Well, the Earth does run in temp cycles but there is enough scientific proof showing it is real. Let's put it this way I'd rather assume its real and figure out other ways than not and screw over those who will be here when crap does hit the fan.
Based on what? 100 years data? The earth is HOW old again and you're going to say global warming is "real" based on 100 years of data? It could just as easily be real that the earth runs in temp cycles that last thousands of years.
Truth hurt? I know you libs love to scream the sky is falling all the time.
Based on what? 100 years data? The earth is HOW old again and you're going to say global warming isn't "real" based on 100 years of data?
Dev- You do realize Global Warming is real right?
you are aware of the practice where drill down and study the earth's layers and can tell atmosphere conditions, temps, foods, plants, animals etc .. dating back thousands of years arent you?
therea alot more than 100yrs of data....
Besides, what will you tree huggers do when the sun goes supernova one day anyway?![]()
hey. since we're questioning things for the helluvit, lets go ballz out.
maybe man isnt even meant to love his brother. Maybe murder, death, rape, pillage is the way meant for the earth. Hell its a practice the animal world takes part in naturally.
Maybe all the murderers are the ones going to heaven and all the Christians are going to hell.
Maybe we have it ALL wrong .......... and maybe there is no global warming .... this is cool ....![]()
Well Josh. I was joking around with the tree hugger comment, but why would "liberal" be thought of as name calling? I don't get offended at conservative. Liberal/Conservative is not "name calling" and lib's is just short for Liberal.
yeah, but if you HAVE to say one has merit and the other doesnt, then the one with minimal research still trumps the compete guess based on no research .....
Time for me to walk away because the name calling has started. This is why I don't talk politics with people that are too far either direction. They cant stay with the discussion and just assume because you feel one way you're either a tree hugger/liberal or right wing nut job.
Yep, isn't there an old saying Two thing you never discuss with people are religion and politics. I am learning not to do both from these boards.