Toyfair 2007 Captain America pics.

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DAMN! Wish I didn't have to cancel my exclusive too. No way can I afford that during the 2nd quarter. Awesome though!
tomandshell said:
I want to see more pictures of the exclusive.

Despite my Marvel house cleaning, I couldn't bring myself to cancel this order.

He might find a place in my "miscellaneous" display along with John Wayne and Thunderball Bond.

If you considering canceling it, please let me know. I'm on the waitlist for the exclusive, but I could buy yours off you if the waitlist doesn't come through.
tomandshell said:
I want to see more pictures of the exclusive.

Despite my Marvel house cleaning, I couldn't bring myself to cancel this order.

He might find a place in my "miscellaneous" display along with John Wayne and Thunderball Bond.

I was the same Tom! I'm trying to keep the "major" hero Premium Format pieces, so I've kept Spider-Man, the Hulk and my pre-order for the Cap! As for the villains, I really regret selling Doom right now and will get him again one of these days...
tomandshell said:
With my first year's worth of profits, you could get yourself one of those bobbleheads from The Fifth Element.

Tom, that isn't putting much confidence into your work. Dayum, just a bobblehead eh? Maybe I should have stuck with that one eye, three legged chihuahua. It brought in PF kind of money! Dayum, bested by a one eye, three legged oversized rat. hehe
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I'd love for there to be a Wolverine Modern PF. I like his costuming from the "Astonishing X-Men" run. The Comiquette just didn't vibe for me and I really didn't like the Logan piece....
tomandshell said:
I want to see more pictures of the exclusive.

Despite my Marvel house cleaning, I couldn't bring myself to cancel this order.

He might find a place in my "miscellaneous" display along with John Wayne and Thunderball Bond.
If I stick to my guns Cap will be the only Marvel figure I'll own as well. I'm planning on owning three "hero" pieces from OT SW (Luke, Leia, Droid 2-pack), PT SW (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Amidala), LOTR (Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn) and then Cap. Thought about going for three Marvel characters but I don't like the overall "universe" of Marvel on the same level that I do with SW and LOTR so I didn't want to dillute the Cap display with two other figures. Of course that's my plan. The Hulk greatly tested that as is Maul.
i have more wood for this figure than any other SS has produced. To me, it is absolutely perfect. Hope my wait list converts, or I'll be at someone's mercy!:monkey2
I’m really looking forward to this. I have the Cap Shield made by Factory X hanging over a book case and the Bowen Red Skull sitting just under it. The Cap PF will look sharp right there!
customizerwannabe said:
i have more wood for this figure than any other SS has produced. To me, it is absolutely perfect. Hope my wait list converts, or I'll be at someone's mercy!:monkey2

Wood over a male statue? A comic character statue? In colourful tights no less? :monkey1
I am sporting Ron Jeremy wood over this. Yeah. It is a guy in tights, and maybe I wouldn't have felt this way before he swilled down the super serum. however I look at that statue now and...:monkey5
"And the nomination for the best Ron Jeremy reference in a collectibles thread goes to....." :rotfl :lol :rotfl