I rarely post here anymore but I gotta say, not being a big Rambo fan, you guys convinced me to get this fig.
The first reveal did not really impress me, but the in hand result, even though the paint is not as good as the proto, looks so much better.
Keep the pics coming. If any of you could post a comparison pic with Enterbay Rambo and this, I would really appreciate.
Got my Hot Toys First Blood Jacket Figure in - where it is not even in the same league as the ThreeZero I am still glad I have him. He?s a beautiful piece. The outfit alone is stellar (minus the big ass zipper - although easy to hide) the head sculpt is there but the paint apps are just not what they are today. I did change out the body for a TBLeague/Phicen - not the muscular one but the medium build - because I knew he was going to be fully outfitted I did not want him to look like a tick about to pop. Luckily the head sculpt and TBLeague hands have a similar skin tone...not perfect but good enough. If the hands were being posed near the face then it would be an issue, but down by his side or holding his sleeping bag strap, we are good. So with the old body and hands back in the box I cobbled him together. I really like the TBLeague body on him because it gives the figure a nice weight to him and every went on like a dream. So I now have my First Blood Rambo....well until ThreeZero realizes the cash cow they have and decides to milk it it.![]()
Why you pushing me??
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Looks great without the glossy hands. The body fills the outfit out nicely as well. The thin HT body always made that outfit look baggy.
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I rarely post here anymore but I gotta say, not being a big Rambo fan, you guys convinced me to get this fig.
I always thought the Enterbay sculpt looked like Stallone's better looking twin. Stallone's face is not very symmetrical, One eye is higher then the other, I think the Threezero fig captures this really well.
As much as I like the "black" figure, that red headband really pops.
I have a question, when changing the headband and putting on the new one, is the only way to take out the dangling part of the headband out the back of the head, or is there a way to have the dangling part of the ban to come out of the side of the hair/head instead of the back? Do you know what I mean?
I think I got ya, the black band is one solid piece. So the parts that come out of the back of the head are literally attached to the band you see on the front of the head. It is glued into place in five different spots. At least mine was. One front in center of the forehead, another area above where the ears would be and then again next to the groove in the back of the head. The band is not tied. It is just glued then pulled through the hole and then that is what you see. So if doing the band yourself do not tie it in the back then pull it through because the knot would add extra thickness where you do not have a lot of wiggle room. There is not a way to have the band come out the side because the hair hole is in the back. I just said what I wrote that out loud and my wife looked at me like, what in the hell are you looking at??? You could I guess drill a hole in the side of the hair piece and pull your band out but then you are going to have a hole in the back of the hair you will need to putty up and paint. That is not impossible but it would be extra work.
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Idk I?m looking at it in person now and I?m not seeing it![]()
Idk I’m looking at it in person now and I’m not seeing it![]()