Mr. Green
Super Freak
so Crows' one waifu short, wouldn't surprise Mr. Green that he got like dozens of em
so Crows' one waifu short, wouldn't surprise Mr. Green that he got like dozens of em
Alright guys, I'd really appreciate some help. I'm at my parents right now, and I saw that some roses that my dad bought my mom last week are now crawling with baby tree spiders (pics below). I'm not sure what to do with these little guys. My mom wants to kill them to prevent an infestation. But, I love spiders and I was wondering, is there a way I can dispose of these guys, and keep them safe (from the weather, or larger potential predators?).
Well, spiders are insectivores, so it's really beneficial to have them around during late spring and summer when mosquitoes are in full force. As long as they make their webs in an obscure corner or near a window, or door, I couldn't care less. Like, last summer, I had two in my apartment doing insect control. It was awesome seeing small bugs getting wrapped in silk.
The same those for house centipedes. Whenever I see those mofos around, I'll usually shoo them into a crevice or corner. They'll feast on cockroaches, silverfish, and whatever other dark entities are dwelling inside my walls.