Throne Of The Slayer

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I think this is one of those pieces we'll end up appreciating more with time. Likeness pieces are tough.
Ultimately, it's nice to see demand still exists for Buffy.
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I canceled. I need to focus my collecting more, and frankly, no matter how much I try to tell myself otherwise, the sculpt on this on is just not up to snuff.
I canceled. I need to focus my collecting more, and frankly, no matter how much I try to tell myself otherwise, the sculpt on this on is just not up to snuff.

I don't plan on canceling my order, but I do know what you mean by focusing the collection more. I've been going through this "crisis" for almost a year now. Marvel and Buffy lines are duking it out right now, and only one will win! :lol
I don't plan on canceling my order, but I do know what you mean by focusing the collection more. I've been going through this "crisis" for almost a year now. Marvel and Buffy lines are duking it out right now, and only one will win! :lol

Marvel vs Buffy? Wouldn't that be like the the mismatch of the century?

I'm sorry for the cancellations, but I'm happy because my wait list reservation is converting in two days :)