Whether this movie is good or not, anyone going to see it and giving Sony your money means that you are supportive of their Spidey Universe with no Spider-Man.
So basically you are affirming Sony, Amy Pascal, & Avi Arad's ideas as well thought out, and letting Sony know it's a good idea to keep going. To make Black Cat, Silver Sable, Morbius and whoever else they planned. All without a Spider-Man. And/or give them a reason to end their deal with Disney/Marvel and let them take a 3rd go around with Spider-Man. As it'll show them they don't need Marvel/Feige to come up with great story ideas. And most likely with a 3rd actor to be cast as Spider-Man, as I doubt they would bring Tom Holland over to their new universe. A teenage Spider-Man wouldn't fit very good into these movies. A teenager running around with a killer anti-hero, a burglar, a mercenary and a vampire. These are all terrible ideas. And of course confusing to fans and damaging to the MCU as people think these are the same universe.
But, go see Venom. Embrace Sony's bad decisions for more bad comic book movie ideas so we can them complain about them.
Fans who are willing to see anything rather than wait for a good movie is why we continue to get rehashed stories, reboots, remakes. The attitude of "Anything is better than Nothing" is not very smart.
Enjoy the "Not" Venom movie and your Spidey-less universe. I'll be watching from the side lines and laughing. GO SONY!!