Things I Hate

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Please don't turn my thread into a police hating thread. If you hate the police fine, then don't ever call on them for anything. Thank you.

I think it has less to do with hating police and more to do with hating police who behave less than honorably, court systems that abet said behavior, and/or laws that virtually require it.

That said, how did it take you so long to react? That conversation was weeks ago.
Please don't turn my thread into a police hating thread. If you hate the police fine, then don't ever call on them for anything. Thank you.


Call on them for what exactly? I've been robbed in my house at gunpoint, do you think you get a phone call in that situation?

Snow Plow hits my parked car, 8 hours later, a cop shows up, can't do anything.

If a cop is in the right place at the right time, maybe he can do something, or maybe like in front of the Empire State Building, he'll shoot 8 unarmed civilians by accident trying to get the bad guy. The threat of cops being out there is what keeps most people in line. When that doesn't cut it, they usually serve more as clean up and crowd control.

Too many cops now get away with crimes and it's gotta stop. Other cops see what they get away with and mimic the behavior, it's dangerous. Like I said, they profile all of us. They profile you, if you were to be pulled over, they would approach you ready to draw their weapon etc. A few bad people ruin it for all people. A few bad cops ruin it for all cops. It's just the way it works. Change your public image, you will see your support change as well. The police were not always like this in this country. Post 9-11 it's only gotten worse.

Call on them for what exactly? I've been robbed in my house at gunpoint, do you think you get a phone call in that situation?

Snow Plow hits my parked car, 8 hours later, a cop shows up, can't do anything.

If a cop is in the right place at the right time, maybe he can do something, or maybe like in front of the Empire State Building, he'll shoot 8 unarmed civilians by accident trying to get the bad guy. The threat of cops being out there is what keeps most people in line. When that doesn't cut it, they usually serve more as clean up and crowd control.

Too many cops now get away with crimes and it's gotta stop. Other cops see what they get away with and mimic the behavior, it's dangerous. Like I said, they profile all of us. They profile you, if you were to be pulled over, they would approach you ready to draw their weapon etc. A few bad people ruin it for all people. A few bad cops ruin it for all cops. It's just the way it works. Change your public image, you will see your support change as well. The police were not always like this in this country. Post 9-11 it's only gotten worse.

There have always been good cops and bad cops.
I don't even think people think that every cop is bad. The problem is that there aren't real consequences to the ones that mess up. The law doesn't seem to apply to people working for the government.

Also if you happen to be innocent but they think you aren't, you are screwed and when it is your word against their word, their word wins (Unless there is video to prove your innocence)even if they lie their word is taken more seriously.
sometimes that seems kind of scary,
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All I ever get from cops are tickets, but I appreciate them protecting the people that could potentially be hurt by my actions, but never are because there was a police officer there to relieve me of money.
I think it has less to do with hating police and more to do with hating police who behave less than honorably, court systems that abet said behavior, and/or laws that virtually require it.

That said, how did it take you so long to react? That conversation was weeks ago.

Because IRVY brought it up again. I let it go the first time because it died out quick. And was it really weeks ago?
Yup. And the benefits work both ways.

Because IRVY brought it up again. I let it go the first time because it died out quick. And was it really weeks ago?

5/2. A week. One weeks. Same thing. :lol

I didn't notice Irvy's post. But honestly, some of the most loyal supporters of police that I know will turn anti-cop at the drop of a hat when they start doing things like shooting at people while drunk and off-duty (NY, recently, multiple incidents), shooting tied up dogs, shooting unarmed people, etc. Corruption in police departments is not a rare thing (nor is over-reliance on their license to use force) and personally, nothing they do excuses that. When it happens, people need to say something, and loudly.
the biggest problem is how their word means everything and courts act like a cop can't ever lie. Like they tell the truth no matter what. which is kind of bizarre because when it comes to regular people it is the opposite way, they always expect people to be lying all the time.

And even if they realize he lied they still don't do much about it,
Also that they are arming themselves with military weapons literally.

We have APCs from Iraq and the Middle East winding down and now rather than sell them to other countries, we sell them to our own police. These are armored tanks.

While that may not sound like a big deal to you, think about this. Those tanks come with a budget for the Police. They have to pay to have them maintained. maintenance etc. That costs millions every year. Now how do you justify spending those millions? Well you have to use the product. That's it. If it sits unused you don't get that budget next year and you lose the tanks. So they have to use them to keep them.

Next time you see an entire city shut down for 1 terrorist(the plot of the movie The Siege which I never thought I'd actually see play out in Boston) and you see tanks rolling down the street with cops armed with M-16s pointing them at you through the window of your house, or profiling an entire race of American citizens like the Japanese Prison Camps we built in WW2, ask yourself if that feels like freedom.

The #1 criminal threat in this country is gangs, and there would be no gangs if drugs were legal. Criminals escalate firepower, cops escalate firepower, but don't you dare suggest ending prohibition because then what possible excuse could there be for a militarized police force?

Terrorists? I thought TSA had that under control. :dunno
Yup. And the benefits work both ways.

5/2. A week. One weeks. Same thing. :lol

I didn't notice Irvy's post. But honestly, some of the most loyal supporters of police that I know will turn anti-cop at the drop of a hat when they start doing things like shooting at people while drunk and off-duty (NY, recently, multiple incidents), shooting tied up dogs, shooting unarmed people, etc. Corruption in police departments is not a rare thing (nor is over-reliance on their license to use force) and personally, nothing they do excuses that. When it happens, people need to say something, and loudly.

No doubt, but to paint them all with the same brush is wrong. To condemn them all is wrong. I wouldn't want their job.
No doubt, but to paint them all with the same brush is wrong. To condemn them all is wrong. I wouldn't want their job.

Same thing happens with teachers. Every critic reckons they can do a better job despite not having a drop of training or awareness of the demands of the job.

Speaking of which, students not turning up to class and then wanting to schedule a tutorial to cover stuff they missed. Er, how about "F **k off and come back when you can respect my time".

But of course I say, "Uh kaaaaaay" because they're full-fee paying international students that help pay my ****** wage.
There is a differance in condemning a broken system and individually condemning each member.

Both the educational and law and order systems in America need total overhauls. Both systems are massive failures to the people they are supposed to be serving. That doesn't make every person that is a part of it an ********. But sitting back and pretending that it's not everyone of our problems sure might. Ignoring it and living your own life is as bad as and is contributing to it's downfall.