It's sad but governments have a lot to do with it. For instance, taxes, environmental regulations, human rights, tariffs, etc., all have a profound influence on who buys what and where businesses go to do their business. However, I don't think our sagging economy has anything to do with the above. To me, it's more to do with over-spending of our population by both the government and the people. If oil was our only concern, our economy would still be viable today in my opinion. Just about everyone I know lived way above their means, and it's coming back to haunt them.
But living way above our means is the American way!!

Plus it makes SOMEBODY wealthy (mortgage, credit card, and insurance companies to name a few)... so isn't that supposed to HELP our economy, if the idea behind tax breaks for the wealthy is correct? All I see is the wealthier become even more wealthy (or losing their wealth altogether since they've been encouraged to live beyond their means and were stupid with their money) and the poor becoming poorer.
Our government could DEFINITELY have more input into the ability to create alternate forms of energy. If you don't think that being in the pocket of oil companies keeps them - at least partly - from doing that to the extent that they could, well, I don't know what to say. Instead of giving millions in tax breaks to incredibly wealthy people, they could be putting that money to good use by funding MORE AND BETTER experimentation and state incentives to switch to alternative forms of energy. (oh, and they could have stayed out of the war too - that probably would have helped on the money end)
I think of this as the next 'space race'. The government put incredible amounts of resources into the space race, and landed on the moon first and all that, as a matter of national pride. Could they not put as much national pride into the 'energy race'? I have complete confidence that our scientists and government agencies could come up with a stable and abundant form of alternative energy within, say, 5-10 years, IF they had the proper resources at their disposal and it was truly made a priority. My sister's a research scientist with a Masters and PhD, and the sad fact of the matter is that, over the past 8-10 years, government funding has almost completely gone out the window for the sciences. It's all almost entirely private, and sorry, but that's just not gonna cut it. In fact, she's going to Switzerland to do research for a year for THEIR government because of it. We are losing our best and brightest minds because of our Dark Age ideas of ruling by fear and 'whoever has the biggest guns wins'. Terrorists don't care if you have big guns and come in fighting... they are weasly b@$t@rds who will find a way to terrorize no matter how big your military may be. The only way to come out ahead in the 21st century and beyond is through education and intelligence - not brute force... much in the way we won our independence originally. Oh, and stop getting sidetracked by gay marriage and whether or not to legalize marijuana! Just let them be married and smoke pot, already, and you've saved yourself a bunch of cash and time right there!
All in my humble opinion of course

Don't want to start some sort of flame war here!
Can you tell I'm a bit disillusioned with our government the way it stands right now?
And, to tie it all back on topic, this 'rebate' is nothing but a political stunt to try to pull the wool over our eyes and make it seem like something awesome... just like the proposed - and preposterous - 'gas tax holiday'. If that actually happens, I really am gonna make good on my word to move to Canada

<----not really kidding
I would gladly forego my tax rebate if they promised to put it into government funded scientific research... I wish they would give us the option. I budgeted correctly throughout the year and do not NEED this money. I hesitate to give to privately funded companies because of all the horror stories of what's REALLY going on with your money. Obviously the government isn't much better, but at least I feel like I at least have *some* say in it, since this country is supposedly a democracy.
That being said, my money will not be going toward the purchase of un-needed items, thus will not be falsely 'inflating' the economy - I'm donating to a bunch of friends who are participating in an upcoming Susan G. Komen race for breast cancer research