Things I Hate

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To me it wasn't political. :dunno

Anyway, I had a whole thing typed out to Lejuan then when I clicked post the thread was closed so I lost it all. Boo! :lol

Yeah closing that thread was lame. It was more civil than a lot of doll threads. Massive tragedy and topical event and discussion gets shut down. Anyway, my condolences to our American cousins. May the victims RIP.
And may the perpetrators and their puppeteers rot on Earth, dying with full knowledge that their ideal is a crooked, pathetic failure.

EDIT: I couldn't get through the first page of that thread without wanting to burn it down. Good thing it was closed.
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And may the perpetrators and their puppeteers rot on Earth, dying with full knowledge that their ideal is a crooked, pathetic failure.

EDIT: I couldn't get through the first page of that thread without wanting to burn it down. Good thing it was closed.

Why? Everyone had an opinion but at the end everyone was completely behind what was essentially a hate crime that shouldn't have happened. Everyone was respectful towards each other. Pro gun, against guns, whatever. But very respectful. Pissed off? Yeah, but why it got closed is beyond me.

You see more hate and name calling on a sideshow 1/6 release thread!
Why? Everyone had an opinion but at the end everyone was completely behind what was essentially a hate crime that shouldn't have happened. Everyone was respectful towards each other. Pro gun, against guns, whatever. But very respectful. Pissed off? Yeah, but why it got closed is beyond me.

You see more hate and name calling on a sideshow 1/6 release thread!

It should have been a lot more hostile. What the **** is a hate crime? Pure ****ing gibberish. Mass murder inspired by a gutter ideology, and there are no two ways about it. This had nothing to do with a lack of gun laws, unless those laws prevented the innocents from being armed adequately to end this before it escalated to 50 deaths. It had more to do with the appeasing cowardice of the hacks this country elects on a regular basis. Americans have lost the ability to think about anything other than their comforts. Intellect applied to any problem involving an ethical premise leaves the smartest people in this country drooling like the mongrels who despise them.
Second page was better than the first, saved by Snake, hairlesswookiee, mfoga, Clown Prince, crows, and the lovely Ween (sorry if I missed anyone).

Rationalizations were still off the chart. Would have been nice to fix those, but what can you do. The definition of mass shooting was recently changed to allow for the slaughter in American ghettos to be included in the statistics. There were not more mass shootings in the U.S. than there were days last year. There was something like 11. It's a bald-faced equivocation and the dishonesty is pure malevolence. No one who lies like that gives a damn about human life (or perhaps their contempt is reserved exclusively for Americans...)
Second page was better than the first, saved by Snake, hairlesswookiee, mfoga, Clown Prince, crows, and the lovely Ween (sorry if I missed anyone).

Rationalizations were still off the chart. Would have been nice to fix those, but what can you do. The definition of mass shooting was recently changed to allow for the slaughter in American ghettos to be included in the statistics. There were not more mass shootings in the U.S. than there were days last year. There was something like 11. It's a bald-faced equivocation and the dishonesty is pure malevolence. No one who lies like that gives a damn about human life (or perhaps their contempt is reserved exclusively for Americans...)

Huh? Second page of that closed thread only have: Snake Plissken, The Ween, franpincho, bunnyfreakz, Lejuan, Deeznutz6, jye4ever, and Vortex. Where you get hairlesswookiee, mfoga, Clown Prince, and crows?

You don't want to get to Mr. Green's posting. He's horrible!
I don't read malevolence into rationalising the atrocity - just different ways of searching for an explanation where there is no clear strategy or solution. It's just as easy to say "arm everyone and this wouldn't happen" as it is "disarm everyone and this wouldn't happen" - but everyone but the truly deranged, surely, simply wants to safely go about their business in a free society without fear of random slaughter.
I'm not talking about anyone in the thread being malevolent. I'm speaking of those who changed the standard of measure for what constitutes a mass shooting. People (understandably) associate the term with incidents like this weekend's. The statistics now include incidents that have nothing to do with that. Media outlets exploiting this are evil. Period. Those who changed the standard are evil. Period.

For the record, I don't believe another gunman on site is a panacea. The whole idea behind concealed carry is the deterrence of not knowing who is armed and who is not. Without that information, any would be shooter is walking into a situation where everyone is potentially armed. In a gun-free zone, the hypothetical shooter knows better than to worry.

Huh? Second page of that closed thread only have: Snake Plissken, The Ween, franpincho, bunnyfreakz, Lejuan, Deeznutz6, jye4ever, and Vortex. Where you get hairlesswookiee, mfoga, Clown Prince, and crows?

You don't want to get to Mr. Green's posting. He's horrible!

I must have made it past page two.

I know Mr. Green is a peace loving man. I would expect no less.
For the record, I don't believe another gunman on site is a panacea. The whole idea behind concealed carry is the deterrence of not knowing who is armed and who is not. Without that information, any would be shooter is walking into a situation where everyone is potentially armed. In a gun-free zone, the hypothetical shooter knows better than to worry.

Couldn't agree more. The rush to blame the tool instead of the ideology is baffling.

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The dead and injured will be forgotten about in a couple days. This is just something for those running for president to use to their advantage.
Well as a Republican 2nd Amendment supporter. I'll be frank, The Middle East is the NEW THIRD REICH. Apparently people of this world can't see it, but as America we DESTROYED the Nazi Empire. Now a new figure head has taken it's place.

My notes in spoiler tag.

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As this rant is purely political and hereby understand FAQ rules and regulations and mod deletion. I just wanted to hereby say, that I honestly hate the prospect of collecting this hobby could be put to a end if hereby in next 5 years I feel the need to protect myself justifiably. And with that I say 2nd Amendment stands as per the NOT infringed part. My liberties and freedom though I've never fired live ammunition before in my life should be considered I have the right to take arms as per any sworn officer or military personnel has made a oath to protect America foreign or domestic.
The dead and injured will be forgotten about in a couple days. This is just something for those running for president to use to their advantage.

And as to your comment, funny the bathroom issue is not brought up now.
Don't cover your profile picture with a faded American flag to mourn the loss we suffered in Orlando. It does nothing to mitigate the situation. Nothing. Nada. The reason why is because it makes you feel like you've now done something about you stop there. It's just like doing a 22 push up challenge to "raise awareness" for the 22 veterans who commit suicide daily. It makes people feel like they've accomplished something. And ISIS is going to control the psychological state of Americans if we keep reacting the same way. Stop tucking your tail between your legs and learn what it means to be vigilant. Learn how to protect yourself and your family. Stop being afraid to do something about it.....because if you are......then your will is gone, and they've already beaten you.
People will mourn or show solidarity in their own way, don't be too harsh on how others respond to this latest tragedy. Pro-gun, anti-gun... pro-gay, anti-gay... whatever differences exist in our societies, they are nought in the face of a shared abhorrence of and disdain for radical Islam.
Well as a Republican 2nd Amendment supporter. I'll be frank, The Middle East is the NEW THIRD REICH. Apparently people of this world can't see it, but as America we DESTROYED the Nazi Empire. Now a new figure head has taken it's place.

My notes in spoiler tag.

Spoiler Spoiler:

As this rant is purely political and hereby understand FAQ rules and regulations and mod deletion. I just wanted to hereby say, that I honestly hate the prospect of collecting this hobby could be put to a end if hereby in next 5 years I feel the need to protect myself justifiably. And with that I say 2nd Amendment stands as per the NOT infringed part. My liberties and freedom though I've never fired live ammunition before in my life should be considered I have the right to take arms as per any sworn officer or military personnel has made a oath to protect America foreign or domestic.

Spoiler Spoiler:

i hate talking about tragedies. let the dead victims rest in peace.
People will mourn or show solidarity in their own way, don't be too harsh on how others respond to this latest tragedy. Pro-gun, anti-gun... pro-gay, anti-gay... whatever differences exist in our societies, they are nought in the face of a shared abhorrence of and disdain for radical Islam.

I thought being anti-radical islam went without saying which is why I more took up on the gun-related stuff. But look, absolutely, radical islam is the worst of the worst - an absolute plague on humanity without equal.
I thought being anti-radical islam went without saying which is why I more took up on the gun-related stuff. But look, absolutely, radical islam is the worst of the worst - an absolute plague on humanity without equal.

Some of the very things that make America great also make it seem so bat**** crazy to outsiders. It's hard to believe that a country that is a peerless technological, scientific and cultural innovator should be so bad at governing itself. Home to some of the greatest minds on the planet and they get to choose between Trump and Clinton? America has never seemed so divided. The gun debate is worrying because it is so polarising at a time when what the US needs is unity.