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I've read all the books because I wanted to know what the big deal was. I had no idea what 'Twilight' was until I saw a line at the movie theater the night it came out! They were entertaining and easy to read (I read them all in about 10 days with a newborn in the house, so that's saying something).

Her writing is pretty sucky, but the stories are nice and straightforward - I can definitely see why the teenage and pre-teen girls love them so much.

I vastly prefer the 'werewolfs' to the vampires though. Their story was much more interesting to me. I'd be on 'Team Jacob' if I were Bella, but whatever floats your boat - if that's sparkling vampires, so be it :monkey1

I have not seen the movie yet, but it's on our Blockbuster Online list.
I don't get it. Earlier today I watched the dvd under the insistence of my teenage sister but I wasn't impressed or amused in the slightest. I hope I'm not getting a bad impression of the Twilight books from having only seen the movie, but if the quality of this film reflects that of the book, then I'd have to say Stephanie Meyers is a poor-lady's Anne Rice.
After seeing the movie I started listening to the books (I do data entry all day at work so books on tape help pass the time). I got to admit I kinda like them. I'm about 2/3 way through New Moon right now. So far, I like it better than Twilight because it isn't line after line about how beautiful Edward is. Now its just how much she misses Edward and how huge Jacob is :lol

I still don't really get the whole craze though. I just think it was good timing on Myers part. She picked up a lot of the Harry Potter crowd I think. They wanted/needed something after Harry and this filled the void. I mean the story (so far to me anyway) has been pretty basic and predictable. Yet, enjoyable. I'd certainly put Harry Potter in a higher class than these, but as long as you don't take them as seriously as most of the fans do, I think they are OK.

Its kind of nice to see "monsters" in a different point-of-view every now and then. Dracula has been done so many times something a little different like these is great. Sure it can be mushy and gaggy at times (I get it already, Edward is nice looking, move on!) but its not too bad. :dunno

The book is better than the movie though. Isn't that always the case?
I guess I could have worded that better :lol But Jacob is now like 7 feet tall is what I meant by "huge." Actually, there has been no mention at all about sex (at least in the first two books).

I finished New Moon today. I think I like it a little better than Twilight. But I don't think it will make a good movie. Its really about mental and emotional issues, something not easily portrayed in film. Plus there is no climatic fight or anything. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they can come up with for the trailers. Not a lot of excitement in this book. I can only think of a few scenes that would make decent trailer clips, but yeah, should be a boring trailer. :lol
Twilight through the eyes of College Humor. (**** Language but hilarious)

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="640" height="360" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="true"/><param name="movie" quality="best" value=""/><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="360" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:640px;">Watch <a href="">Deleted "Twilight" Sex Scene</a> on <a href="">CollegeHumor</a></div>
I didn't think the movie was that bad. I understood before watching is was a teen chic flick. I just don't understand all the hate and bashing. We can easily be made fun of for collecting SW figures. I'm surprised everyone doesn't hate Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt for being good looking vampires in Interview with the Vampire, which is still my favorite among vampire movies.
Watched it last night. The movie looked kinda cool with it's washed-out feel, but it wasn't very good :eek: The books, although still mediocre, are better for sure. I think galactiboy hit the nail on the head:

galactiboy said:
I think the thing that is sort of lacking in the film is that nothing seems as important as it did in the book. The book is really almost too laborious to read as you are getting beat over the head by how much she loves and can't live w/o Edward.

But in the film nothing seemed to have much gravity and things just seemed to happen w/o much reason.
Twilight through the eyes of College Humor. (**** Language but hilarious)

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="640" height="360" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="true"/><param name="movie" quality="best" value=""/><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="360" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:640px;">Watch <a href="">Deleted "Twilight" Sex Scene</a> on <a href="">CollegeHumor</a></div>

:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl Hilarious
I think its funny how people bag on it because Bella goes on and on about not being able to live without Edward but remember she is a teenager, for them there isn't much more important for the masses than their significant others in High School.
I'm watching it for the first time right now. I don't really understand why so many people are obsessed with it, including one of my best friends. The vampires are so cliche'd and boring IMO. Vampires are my least favorite 'Halloween monsters' as I call them. You know, out of vampires, witches, zombies, ghosts, etc. The only vampire I like is Dracula.

Do like that a lot of it was filmed in Oregon.
I watched it for the first time yesterday night and I loved it! I'd read the books (I'm in the middle of the last one!) so I knew what to expect.
All in all, a good adaptation, with only a few missing parts (I regret the fact that it's so centered on Bella and Edward that they left out Carlysle and Alices origin. It means that they'll have to find a way to weave it in the next movie to make a sense of the Volturi coven!). As expected, very mellow, but the pace was okay and the cast adequate! Not the best Vampire movie ever (not even close to Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles!), but still fun and entertaining!
I'm watching it for the first time right now. I don't really understand why so many people are obsessed with it, including one of my best friends. The vampires are so cliche'd and boring IMO. Vampires are my least favorite 'Halloween monsters' as I call them. You know, out of vampires, witches, zombies, ghosts, etc. The only vampire I like is Dracula.

Do like that a lot of it was filmed in Oregon.

So are you local, Cloud?
I'm watching it for the first time right now. I don't really understand why so many people are obsessed with it, including one of my best friends. The vampires are so cliche'd and boring IMO. Vampires are my least favorite 'Halloween monsters' as I call them. You know, out of vampires, witches, zombies, ghosts, etc. The only vampire I like is Dracula.

Do like that a lot of it was filmed in Oregon.

I don't think they are cliche'd at all. The writer never read or saw a vampire book or movie. So that argument is not valid

I would also like to report that a certain KitFisto bought this movie while his internet was down and called me at work to tell me how much he liked it.

That said he will adimitally deny this FACT according to him if questions. But at least I know the truth. ;)
I just watched it and thought it was pretty dang good. And definitely better than I expected with all the hate going on.

Not sure why my best friend is obsessing on it either, Cloud, but she told me to watch it a second time and I will. :D
And, evidently, Robert Pattinson is incredibly adorable during interviews so I'm off to YouTube some of them and really let my inner cougar out of her bag! :lol

But I do have a favor to ask...

Since I'm not planning on reading the book or series, would someone please fill me in on why:
But at least now I know why everyone looks like a model in the movie... at least that part makes sense now.

Pretty much. That's why I like those types of Vampires better than say 30 days of nights. It makes more sense. Hell even the OG Dracula had charm and looks to draw them in.

I have a feeling it'll make me enjoy the vamps even more...
I just watched it and thought it was pretty dang good. And definitely better than I expected with all the hate going on.

Not sure why my best friend is obsessing on it either, Cloud, but she told me to watch it a second time and I will. :D
And, evidently, Robert Pattinson is incredibly adorable during interviews so I'm off to YouTube some of them and really let my inner cougar out of her bag! :lol

But I do have a favor to ask...

Since I'm not planning on reading the book or series, would someone please fill me in on why:

I have a feeling it'll make me enjoy the vamps even more...

Quite simply because in the books, the change seems to magnify human beings and turn them into gorgeous, almost unearthly, godlike beauties! Actually, not very original! Lestat and all the Rice's vampired already established that twanty years ago! Vampires are sexual creatures, so in order to attract their prey, they have to be gorgeous! Meyer only added that they also smelled good too! :D