They actually weren't.
Spike TV's UFC 110 replay draws 1.4 million viewers, tops Strikeforce in key demo
I already stated that it's pointless to compare network ratings to cable since one is free (CBS) and the other isn't (Spike TV). But just for the sake of argument:
Yes, the UFC didn't beat Strikeforce in the ratings. BUT.. the UFC
DID beat Strikeforce in the key 18-34 yr old male demographic. Which is the target audience for MMA and the target audience CBS is
trying to get.
UFC 110, which was a replay of a 2 month old event had more 18-34 yr old male viewers watching than Strikforce on CBS which was a live event featuring 3 title fights. That's pathetic no matter how you try to spin it.
And one of those title fights included Dan Henderson, the guy Strikeforce just paid a crap load of money to because SF thought he was a huge draw. Well obviously.. he's not.
Not to mention compared to other
network programming CBS/Strikeforce came in dead last ratings wise. Even against repeats.
America's Most Wanted, Law & Order (repeat), Law & Order SVU (repeat), Castle (repeat), hell.. even a repeat Shark Tale had higher numbers than Strikeforce: Nashville.
Also.. the lead-in for the CBS/Strikeforce card (a repeat of NCIS: Los Angeles) had more viewers (3.58 Million). Which means people bounced when Strikeforce came on. And if you look at the numbers, the biggest drop off was during the Aoki-Melendez fight. Wonder why!?
Aoki vs. Alvarez butt scoot