Nerf Herder
WWE still needs to get a few things together. Just "throwing" Del Rio in there doesn't help. I'm glad they're pushing the younger guys, but Del Rio has no history in America despite his legacy in Mexico. Build these guys up! Make them Intercontinental Champ or US Champ or whatever and THEN bring them to the main leagues.
The Rock and Austin didn't become World Champions within the first year or so of their careers! That is one thing I hate about the WWE now, the main event arena is such a grab bag of tossing guys there, letting them be champ and then pulling back because they just don't "stick". And they waste talent like Jericho and Punk (until his rant) in favor of these young guys who the fans just don't connect with.
When was the last time the World Championship MEANT something? They're still treating it like a joke.

It's pretty sad when the Heavyweight title title or the WWE title is given to wrestlers who aren't even over with the fans just to try to push them.... Swagger, Ziggler, Sheamus, etc... Those guys needed to work their way up through quality matches at the mid-card level!