ThreeZero Game of Thrones!

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Calling LoTR 'very well written' is like calling a Ferrari a 'nice little runabout' :lol

Well I didn't finish the fellowship of the ring, never acquired the taste for it, of course I'm not saying it's "bad" just that is not of my liking. Tolkien was truly a master of his genre but it really never evoke any emotion in me like the works of Alexandre Dumas, Charles Dickens or Dante Alighieri that's why personally I can't put him on a pedestal like many people do :(
oh in no way was I suggesting Martin is a better writer than Tolkien, obviously Tolkien is the superior writer, far more influential and essentially created the fantasy genre. I was just talking in scope of the detail of the worlds, GOT wins out, hey it has a few more thousand pages to work with..
Well I didn't finish the fellowship of the ring, never acquired the taste for it, of course I'm not saying it's "bad" just that is not of my liking. Tolkien was truly a master of his genre but it really never evoke any emotion in me like the works of Alexandre Dumas, Charles Dickens or Dante Alighieri that's why personally I can't put him on a pedestal like many people do :(

It took me a couple of goes to 'get into it', but once I did it was un-put-downable. I haven't read any of Alighieri's writing, it's interesting that you put him in the same sentence as Dumas and Dickens. If you ever have the time to commit to giving it another go I think you'll be rewarded. My sister told me the same thing after I'd given up on it twice :)

oh in no way was I suggesting Martin is a better writer than Tolkien, obviously Tolkien is the superior writer, far more influential and essentially created the fantasy genre. I was just talking in scope of the detail of the worlds, GOT wins out, hey it has a few more thousand pages to work with..

It took me two seasons to even be able to piece the intro credits map together :lol
Hard to compare the two, honestly. Tolkien is almost like reading mythology in that his heroes seem a little too perfect and incorruptible, especially for modern tastes. That's why movie Aragorn was portrayed as more of a reluctant hero and Faramir had to be genuinely tempted to seize the Ring.

Game of Thrones is almost the opposite in that some main characters are portrayed more positively than in the books. In the books, Cersei is presumed responsible for murder of King Robert's bastard children as well as the failed attempt to kill Tyrion during the Battle of the Blackwater, while on the show it appears that the irredeemable Joffrey is the perpetrator. Also, Tyrion's relationship with Shae develops into a mutual love in the show that was never present in the books.
Tolkein is not well-respected among writers, critics, or academics for his writing. He is regarded as a creative and learned man, but whose writing is very prosaic.

I have not read ASOIAF, but my mother has, and she said GRRM's writing is pretty weak at times, even though she loves the story. She likes LOTR too, but would not call it literature.

The Wicked series, Oryx & Crake, and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell are the only really high literature fantasy or science fiction that jump out at me.
:lol That's assuming he ever finishes before he croaks on us. My money is on HBO finishing the story before the books due, sadly.

Sadly have to agree. I am tired of waiting to know what happens with the Book V cliffhanger (with my favorite character). There is no way we get book VI and VII before the show catches up.
I think he'll get book 6 out before the show gets to it, but they'll definitely lap him before he finishes book 7.

My solution would be for them to give him a bit more time and take a year off from the show and make a Robert's Rebellion movie to release in theaters. You could use some of the same actors, some of the same sets and all of the same budget (which I think is in the $200+ million range).
I think I will need to read all the books (from one to seven.. or eight... which ever ends up last) before I could make a judgement like that.

Going by just what I have now, that's my opinion. And honestly, the best thing to happen to LOTR is Peter Jackson. I thought the books were horrendously boring. I could barely get through FOTR, its amazing I got through the next two. And yeah, the characters in ASOIAF are infinitely more interesting to me. They remind me of real people.

I guess its just preference in fantasy. I prefer things like ASOIAF, Ericksons Malazan Book of the Fallen, Cooks Black Company series and I love Hobbs Farseer and Fool books, though she could have left it at the Farseer trilogy.

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Sadly have to agree. I am tired of waiting to know what happens with the Book V cliffhanger (with my favorite character). There is no way we get book VI and VII before the show catches up.

My feeling is a certain characters journey might see him not appear at all next season, and then that story, along with the Griffs, Quentyn Martell and Euron Greyjoy storys take place in season 6, with that cliffhanger you mention at the end of season 6. That would be in 2016, more than enough time for book 6 to be released.

Season 5 will most likely concentrate on Cersei, the Sand Snakes and the whole Stoneheart thing that hasnt even been touched upon this season.
I haven't read the books, but I've read enough character and plot synopsis (of the books) over the past few years to know the TV show varies quite a bit, so I wouldn't be surprised if events are shuffled around to fit the narrative required for this medium.

It's nice to hear that fans of the books are enjoying the TV show. I normally don't like following up something I read with a movie or TV show, so I don't have any plans to read any of the books until at the very least, the show has run its course.
I had never even thought to compare LotR and GoT - aside from both being epic fantasies, they have very little in common. LotR is essentially an allegory about good vs. evil and GoT has established that there IS no Good and no Evil (with capital letters) just petty power-hungry people, some a bit more noble than others.

As for the figures, I worry that Drogo is planned, because then Dany would need to be costumed to go with him, but her costumes in more recent seasons have been far more interesting.
...the best thing to happen to LOTR is Peter Jackson. I thought the books were horrendously boring.

As for the figures, I worry that Drogo is planned, because then Dany would need to be costumed to go with him, but her costumes in more recent seasons have been far more interesting.

Yeah, pretty much any later-seasons look for Dany would be preferred.
Yeah, pretty much any later-seasons look for Dany would be preferred.

I'd honestly prefer to see her in Dothraki leathers than in any of the Qarth gowns, but I think they'll opt for the aqua blue dress & cloak she wore throughout most of Season 3. The "Dracarys" scene where she acquired the Unsullied and killed the masters of Astapor is the most iconic Daeny scene to date.
I know this one would not be high on the list I think they should do Oberyn Martell aka The Red Viper.
so based on the WiP pics shared by threezero its safe to asssume it will be ned followed by dany. after that i hope a character that may inspire non-die hard GOT fig collecting fans into a purchase. one that is visually appealing such as the hound or maybe a white walker. a character that could be appreciated by a figure collector even if they arent that into GOT etc.

kinda worries me that the line may stall simply cuz only the die-hard GOT fans that buy figures are gettin them. IMO characters like Tyrion, Dany and Ned even tho they are really cool and being a GOT fan i want but they simply may not be cool enough as figures for some to thrown down money for. Has there been any feedback at all via threezero on how the sales have been for Tyrion?

on the topic of packaging i hope its house related, the gold/red and lion of lannister banner. rather than a generic hbo GOT style box. be cool if all where house related i think.