The Twitards are really overboard with these things to the point where I'd never go anywhere near the midnight anything. Its not just kids you know or 14 year old girls that actually think they'll marry Edward Cullen, its 35 year old women who think they'll marry Edward Cullen and ironically 35 year old men who think they'll marry Edward Cullen in Massachuetts. They go nuts. I'll never forget when the 4th book came out I was in Barnes and Noble with my wife and a woman about 46-47 went nuts on some guy because apparently with the release of Breaking Dawn they gave out three pin buttons. They ran out because they didn't think that many would show and apparently she was back to see if they received more and how dare tehy not have enough. She was demanding the employee's pins, they even offered her a giftcard and she didn't want it, she wanted the pins. That was enough not to head anywhere near any new Twilight anything.