Things I Hate

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If his religion teaches him to hate what he is then it would still seem to fit the bill as an act of hate against the LGBT community. And since he aligned himself with ISIS it is also an act of radical Islamic terrorism. I don't know why the news is bothering to split hairs about this, was it this/was it that - how about all of the above :huh
If sin is what's wrong with the world, and your god commands that you convert or eliminate the sinner, it's simple math for anyone who takes that crap seriously. I'm oversimplifying, but the bottom line doesn't change.
Nothing bright about it, but it definitely wasn't the killer's. That's just an empty vessel waiting to be filled.

I'd proffer a guess, but I might offend people who disagree, and they don't handle offense well.
You're suggesting he had no agency? My take is that it's pretty simple - he killed because he was an angry, confused sociopath. Daesh is like a franchise for every disaffected Muslim nutter.
No, the choice to allow ideas into one's head without evaluating them is personal, but once the passivity has been established, they don't have much resistance to the logical consequences of whatever they choose to be a vehicle for. They have chosen to let it be. My point is that they did not originate the idea. Those types can't. Thought is not passive.

This group has certainly become like the McDonald's of jihad murder, but they aren't special or exclusive in the least. The only difference between them and something like the Brotherhood is that they don't have the need for any illusions of civility. Before IS, there were the groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, who paid lip service to principles of justice while killing indiscriminately. They were the extremists to the Brotherhood's moderation. Now they've dropped the civil pretense and openly declare their intent to conquer. You can call them crazy, but was Said Qutb crazy? Hassan al-Banna?

What's the difference between a homicidal maniac and the purveyors of a really ****ing bad idea? Crazy needs structure, particularly if it's going to serve a purpose. That structure is the system of ideas which vindicates them in committing what are categorically evil acts that would cause most people to lose their minds were they to follow suit.
I take your point on the origin of an idea, but trying to distinguish between the various iterations and manifestations of what might constitute crazy sure does hurt.
As we're on the topic, apparently the killer was gay, and his religious views sent him out of whack.

Soon as I heard he was spending time at the club prior, I figured as much.

I still don't know why I'm surprised on how Obama reacted... I know there's plenty of memes of "worst President ever", but I don't think it really rang true until his utterly ridiculous reaction to this. A religious radical did this, so blame all gun owners? These mass shootings don't even register with the amount of illegal gun shootings/deaths in the country. Nearly 2,000 shot thus far in Chicago alone so far this year... you know, where you can't own a gun?
Did you know that those ghetto shootings count toward annual mass shooting statistics? The claim that we had more of them than days in 2016 was a grossly inflated figure. The definition for what counts was changed recently. By the traditional definition, we had 11 (or something like that).
It doesn't surprise me that cook the numbers to push their agenda. Not to mention, you can't own a firearm in any capacity in the Chicago, and all the firearms used are illegal. Which pulls the rug out of the whole argument on more gun regulation. Just enforce what's there to the letter and make sure background checks are thorough.
Thats terrible. All of those are terrible. But I can't imagine my child being pulled way from me like that. I'd never sleep again.
I can't believe they're even searching. He's either in a stomach of one, or lodged underwater as a late night snack.

EDIT: Just read the article. I seriously doubt they'll recover anything. Even if it was a small Gator, another one much bigger could of finished the kid off. Terrible.
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That would be awful. I mean there isn't much anyone could do in a situation like that. Gators are quick, snatch their prey and then back in water. I'd be so sick.

Disney is going to pay for that one, as they should.
They'll of course go with the no swimming signs were posted angle. And frankly, it's on the parents. But, having a family resort surrounded by predators is nuts.

But yeah, I don't see a good outcome at all. Although maybe this would start a precedent toward Disney, you never know.
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