Trevor Grove's Firefly Sculpts

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Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

There are way to many great artists on this forum to list. Your best bet is to go back through this forum and look at their various paint jobs and find one you like. As for cost, that varies with each artist. You'll find most artists have a back log, so PM them for price and permission to send them. As you seem to be a newbie it would be well worth your time to go back and read this forum from the first page. It is chock full of great information on all phases of the Firefly/Serenity figure bashes.

Old Grandpa
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

How is Zoe's gun from Stevo?

The proportions are good, but the casting is very, very rough. I had to work mine down with Swiss Files to remove some of the flash. The gun is better than the one he did for Mal, but not much. It could stand a better paint job, but when it's the only one available, you take what you can get.

Old Grandpa
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Just got a few head sculpts from Trevor! I'm amazed at how awesome they are! Now I need to find someone to paint them for me. Who have people been using here? And what kind of cost am I looking at?

I'm having customikey paint mine, I've seen him do good work, so does boot25 and silver surfer. The price can run from $70 a head to $120 or more a head. But remember sometimes you might also need the body painted a bit too... clothes are the next big cost. Hope this helps.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Everyone's looks great. I am just thankful to have Anzik in my life. He worked so hard bringing my crew together. The paint and the clothes are his handy work and he's just brilliant! LOVE YOU! :1-1:
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Thanks for the tips all! Yikes these figures are going to be expensive to do right, guess it's time to start a budget to spread this out over some time.

@Old Grandpa, yeah I have read through the whole thread but since I am pretty new to all of this it's hard to know everything I should be looking for :) and the thread is so long I figured this time I'd take a short cut.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Thanks for the tips all! Yikes these figures are going to be expensive to do right, guess it's time to start a budget to spread this out over some time.

@Old Grandpa, yeah I have read through the whole thread but since I am pretty new to all of this it's hard to know everything I should be looking for :) and the thread is so long I figured this time I'd take a short cut.

Absolutely. There are too many pages to have to go through and read everything. You feel free to ask anytime. A bunch of us are happy to answer.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Heck, I'm new too. I'm only making 2 of these (Zoe and Wash) though and I know they've already cost me more then $250 so far and I haven't even bought the clothes.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Gosh. That is a lot of money. I wouldn't be able to keep it going if I had to pay that much.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Heck, I'm new too. I'm only making 2 of these (Zoe and Wash) though and I know they've already cost me more then $250 so far and I haven't even bought the clothes.

Barkeep is dead on. If you get a top artist to paint up these sculpts, it can get very spendy. It cost me over $200.00 to get Trev's Mal sculpted head and boots completed with paint job. Then you do a set of Chads clothes, Stevoes rig and a TT body and you're well over $350.00. But you end up with a fine collectors figure of one of your favorite Sci-fi heroes. To me it was a no brainer. I'm a big Firefly fan and won't stop till I have the crew of 9 the way I want them.

Tuck, I didn't intend to shut you down, but felt that a lot of information you might benefit from has been left on the posts. Complete bash recipes for figures, problems that have been overcome, and a world of great ideas posted by some of the best 1/6th'ers there are. If there is ever anything I can do for you, just PM me and I'll be more than happy to share any wisdom or tricks I've picked up along the way. (I have a great pair of Newline Miniatures Japanese office boots for Mal I'll let you have at a good price if you decide not to use Trevs)

Old Grandpa
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Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Here is my Simon bash. Just waiting on a laptop bag and hes done(other then the head)

Body - Hot toys Hans Landa
Shirt - ACI Oxford shirt
Pants - Virtual toys cold killers pants
Vest - Battle gear toys
Shoes - ACI Dress shoes

the reason I went with the hans landa body is because its a standard TT with short legs so he will be shorter then Mal and Janye.

Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Hey Cadaver, He looks exactly like mine. Same vest, same shirt. I found a stethoscope and medical instruments on eBay and his little red medical bag. I too am waiting on a head.

Old Grandpa
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

For anyone out there using Trevs sculpted boots. These are fantastic sculpts, but the pair I had drilled out and painted by SilentSurfer added 3/8" to the height of Mal. If you have a stand alone figure this is not to noticeable, but if you're doing the whole crew as I am, it makes Mal 2.25 1/6th scale inches taller than Jayne. I ended up cutting 3/8" off the TT body and resculpting the calf and ankle with my Dremel. After cutting down the pants it all fits together and looks great. The boots from Trev and SS look fantastic on the figure. I'd be very wary of trying to drill the boots out any more as they could be ruined very easily.

Old Grandpa
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Hey Cadaver, He looks exactly like mine. Same vest, same shirt. I found a stethoscope and medical instruments on eBay and his little red medical bag. I too am waiting on a head.

Old Grandpa

If you had a link to the little red medical bag that would be rad.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Here is my Simon bash. Just waiting on a laptop bag and hes done(other then the head)

Body - Hot toys Hans Landa
Shirt - ACI Oxford shirt
Pants - Virtual toys cold killers pants
Vest - Battle gear toys
Shoes - ACI Dress shoes

the reason I went with the hans landa body is because its a standard TT with short legs so he will be shorter then Mal and Janye.


That looks fantastic Cadaver! :clap
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Crap ! That is a perfict fit for Simon ! Can't wait to see what you guys do for River.
In your opinion, what jumpsuit works best for Wash ? Brown or Dark Green ? I'm having a hard time deciding between the two. (And finding a good one that matches his one on TV) And where can I FIND a brown one ?
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

If you had a link to the little red medical bag that would be rad.

Cadaver, got the Med bag off eBay under Barbie accessories under Doll and Bears. I painted it red and added metal trim using model stripping silver tape. It is supposed to be the med bag Jayne robs when he thinks Simon and River are gone.

Old Grandpa