Threezero The X-Files Agent Dana Scully

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IMHO . . . not that it means anything . . . especially in a 3Z discussion . . .

3Z never failed to disappoint again.

Was not pleased with Mulder and didn't expect anything to improve for Scully given 3Z's notorious and obvious fails from prototype to production that many here and elsewhere continue to defend and support like the neighborhood drug dealer who sells tainted smack that'll kill you, but still defended with loyalty by obvious addicts who have yet to die and still need their fix regardless.

The preceding sums up 3Z after witnessing so many disappointments. You know. Like buying SSC stuff with blatant flaws and still defending / supporting them short of them withholding financial support.
IMHO . . . not that it means anything . . . especially in a 3Z discussion . . .

3Z never failed to disappoint again.

Was not pleased with Mulder and didn't expect anything to improve for Scully given 3Z's notorious and obvious fails from prototype to production that many here and elsewhere continue to defend and support like the neighborhood drug dealer who sells tainted smack that'll kill you, but still defended with loyalty by obvious addicts who have yet to die and still need their fix regardless.

The preceding sums up 3Z after witnessing so many disappointments. You know. Like buying SSC stuff with blatant flaws and still defending / supporting them short of them withholding financial support.

Oh, have you seen the final product?

Do you own Mulder? He’s pretty impressive in hand. What don’t you like about him?
I've got no horse in this race as I only started getting into figure collecting 2 years ago. Since then, I picked up 7 Star Wars Hot Toys figures, an Ip Man Enterbay, and TZ's Mulder

With that said, I'm a little puzzled what made you make that claim about ThreeZero.

Now granted I'm no expert, but I also don't have any loyalties to any of the brands. With that said, I think that's kind of a strange claim to say that Mulder got worse from prototype to production. Have you seen the figures? I was pretty worried about my pre-order when I saw what the production photos looked like, but was shocked that the figure I received was miles better than the prototype. That almost never happens in life.

Outside of that, I'm not really sure what complaints I would have comparing Mulder to the Star Wars Hot Toys, especially at the price points. I mean, to me, the only major downsides that I see is the strange paint color used for the skin tone when compared to Hot Toys. Almost greenish. That, and the body used for Mulder seems pretty loose at the joints. But comparing Mulder to Enterbay's Ip Man, and there's no contest. Sams price points for those two, yet wildly differing quality levels.
Let me just say this. No one is harder on three zero than me. I've actually had some members here who I 'd consider just not as high standard as me actually Gert angry with me for constantly blasting them.

They have sub par product than most 1/6 official and third party companies. Sometimes by a long long stretch. Sadly I own so many of the damn things too because they snatch up the licenses of all of my favorite properties. Every single product is worse than the prototype.

But recently there have been some exceptions...

The last ones I got. Negan. Worse than the prototype in paint and execution but low and behold the sculpt and especially the clothes are the best out there. Yes sorry/not sorry to say these clothes beat the one and only Yunsil in her effort.

Saul... Hmmm... ok well there are issues with the sculpt in likeness but it's good. Actually really decent base paint that just lacks a bit of depth and for a mass market suit? It's actually good. And this is the first one ever that's improved from the prototype.

Mulder... same as above. Damn... I might even say I like this guy...

Leatherface.. needs a lot of work but WAY improved from the prototype and you know what? Hands down the best leatherface of all time. Beating the best previous Beto Matalli one by about 400%

Let's just say this now my outlook when it comes to Threezero is I want to believe They will never be Hot toys. Blitzway or anything like that. But there may be hope yet.
The X-Files team deserved better than this, shame on threezero.

Mulder is an excellent figure; and shouldn't we reserve judgement on Scully until the official release is in-hand?
Oh wait, I forgot; that's not how it works here. Gather ye your pitchforks and torches ! :lol
I haven't gotten my Mulder yet, but I'm one who also believes the production figure was a big improvement over the prototype figure.

I do think the proportions on Scully look weird. I'm very curious how she'll look in hand, and I hope I feel the same about her as I do about Mulder.
3Z never fails in disappointment because they're consistent in disappointment (i.e. Major Motoko, Mulder, Species Sil, etc.). Prototypes always look good, but the final production misses the mark.

I get it.

There are those with differing perspectives and they feel compelled to defend 3Z in some Stockholm syndrome manner so they feel good about their purchase on a feces product.
Then there are others who relentlessly bash to make themselves feel better about a purchase they deem subpar.
3Z never fails in disappointment because they're consistent in disappointment (i.e. Major Motoko, Mulder, Species Sil, etc.). Prototypes always look good, but the final production misses the mark.

I get it.

There are those with differing perspectives and they feel compelled to defend 3Z in some Stockholm syndrome manner so they feel good about their purchase on a feces product.

Did you even bother to read the responses to your original post, or did you just come here to practice your monologue?

I mean, your second, equally lengthy post just rephrased your original post while ignoring everyone else that offered constructive and polite criticism. Kind of pointless to me....
I do think delta makes some good points. I do think many times people relentlessly defend poor product not only because they don’t have high standards but because they want to feel better about their purchases. This is not just a threezero problem but a problem with many sub par companies who have no business having good lisences. Asmus comes to mind.

They release a garbage product and then a better version of the same thing two years after and people scramble to buy it and act like Asmus is doing them a favor. When really they are just sucking hard and the thing should have looked like that, no far better actually, in the first place.
Anyone thinking of kitbashing a gold cross for Scully? I'm considering picking up a Barbie Scully just to salvage it's necklace for the preorder. Granted it's way oversized and resembles an ankh more than a crucifix, but it's a start!
I looked into it many years ago and again recently. There’s no cross that will work for her on the market. Best bet would be to have something custom commissioned.
I have no horse in this race as I don't collect X-Files or TZ stuff yet since I don't have any of their figures but just from the photos alone I can tell Mulder is a good release. Their other releases have been off to just bad, but this one is a good looking one.

We've all had figures that photograph like crap but wind up looking decent to good in hand. The fact that this one photographs well tells me something enough about it.
I think Mulder is one of their better releases and happily have it on display. More than I can say for their Daenerys
I looked into it many years ago and again recently. There’s no cross that will work for her on the market. Best bet would be to have something custom commissioned.

Ugh, I was afraid of that. Maybe I'll just get someone to paint it on her neck... ;)
I really don’t get why people complain about Daenerys. I think she’s brilliantly done. The only GOT figure I think is wobbly is Jon Snow. Oh well.

Because it was a massive, massive (I can’t overstate how massive) downgrade on the prototype which was fantastic. One can expect a little drop off between proto and production but Daenerys was ridiculous. At least with Arya the proto was poor from the get go so we kind of know what to expect!

Having said that, I love TZ’s licences and have all the GoT figures and am all in for The X Files too.

The last few releases have been great so hopefully TZ can keep up the good form.
I think Scully looks good?

Am i crazy? The paint could be better of course, but TZ dont charge HT prices and this looks better than their Ghost In The Shell figure they made which was a disaster.
The Mulder figure is half-assed at best, it's redeeming value is that the sculpt is good and the paint ops are ok too, everything else did not match up to that standard but in saying that I have purchased figures for just the headsculpt in the past ie DID Roger Moore. My complaint is the fact that this is a duo set and it is unlikely an x-files fan will only buy either Mulder or Scully, any person with a modicom of intelligence can see that when both these figures are displayed next to each other that time wise they are a miss match, to me this is just plain nuts and makes me think that Threezero are named after their collective IQ.