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If you're worried about it then get it checked out immediately, if only to save the stress from worrying about it.

See your GP, if they have any concerns they'll refer you to an ENT specialist.
Thanks Lejuan. I may. Might give it another little while to see if it goes away. I'll stop drinking coke (coca cola :D ) for a while and see if the reason could be over-production of phlegm and that may be causing me to snore like a mofo, putting stress on my larynx or something (although I've always drank ****loads of coke). I just don't want to go to the doctor and have it be another wasted trip with them saying its something minor like that if it really isn't. Hopefully, if it is something serious, that isn't enough time for it to go beyond the point of no return but this is the way it is with doctors. If you aren't in the usual age bracket for a given cancer they will assume all the lesser stuff first. Most times they're probably right to do so.

Speaking of all this, I think maybe the forum could do with a thread for health worries. Can anyone think of a reason not to have such a thing here?
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If you go in very clear about exactly what your symptoms are, you're more likely to get a comprehensive, accurate diagnosis. Know exactly where the pain is, what kind if pain it is and a timeline for when you noticed it and how consistent it is. At this stage if your life (past 30) you should have, or look to have, a GP who you trust and is familiar with your health history.

I think someone started a health thread here a year or two back, and I'm pretty sure it deteriorated pretty quickly :lol
I've been keeping a kind of health diary on my phone. So I should be able to pinpoint various signs and when things started with a bit of research into that. Though I wonder is it all just part of the problem, making me look for pain where otherwise I might not even notice (i.e, I'm creating the pain with my mind) - the pain isn't debilitating by any means - I feel if I knew for sure it wasn't cancer I'd just get on with things and it'd go away by itself. I'm not exactly rolling in money to be able to afford frequent doctor visits though. 55euro a trip in Ireland, not counting any medications prescribed or subsequent specialist referrals.
I've been keeping a kind of health diary on my phone. So I should be able to pinpoint various signs and when things started with a bit of research into that. Though I wonder is it all just part of the problem, making me look for pain where otherwise I might not even notice (i.e, I'm creating the pain with my mind) - the pain isn't debilitating by any means - I feel if I knew for sure it wasn't cancer I'd just get on with things and it'd go away by itself. I'm not exactly rolling in money to be able to afford frequent doctor visits though. 55euro a trip in Ireland, not counting any medications prescribed or subsequent specialist referrals.

Sorry your not feeling well buddy, but don't sweat spending some cash on yourself on a doctor visit, sometimes we mess up prioritys in our head, spending hundreds or even thousands on collectibles and do without other real world things that are more important. Get checked out pal:1-1:
I'm a hypochondriac from way back. When I turned 40 I went to a doctor and pretty much begged him to shove an exploratory digit up my arse to confirm a healthy prostate (he didn't).

Then I told him I smoked pot for 15 years, had worked in industrial workshops around all sorts of dodgy materials, and had had at least one decent exposure to asbestos - and even then he only referred me for a chest x-ray to get me the hell out if his office. ****** university doctors, I tried them all out at the health centre 'cause the consults are free for staff and students, and they were all rubbish. I'm lucky that for more specific, serious stuff (like my arthritic hip ffs) I can call on my dad who's a surgeon.

But 55 Euro, man, I thought Ireland had a solid universal health care system? We pay $20-30 for a single consult, but there are plenty of clinics that don't charge at all. Still, I'd suggest a consult before dismissing the ache as psychosomatic - any ache or pain out of the usual (ie doesn't feel like anything you've previously experienced) and that hangs around for weeks is worth getting looked at.
There's a few things available on toyrus site. What are you looking for? I'll gladly see if our Kmart has anything or stores nearby. Good luck!

also if the order is more than 50 bucks the shipping home is free, and you can even use paypal with toys r us if you want
Thanks for the advice. I found some things after some extensive searching, but the stuff she wants is, of course, the stuff all other kids want. They all like the white haired princess the best, even though from what I gather the sister is the main character. The "Elsa" dress goes for over $200 on EBay.

On healthcare cost, we had an emergency room visit one night in November for my youngest, out of town so I guess the network our insurer has set up didn't apply. Cost to us was around $1,500, and we have very, very good health insurance. Without insurance it would have been well over $5,000. USA has it's pros and cons. Health care costs are not something worth bragging about here.
Ache or a burn? I'd go to a throat specialist if it doesn't stop soon. You could simply have a node on it.
it pays to visit the throat specialist, regularly. :lecture

I read your post pre-edit :lol

Our former Prime Minister's husband got into a bit of trouble a while back for encouraging men who were shy of a prostate exam to shop around for a "small Asian female doctor". Non-PC perhaps, but hardly wrong :lol
Thanks for the advice. I found some things after some extensive searching, but the stuff she wants is, of course, the stuff all other kids want. They all like the white haired princess the best, even though from what I gather the sister is the main character. The "Elsa" dress goes for over $200 on EBay.

On healthcare cost, we had an emergency room visit one night in November for my youngest, out of town so I guess the network our insurer has set up didn't apply. Cost to us was around $1,500, and we have very, very good health insurance. Without insurance it would have been well over $5,000. USA has it's pros and cons. Health care costs are not something worth bragging about here.

I totally agree with you there! I've only had insurance the last few years and I watched the costs triple. What really kills me is when they charge my insurance higher, it makes my share higher, so I don't save much. I only save on large bills, like my knee surgery. I have both a deductible and a co-pay. I never meet my deductible in a year. I didn't even with surgery. Stinks. I swear in the long run, when you figure in what I pay for my insurance and with co-pay and out of pocket expenses, I pay more.
Thanks. And thanks also to Skull and Lejuan again. I'm probably gonna give it another week or two. I want to try something, give up the coke.....under the circumstances I feel it necessary to clarify that as Coca Cola :D

Softdrinks increase phlegm production I think, could be making my snore like a mofo during the night or something putting strain on my vocal chords. Then again I seem to feel fine first thing when I get up, its only as the day goes on that the ache comes in. I dunno.
Parking as far away from the shop as possible and still some moron has to roll up and park next to me, **** off I like my doors dent free :lol