but with ... not having any other 1:6 figures to go with...
All 1/6th wiped from existence? No Maul? Nothing?
but with ... not having any other 1:6 figures to go with...
All 1/6th wiped from existence? No Maul? Nothing?
I'm looking at photos of the Enterbay and honestly, it just doesn't hold up after seeing Threezero's attempt. I loved the EB and defended it as being sculpted in a relaxed pose, but even with arms outstretched, Stallone was jacked as hell in the film. His muscles had a lot of girth from the front, yet EB opted to give him the appearance of a basketball player: toned but slim with angular shoulders. I think Threezero have set the new standard.
I don’t agree, and that pic isn’t a fair representation at all. If anything I’d argue that the EB Rambo is extremely underrated. The paint work has held up very well even compared to today’s quality standards. The metal weapons, base, body, etc. are all top notch. My only complaint would be his arms being overly long.