Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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I'd be surprised if air rifles weren't subject to the same style of firearms act as in England and Australia - no air rifles, no bows, no nuthin'.
If I could get away with it though I most certainly would shoot these ****ers with an air rifle, such is the anger their actions inspire in me. Don't care that its not my car, you do that to someone elses property for a laugh or because you can't control yourself with drink, tough $h!t, you're getting shot in the ****ing ***.
Air rifle would probably get your *** kicked faster than a bat. If you think you can put enough pellets in a rampaging drunk to drop them, before they (more than one?) reach you, then I'm wrong. Maybe if you had something semi-automatic (I don't know if they make full-auto air guns).

I'd still rather have a wooden bat. You don't need to be Biff Tannen to kick *** with a wooden bat, even if there's more than one. (Just don't kill anyone with it.
Yeh, you don't want to kill anyone. Aiming for the knees is a good tactic, and I'd choose an aluminium baseball bat ahead of an English willow cricket bat. A police truncheon or nightstick is nimbly wielded and versatile, but a bit harder to explain away if the local constabulary turn up. Await your pics.
i hate that weird looking man on the right side of the SSF banner. are they selling him?

Yeah, but it's not cheap. It's the only Wonder Warburton in existence! :horror:panic:

This ****ing message coming up with every second picture I try to post using photobucket

**** you photobucket I just want to post my ******* pic on my forum please FFS. Piss off with this.
I just joined a facebook debate group which is predominantly white liberals and I'll be damned if every last one of them isn't 1000% convinced that black poverty is caused by white racism.
They're getting around to it. First they had to make sure those of us not so enlightened understood that we knew nothing about history. They've just now deigned to specify what they're talking about. Basically, they've determined that there is racism. White Americans have a disproportionate share of power. Black americans have a disproportionate share of suffering. Q.E.D., white racism (which is universal; if you are white you are either a perpetrator or a beneficiary) is to blame for the suffering of black Americans and the only solution (on account of the utterly corrupt nature of the system and the utter complacency of those who benefit from it) is violent revolution. Destruction to clear the path for true democracy. My favorite.
The worst kinds of bullies are the ones who claim perpetual victimhood to justify their own bad behavior.
They're getting around to it. First they had to make sure those of us not so enlightened understood that we knew nothing about history. They've just now deigned to specify what they're talking about. Basically, they've determined that there is racism. White Americans have a disproportionate share of power. Black americans have a disproportionate share of suffering. Q.E.D., white racism (which is universal; if you are white you are either a perpetrator or a beneficiary) is to blame for the suffering of black Americans and the only solution (on account of the utterly corrupt nature of the system and the utter complacency of those who benefit from it) is violent revolution. Destruction to clear the path for true democracy. My favorite.

:lol .....white guilt!