Things I Hate

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The gun debate is important because it is the right of an American. If it gets taken away, the rest of our rights are free rein.

As for Trump and Clinton, it doesn't matter, it's all just a show put on the the people.
Don't cover your profile picture with a faded American flag to mourn the loss we suffered in Orlando. It does nothing to mitigate the situation. Nothing. Nada. The reason why is because it makes you feel like you've now done something about you stop there. It's just like doing a 22 push up challenge to "raise awareness" for the 22 veterans who commit suicide daily. It makes people feel like they've accomplished something. And ISIS is going to control the psychological state of Americans if we keep reacting the same way. Stop tucking your tail between your legs and learn what it means to be vigilant. Learn how to protect yourself and your family. Stop being afraid to do something about it.....because if you are......then your will is gone, and they've already beaten you.

Slacktivism is the way to identify your dumb friends

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Slacktivism is the way to identify your dumb friends

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I actually went off on one of my friends for the "22 a day" B.S. I see on Facebook. I straight up told him that veterans don't need their pushups, they need their support/help. Stop blaming the VA, and start blaming the friends/family that just tip toe around them because they're afraid to tell the veterans that they need to STFU and go get help.
Jesus Christ. All of these shootings are why I don't go outside unless I have to. Too many unhinged people that can't deal with their emotions in a healthy way. Instead, they think the solution is to commit murder/suicide. If you're going to be a selfish **** and kill yourself, then do it at home by yourself.
Jesus Christ. All of these shootings are why I don't go outside unless I have to. Too many unhinged people that can't deal with their emotions in a healthy way. Instead, they think the solution is to commit murder/suicide. If you're going to be a selfish **** and kill yourself, then do it at home by yourself.

They just had one of these hostage situations in Australia a couple of days ago. The more people on the planet, the more crazies.
It's not all about religion though. Some hate the government. Some get fired from their jobs. The problem is that there's something in their brains that tells them shooting people is a valid solution to expressing their anger/frustration.
Jesus Christ. All of these shootings are why I don't go outside unless I have to. Too many unhinged people that can't deal with their emotions in a healthy way. Instead, they think the solution is to commit murder/suicide. If you're going to be a selfish **** and kill yourself, then do it at home by yourself.

And do it in the tub so the clean up is easy

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be wary of the sexually frustrated ones. if those suicide bombers got some poon, they wouldn't just go boom.
but what happened in orlando made me realize something else....some of these guys wants some **** too.
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Jesus Christ. All of these shootings are why I don't go outside unless I have to. Too many unhinged people that can't deal with their emotions in a healthy way. Instead, they think the solution is to commit murder/suicide. If you're going to be a selfish **** and kill yourself, then do it at home by yourself.

on the positive side. this is a good excuse to travel even to beautiful places neighboring conflicted areas. when the likelihood of me getting mauled/shot by a gangbanger/crazy person in my area is relatively the same.
I can't believe people on are on TV right now blaming some of the deaths inside the night club on the police not taking out the shooter quick enough. STFU idiots.
I can't believe people on are on TV right now blaming some of the deaths inside the night club on the police not taking out the shooter quick enough. STFU idiots.

Blaming others often allows people to impose logical, easily-controlled parameters on events and actions enacted by the insane.

But yeah, they should STFU.
As we're on the topic, apparently the killer was gay, and his religious views sent him out of whack.
