposed to be feuding with at the moment. Then that'll be that.
When is the last time Cena lost a clean match meaning no outside interference or distractions?
I cant believe people still watch this garbage on a regular basis?I have been a wrestling fan for over 30 years and this is the worst I have ever seen it.Even worse than the years Men on a Mission were active.What the hell is wrong with Vince M. anyway?I Guess a 65 year old man still thinks he knows what people want.I havent seen a big star in the promotion since Brock Lesner left.Workers use to know how they push a guy out that isnt over and give him the strap.It used to be a huge honor if guys got the strap.When the Miz,Cena,Edge,Orton,Christian is the best you got,then you are in trouble.All midcarders as far as I can see.TNA isnt any better.The Hogan and Bischoff show put WCW out of business.
Well, I agree with some of what you say, but I think Edge in particular was a guy who earned and deserved the title, and was able to generate genuine heat. And like it or hate it (I personally don't understand it), the fans seem to love Randy Orton, so I think he's deserved his push. Christian and Miz? I don't really see them as championship material, either, though both have more than paid their dues. Back in the early '90s, they might have been worthy of the IC title, but nowadays that title doesn't mean ____ so who cares? Cena. . .well, he's got his group of fans, and he's got mad mike skills and the look McMahon has always preferred. But McMahon has shoved him down the fans' collective throats for many years when he sometimes didn't seem to warrant it. I think CM Punk is the kind of heel that would be a great foil for a babyface champion in any era.

But were things really much better in the 80s and 90s in the WWE? Sometimes. But frankly, I'm glad the days of Hogan vs. Warrior are gone, and the 90s had some great stuff that seemed to result from the aftermath of steroid-gate and WCW's competition with WWE, but that just couldn't have lasted. If you remember Raw from the early to mid 1990s, it wasn't pretty. Mostly jobbers vs. A- or B-listers, and a main event that would be lucky to make it as an under card match on Raw nowadays. I think NWA/WCW gave you a much better product in the 1980s, but that wasn't something you could sell to the massive audiences the WWE attracted. If you are a fan of actual wrestling, then it is better to be a fan of WWE now than it was in the mid-80s through the 1990s IMO. Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd had a ____ing awesome 15 minute match or so on Smackdown last week. You wouldn't find that very often on WWE TV back in the day.

As for Raw last night, I thought it was a major improvement over last week. Great tension at the end of the show.
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Glad to see Punk was back on form. Scripted or not, 99% sure it was cleared before he said it, I love how had a go about the latest batch of wrestlers that have been fired
Cena seemed genuinely surprised at some of the things Punk said, but then again, he's a pretty good actor. Wouldn't have surprised me if Punk just got clearance from the guys in charge without running it by Cena first so he could have that kind of reaction.

One great thing about this feud is that, unlike other feuds of the past, neither guy is bad or wrong. They are both right and justified for their behavior in their ways, and both have fans that will support them from that.

One thing I was confused about was that Cena was saying Punk would be a one-hit wonder type if he didn't win at Summer Slam? WTF? Didn't Punk already win the title 3 or 4 times? Is Cena treating those reigns as illegitimate?
Cena seemed genuinely surprised at some of the things Punk said, but then again, he's a pretty good actor. Wouldn't have surprised me if Punk just got clearance from the guys in charge without running it by Cena first so he could have that kind of reaction.

One great thing about this feud is that, unlike other feuds of the past, neither guy is bad or wrong. They are both right and justified for their behavior in their ways, and both have fans that will support them from that.

One thing I was confused about was that Cena was saying Punk would be a one-hit wonder type if he didn't win at Summer Slam? WTF? Didn't Punk already win the title 3 or 4 times? Is Cena treating those reigns as illegitimate?

I guess he means Punk is a 1 hit wonder against a main carder like him. Yeah Punk has won the belt before, but he has never hit the big time level of Triple H, Rock or Stone Cold until he threatened to leave with the belt. As you have said before, wrestlers now hold the belt who would have been lucky to have got the IC title in the past. I honestly think they should back to one World Championship belt, and then change the name of the IC belt to the Raw Championship, and make the USA belt the Smackdown Championship
I guess that's a good point. He feuded with guys like Jeff Hardy in the past for the title. But who else is left in WWE that are "main carders" that Cena could be referring to? Himself and Orton only? The lack of depth in the championship title chase is a major major major flaw with WWE IMO. Even one of their current champs (Christian) isn't a serious champion and will lose to Orton the first time Orton has a fair shot.
I guess that's a good point. He feuded with guys like Jeff Hardy in the past for the title. But who else is left in WWE that are "main carders" that Cena could be referring to? Himself and Orton only? The lack of depth in the championship title chase is a major major major flaw with WWE IMO. Even one of their current champs (Christian) isn't a serious champion and will lose to Orton the first time Orton has a fair shot.

And I guess this is why people are getting behind Punk. Nobody has really had a chance to hit the big time since Vince has been pushing Cena so hard down our throats. Kevin Nash hit the nail on the head when he talked about how the WWE had weakened the Sheamus character by having him run away from Nexus while calling for Cena's help.
Did I hear him correctly?

Did Cena just refer to himself as a modern day Hulk Hogan?

I mean, everybody knew that was what the WWE was going for, but calling it out like that was extremely bad taste. Even the crowd boo'd him out. Even Cena looked a bit embarrassed.

PS- I hope you don't mind Dino, but I joined the campaign :)
Did I hear him correctly?

Did Cena just refer to himself as a modern day Hulk Hogan?

I mean, everybody knew that was what the WWE was going for, but calling it out like that was extremely bad taste. Even the crowd boo'd him out. Even Cena looked a bit embarrassed.

PS- I hope you don't mind Dino, but I joined the campaign :)

Great Sig :hi5:
Did I hear him correctly?

Did Cena just refer to himself as a modern day Hulk Hogan?

I mean, everybody knew that was what the WWE was going for, but calling it out like that was extremely bad taste. Even the crowd boo'd him out. Even Cena looked a bit embarrassed.

PS- I hope you don't mind Dino, but I joined the campaign :)

Yeah when I heard that I just said WTF. :slap Cena wishes. People can say what they want about Hogan today, but back in his prime Hogan was thee man. Cena can't even compare to the amount of love Hogan received nor does he have any of his charisma and connection with the people like Hogan had.
From what I remember, I thought Cena said it mockingly not seriously.

I am not so sure. I really don't mind Cena and what he represents to young fans, but I think they are really working hard to make him into a jack as-s in the eyes of older fans.
Well, I agree with some of what you say, but I think Edge in particular was a guy who earned and deserved the title, and was able to generate genuine heat. And like it or hate it (I personally don't understand it), the fans seem to love Randy Orton, so I think he's deserved his push. Christian and Miz? I don't really see them as championship material, either, though both have more than paid their dues. Back in the early '90s, they might have been worthy of the IC title, but nowadays that title doesn't mean ____ so who cares? Cena. . .well, he's got his group of fans, and he's got mad mike skills and the look McMahon has always preferred. But McMahon has shoved him down the fans' collective throats for many years when he sometimes didn't seem to warrant it. I think CM Punk is the kind of heel that would be a great foil for a babyface champion in any era.

But were things really much better in the 80s and 90s in the WWE? Sometimes. But frankly, I'm glad the days of Hogan vs. Warrior are gone, and the 90s had some great stuff that seemed to result from the aftermath of steroid-gate and WCW's competition with WWE, but that just couldn't have lasted. If you remember Raw from the early to mid 1990s, it wasn't pretty. Mostly jobbers vs. A- or B-listers, and a main event that would be lucky to make it as an under card match on Raw nowadays. I think NWA/WCW gave you a much better product in the 1980s, but that wasn't something you could sell to the massive audiences the WWE attracted. If you are a fan of actual wrestling, then it is better to be a fan of WWE now than it was in the mid-80s through the 1990s IMO. Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd had a ____ing awesome 15 minute match or so on Smackdown last week. You wouldn't find that very often on WWE TV back in the day.

As for Raw last night, I thought it was a major improvement over last week. Great tension at the end of the show.
So many better workers in the day-Savage,Steamboat,Bret Hart,Shawn Michaels,Ted Dibiase,Mr.Perfect,Bulldogs,Tito Sanatana,Paul Orndorff,The list goes on and on.Today ,you might have a few.